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Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf

Gray Wolf has never caught the lamb, the red wolf is very angry, and pressed him to the bed "K".

One day, the Gray Wolf was inventing a magical horn. As soon as it was blown, the sheep in the sheep village would automatically come out and let him slaughter.

After the Pleasant Goat was informed, he volunteered to run outside the door of Wolfsburg and desperately knocked on the door. Gray Wolf opened the door and looked like a happy goat. I thought: Is this sheep not wanting to live? I didn't blow the horn, how could he automatically send it to the door? He is wondering, Pleasant Goat said: "If you can answer my two questions, I will let you slaughter!" Gray Wolf said modestly: "You say it!" Pleasant goat said with a smile: "Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang have pencils 8 sticks, if Xiao Ming gives Xiaogang a pencil, then there are as many pencils as the two. How many pencils do Xiaoming and Xiaogang have? Give you three chances to answer the questions! 'When the gray wolf is thinking hard, the red wolf is using it. The pan licked the head of the gray wolf and said, ''You are stupid! You should answer this: set Xiaoming's pencil to X, Xiaogang's pencil to Y, X+Y=8, X-1=Y+1 X=8-Y will be substituted into -1=Y+1, so Y=3, X=5, so the gray wolf tells the Pleasant Goat, Pleasant Goat blinks and says, "Okay, please listen to the second question below,- How much is equal, you have to count! "The Gray Wolf and the Red Wolf were trying to get a large group of small fat sheep, but their brains "worked" for a long time, but they still had no results. The Pleasant Goats sneaked around the Grey Wolf when they tried their best to solve the problem. Behind, quietly changed the horn, at this time, Gray Wolf came up with the answer, saying that it should be 1000, the answer is a multiple of the smaller number, Pleasant Goat thought that the gray wolf is really powerful, then the gray wolf has revealed a terrible smile, Pleasant Goat Deliberately said: "Please wait a moment," Gray Wolf said impatiently, "When you die, what are you doing?" "Pleasant goat said: I heard that you have a new invention. I want to see it before I die." The gray wolf took out the horn and blew it. The red wolf ran over and picked up a sharp kitchen knife and slammed the gray wolf's head. The gray wolf was killed by the red wolf. It turned out that the horn's command changed. It is. When the Pleasant Goat mad at the Red Wolf, he sneaked back to the sheep village. Since then, the sheep have lived a carefree life.

Xu Chengyu, the third grade of the National Primary School in Wu Lao Village, Nanjing

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