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Diary May 14, 2008

Today the school held an event to donate money to areas affected by the earthquake. In the morning, my mother gave me 3 yuan for breakfast. I used 2 yuan. Now I only have 1 yuan. I took this 1 yuan into the donation box. I saw a lot of students also donated, and the teacher praised us on the spot. We all said together that this should be. I think I should come back to donate money tomorrow. There are many coins in my piggy bank. I should give it to the disaster area and do my best with love and strength. Teacher comment: This diary is much better than the previous one, and I know the theme I want to write: dedication and love. Ideologically good. If you want to exercise more in the future, you should be able to write a good article. 2008-8-30 15:39:00

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