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Be a law-abiding person

I asked my mother what is the law. My mother told me: "The law is the same as the "National Code of Conduct for National Students". It is the criterion used to restrain people's behavior. It is to tell us what to do and what to do. As a national student, the key is to Develop good behavior habits, start from small things, start from the "National Standards of Daily Behavior", and enhance the ability to judge right and wrong." For example, some students do not obey the discipline when they go to school, do not listen to the teacher's education. Love thieves, small to take someone else's pencil, an eraser, big enough to steal money, etc., and some students love to fight; another example, some students cross the road and smash the red light, riding a bicycle on the road when they are less than 12 years old. Frequent access to the game room... These actions have been illegal. Classmates, let us obey the law and be a law-abiding national student!

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