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Tour zoo

Today is the first day of 2010. Our family decided to go to the zoo to play. When I arrived at the entrance of the zoo, I saw people everywhere. My father bought the tickets, and I couldn’t wait to go inside.

We started with a variety of fish, and the fish swim freely in the aquarium. We followed the trail to the amphibious animal house with snakes, crocodiles and turtles. Opposite the amphibious animal house is the wildebeest and the sika deer in the fight. One sika deer slammed into another sika deer, the other sika deer was angry, and the horn was used to push it to the tree, and the top sika deer was angry. And topped his own sika deer. Then, a sika deer felt that he could not support it and fled.

When we just wanted to go to the Bird Park, it was a pity that the gods didn't make beauty, and it started to rain. We had to leave the zoo reluctantly.

Fuzhou City affiliated second country junior second grade Chen Yu'an

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