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Yesterday, Zhu Lin was taken away by her father. Until today, she didn’t come. I always felt that my heart was empty. I know that this is just for Zhu Lin. To be honest, she is still good at math, but in Language, science, etc., but I don’t work hard at all. However, I don’t know why her homework is often not done. I went to give Zhu Lin a homework this evening, but she showed a helpless expression. And I found that although I didn't see her for only two days, I felt that I seemed to be stranger to each other. Later, I advised her many times that she actually said that she was relegated, so her father took her to play and prevented her from going to school. My heart screamed. Before she got on the locomotive, she said to me, "Try it, and I must go to school!" I said again: "Even if you are the last one, you Can't give up learning!!"

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