Inspirational world > Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Safety standardization implementation plan

Part 1: Safety Standardization Implementation Plan

In accordance with the national spirit of the archives, in order to further enhance the overall safety level of Weihai Shidao Oil Depot, promote the standardization, standardization and institutionalization of safety work; implement the safety production responsibility system, consolidate the safety production base, and adopt a systematic concept to achieve long-term safety management. Mechanism to prevent the occurrence of Sinopec sales enterprise level accidents; in accordance with the "Safe Production Law", "Hazardous Chemicals Safety Management Regulations", "Safety Standardization Standards for Dangerous Chemicals Practitioners", implement safety standardization work in Weihai Shidao Oil Depot, the specific plan is as follows:

I. Guiding ideology and basic principles:

Establish a "people-oriented" ideology, adhere to the "safety first, prevention-oriented, full-handed, comprehensive management" safety production policy, strengthen the safe production basic work of oil depots, deepen the safety management of hazardous chemicals, and continuously improve the safe production of oil depots . Implement a full-time, full-process, all-round, all-weather safety management and supervision principle.

Second, the event time:

January 5, 2010 to December 31, 2010

Third, the organization and responsibilities

Establish a safety standardization work leading group. The director of the oil depot is the team leader. The supervisor is the deputy team leader. The team leader and self-evaluator are members. They are responsible for organizing, coordinating and carrying out safety standardization work.

According to the deployment and requirements of Weihai City Safety Supervision Bureau, combined with the actual situation of our library, organize the development of safety and quality standardization work implementation plan and supervise the implementation; timely report the progress of safety quality standardization work to the higher security supervision department, summarize the work experience; improve the safety of all staff The understanding of quality standardization work, guidance and coordination of grassroots departments to carry out self-examination and self-reform in accordance with safety and quality standardization standards; contact assessment agencies to review safety standardization work;

The company's safety production management work is institutionalized, standardized and standardized.

Fourth, do a good job in safety standardization, we mainly do the following four aspects of work:

1. Communication, publicity and learning, this is the basis for doing a good job in safety standardization.

External: Communicate with the safety supervision department to grasp the latest requirements for the work;

Report on the latest developments and progress of the company's work;

Pilot companies exchanged ideas and learn from each other;

Contact experts to assess the progress of the work.


The upload of the standardized file is released;

Publicity reports on the work situation, creating a good atmosphere;

Education and training of standardized content;

Mutual communication and information communication

2. The study of relevant knowledge of safety standards and regulations is the prerequisite for the development of safety and quality standardization. Through learning, we will clarify the relevant norms for daily management and use, and provide a basis for self-inspection and evaluation.

3, self-examination and comprehensive evaluation, this is an important means to find and eliminate hidden dangers, is to ensure the safety standardization work to achieve the standard. We can combine the safety equipment inspection work of provincial and municipal companies and use the safety standardization checklist to score and self-assess.

4, hidden danger rectification, this is the purpose of our safety standardization work.

Through the implementation of rectification of hidden dangers, eliminate the unsafe factors of oil inventory or control it within the company's affordable range to ensure the safety of production.


a) Finding and rectifying hidden dangers in equipment and facilities;

b) revisions to various management systems and operational procedures;

c) correction of unsafe behavior of employees;

d) other

V. The implementation of the safety standardization process can be divided into five stages. The above four aspects work throughout.

1. Promotion stage

a) Communication and implementation of relevant files related to safety standardization;

b) use the blackboard newspaper and the bulletin board to publicize the safety standardization work;

c) Conduct safety standardization work and study training for all employees, and obtain full recognition of the implementation of safety standardization activities.

2. Initial state review stage

Combined with the inspection of safety equipment at all levels, the current safety management status, equipment and equipment hidden dangers are reviewed, accidents and incidents are analyzed, and suggestions for improvement are put forward; the current safety production management system is collected and compiled; and the basis for the next step of rectification and work is provided.

3. Risk analysis stage

a) Combine the HSE implemented by the provincial company to do the “Safety Evaluation Report” and complete the hazard identification and risk assessment of the operation of the oil depot.

b) Each department shall determine the prevention and control measures for hidden dangers in response to relevant safety operating procedures and the results of identifying hazards and assessing risks;

4. The specific implementation stage 20XX.07.01--20XX.10.31)

a) All departments should fill in all kinds of safety accounts and records. Improve the safety production responsibility system, safety inspection, conference system, and safety production reward and punishment system.

b) Strengthen the management of dangerous work such as hot work, entering confined space operations, earth-breaking operations, temporary power-consuming operations, high-altitude operations, and clearing tanks according to the specifications, and fill in the work records and work permits.

c) Suspend or post warning signs in the reservoir area, pump room, and delivery area for danger and hazard notification.

d) According to the “Sino-Petrochemical Heavy Emergency Response Plan”, combined with the actual situation of Shidao Oil Depot, the Shidao Oil Depot should be prepared for emergency rescue plans such as fire, explosion, oil spill, flood, earthquake, typhoon and infectious diseases.

5. Self-evaluation and review stage

After completing the above work, the self-assessment will be carried out in conjunction with the safety standardization assessment method for hazardous chemicals, and the self-evaluation activities will be organized and implemented by the safety standardization leading group, and the on-site assessment will be conducted according to the contents of the “Evaluation Standards”. And write a "self-assessment report"; put forward an application for assessment rating. The assessment and assessment team shall conduct on-site assessment. The on-site assessment shall cover all departments and regions of the company; the assessment team shall prepare the assessment report, and submit the assessment report to the enterprise and the assessment agency respectively; the application assessment agency shall conduct an assessment according to the assessment opinions of the assessment team, and determine the assessment of the enterprise. Evaluate the rating results.

Part 2: Safety Standardization Implementation Plan

In order to further implement the State Council's "Decision on Further Strengthening Safety Production Work", the Office of the State Council Security Committee's "Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Safety Production of Hazardous Chemicals" and the State Administration of Safety Supervision, "To Further Strengthen Harm

Guiding Opinions on Standardization of Safety Production of Academic Enterprises: The spirit of No. 124 of the Supervisor of Safety Supervision [20XX] promotes and guides the company to comprehensively carry out safety production standardization, improve safety production conditions, standardize and improve safety management, and continuously improve the level of safety production management. According to the specific circumstances, the implementation plan of the company's safety production standardization work is specially formulated.

First, the guiding ideology

Taking the scientific development concept as the program, adhering to the concept of safe development, and fully implementing the policy of “safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management”, we will carry out the company's safety production standardization work in an in-depth and long-term manner, further implement the company's safety production main responsibility, and strengthen the production process. Process control and safety management of all staff and the whole process, continuously improve safety production conditions, consolidate the foundation of safety management, and gradually establish a safe production working mechanism of self-discipline, self-improvement and continuous improvement.

Second, the work objectives and main content

1 work target

Based on the principle of “reconstruction to zero, step-by-step implementation, gradual advancement, and overall improvement”, the safety production standardization work will be carried out in an all-round way, and it is scheduled to reach the third-level standard for safety production standardization by the end of November 20XX.

2 main content

Safety production standardization is a long-term, comprehensive and basic work of safety production. It cannot be done overnight. It must follow the “Daiming principle” and continuously implement, inspect, summarize and improve according to the PDCA principle.

2.1 Identify safety production standardization work. According to the work objectives and guiding ideology, formulate work objectives, measures and work plans in line with the company's characteristics;

2.2 Decompose and implement safety standardization work responsibilities. Decompose the goal of safety production standardization step by step, level one level, and effectively implement work tasks and work responsibilities into departments, workshops and various positions;

2.3 Establish a standardized work network for company safety production. Organize the establishment of a company's safety standardization leading organization, and designate a person to be responsible for this work. All departments, workshops and teams must have full-time staff to form a sound organizational and working network system;

2.4 Establish a supervision and management mechanism for the company's safety production standardization work. Timely discover and deal with various problems encountered in the implementation of standardization work, so that safety production standardization work is always in an effective state of supervision and control;

2.5 Improve the company's safety production standardization assessment mechanism. The safety production standardization work will be incorporated into the safety production target responsibility assessment system. According to the progress of the project, the awards will be better and better, and the enthusiasm for safety standardization will be improved.

Third, the work steps

The company's safety production standardization work is gradually promoted and implemented in the following four stages:

Preparation Phase

Further improve the company's safety production management system, establish the company's safety management basic account, organize the establishment of the company's safety standardization leading group and the safety standardization work network system, and complete the preparatory work for the establishment of the standard.

Promotional training phase

Safety production standardization work focuses on the participation of all employees. All departments and workshops must attach great importance to it, organize and carry out good publicity and mobilization work, educate all employees to correctly understand the importance and role of safety production standardization work, strengthen safety and quality awareness, and make activities deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Effectively and effectively.

Carrying out safety production standardization activities puts forward higher requirements for the quality of the company and employees. To carry out various forms of safety training, professionals responsible for safety standardization activities should be familiar with safety production laws, regulations and standards, familiar with the corresponding safety production management, safety technology knowledge and related production processes, and have the ability to carry out safety standardization activities. Requirements, lay the foundation for the development of the event.

The safety production standardization work emphasizes the principle of full staff, whole process, all-round, all-weather supervision and management. Therefore, the safety standardization training for all employees is one of the key contents of safety standardization work. According to the actual situation, the company will implement the training in three steps:

1. Each of the company's senior management and middle management personnel has a manual of “Regulations”, adopting self-study and centralized learning methods;

2. The full-time standardization staff of each department and workshop and the team leaders adopt centralized and systematic learning methods;

3. All departments and workshop staff conduct publicity and training through the use of full-time standardization staff and team leaders in the form of team safety activities;

4. The staff members specified in item 2 are the main components of the safety standardization work. The training for them will be carried out intensively in accordance with the progress of the project.

Full implementation phase

The company, various departments, workshops and teams shall be gradually implemented according to the specific contents of the ten first-level elements and 53 second-level elements in the AQ3013-20XX of the General Standard for Safety Standardization of Dangerous Chemicals.

Self-assessment and review stage

At the end of October 20XX, the standardization creation work was basically completed, and self-assessment work was carried out. According to the review situation, rectification, continuous improvement and continuous improvement were implemented. Finally, the Nantong Safety Production Supervision Administration applied for compliance with the standardization of safety production and acceptance.

Fourth, the organization of the leadership and scope of responsibility

Separate notice

V. Implementation measures

The connotation of safety production standardization is that the company should consciously implement safety production laws, regulations, rules, regulations and standards in the production and operation and all management processes, and refine these contents according to these laws, regulations, rules, regulations and standards. Formulate the rules, systems, procedures, standards and methods for the safety production of the company, and implement them in the whole process, the whole process, all-round and all-weather of the company's production management work, so that the company's safety production work is continuously strengthened and Continuous improvement, the company's intrinsic safety level is continuously improved, the company's people, machines, and rings are in harmony, and maintained in the best security state, thus ensuring and promoting the company's healthy and rapid development under the premise of safety.

1. Continuously improve various management systems, start with management innovation, and strive to improve the standardization of management;

2. Take effective measures to do a good job in technological innovation, open the way for safety production standardization, and provide strong guarantee for the company's sustained, stable and efficient development;

3. Starting from the basic work, both grasping the hardware and grasping the software, constantly strengthening the hard indicators, and working hard to improve the soft environment;

4. Improve the reward and restraint mechanism for the establishment of safety production standardization activities, stimulate the enthusiasm of the creation of employees, and comprehensively improve the overall level of compliance with the company's safety standardization;

5. Strengthen the leadership of safety production standardization work, constantly improve the organization of safety production standardization work, establish the company's main responsible person to personally grasp, in charge of the safety production of the company's responsible person to specifically grasp, the professional on-site grasp of a strong organizational security system, the implementation of " Responsibility for rights and interests, and conscientiously implement the responsibility system for production safety standardization.

Six, work requirements

To carry out safety production standardization work, leadership attention is the key. The main responsible person of the company must personally grasp, establish mechanisms, implement responsibilities, careful planning, hierarchical management, full participation, academic standards, analysis and analysis, repeated census, implementation of rectification, and continuous Improve to ensure the achievement of work goals.

Strengthen leadership and implement responsibilities. The main person in charge of the company is the first responsible person of safety production, and the first responsible person of safety production standardization work. It establishes a working organization that clarifies the leadership and implements the responsibility of specific departments and special personnel. The company established a safety standardization construction leading organization and network system, responsible for coordinating, coordinating and guiding the company's safety standardization construction work. All departments and workshops shall establish corresponding leading groups to take charge of the implementation of the safety standardization construction of the department and workshop;

Unify thinking and push forward with all strength. Safety standardization construction has been incorporated into the safety production targets of Nantong City and Rugao City Safety Production Supervision Administration. All departments and workshops must attach great importance to it, and fully understand the importance, urgency and arduousness of carrying out safety standardization work;

Highlight the key points and take care of the general. All departments and workshops should follow the principle of “reconstruction to zero, step-by-step implementation, gradual advancement, and overall improvement” to ensure the orderly progress of compliance work; integrate safety standardization into daily safety supervision. Through safety standardization construction, the safety quality of employees will be enhanced, the intrinsic safety of production equipment will be improved, and the company will ensure stable production and safe development.

Seven, reward and punishment methods

According to the "Economic Assessment Responsibility System" of Jiangsu Longchang Chemical Co., Ltd.

Part 3: Safety Standardization Implementation Plan

1. Purpose

Ensure the scientific, comprehensive, effective, and organized implementation of the enterprise safety standardization implementation process to ensure the production safety of the enterprise.

2. area

Safety production standardization implementation scope

3 responsibility

The enterprise security team is responsible for formulating the plan, and the chief executive of the enterprise security is responsible for the review and implementation after the audit is passed.

4 content

4.1 Establishing a security organization

1) The company set up a safety and environmental protection department, which is responsible for the production safety management and environmental protection work.

2) The general manager of the enterprise directly under the jurisdiction. The enterprise security officer is responsible for handling the daily production safety and environmental protection of the organization. The major production safety or environmental protection incidents must be implemented after approval by the general manager of the enterprise.

3) Establish a safety team, which is composed of the heads of various departments of the enterprise and the key positions, assisting the Ministry of Safety and Environmental Protection in managing the production safety of the enterprise, jointly ensuring the production safety and environmental protection of the enterprise, and jointly handling various safety accidents and environmental accidents.

4.2 Develop a safety management policy

1) Take "safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management" as the enterprise safety management policy.

2) Through the training and safety culture publicity activities, the safety policy will be deepened into employee thinking and awareness.

3) Mark this policy in a prominent position in the company's factory, and remind employees at all times.

4.3 Develop a comprehensive safety management system

1) The security officer is responsible for guiding the responsible persons of each department to formulate the production safety management system of the corresponding department.

2) After the safety management system is formulated, it will be edited into a book according to the requirements of the enterprise management file. The main safety management system must be attached to the wall to facilitate reading and warning.

3) Organize employees to carry out study and training, and they can be employed after passing the examination.

4) All types of safety systems must be announced in time after revision.

4.4 Strictly implement the production safety responsibility system

1) Formulate production safety responsibility system for each position, production process safety system, and post operation safety operation procedures.

2) Through training and learning, the staff of each position can clarify their respective post security responsibilities.

3) Sign the responsibility for safety production so that the safety responsibility can be traced to the source.

4.5 Identify and obtain applicable laws and regulations

1) All laws, regulations and policies concerning enterprise production safety management and environmental protection should be collected and managed to facilitate the rule of law management.

2) Applicable relevant laws and regulations must be kept in physical or electronic text for easy access.

3) Keep an eye on changes in relevant laws and regulations and ensure the timeliness of laws and regulations.

4.6 Conduct safety education training

1) Implementing graded training, all employees must undergo safety and environmental protection training and pass the assessment before they can be employed.

2) Enable employees to grasp the safety awareness and knowledge of safety production, master the post process safety information, master the safe production operation procedures and the correct application of safety facilities and protective equipment, master the self-rescue skills of sudden safety accidents, and understand relevant laws and regulations.

3) Regularly organize relevant production safety training and study to strengthen employees' safety awareness.

4.7 Conducting safety culture activities

1) Conduct production safety culture courses, analyze and analyze various safety accidents, and strengthen employee safety awareness.

2) Organize employees to carry out safety emergency rescue simulation exercises

3) Produce safety culture leaflets, posters, slogans, etc. to enhance safety awareness.

4.8 Deepen the safety of double-base construction

4.8.1 Identify the grassroots level of production safety management and deepen the management of grassroots level:

1) Production base refers to enterprises and institutions engaged in production and management activities, the main task is to improve the level of intrinsic safety management

2) The supervision base refers to the institutions and personnel directly facing the production and operation units to perform safety supervision functions. The main task is to improve the grassroots safety supervision system and mechanism;

3) The leadership grassroots refers to the government and departments and management personnel who are organized and led in the front line of safety supervision and production management. The main task is to implement the responsibility of “grading responsibility, territorial management” and “one post and double responsibility”.

4) Effectively implement the various system requirements for safe production, put the basic work of safety production on an important agenda, be responsible for the first level and implement the responsibility system at the same level, in order to truly achieve safe production.

4.8.2 Defining the basis of production safety and deepening the basic management of production safety:

1) The basis of safe production is the basic hardware construction of safety production, the basic system of safety production, the construction of safety personnel, and the plan, covering the responsibility system, hardware construction, institution construction, facilities and equipment, human and financial inputs, Basic elements such as administrative licensing, establishment of rules, supervision and management, safety investment, education and training, emergency rescue, and accident handling.

2) Strengthen safety production infrastructure construction, enterprise safety standardization construction, hidden danger investigation and management, enterprise site safety management, employee safety quality construction and other safety production management measures, etc., in order to effectively ensure the production safety of enterprises.

4.9 Implementation of enterprise security risk assessment and management

1) Formulate an enterprise safety risk assessment system, clarify the scope of enterprise risk assessment; and adopt appropriate methods and guidelines for evaluation.

2) Organize relevant personnel to carry out scientific and rigorous risk assessment of enterprises according to the safety risk assessment system, and adopt risk control measures, especially the risk control of major hazards.

3) After the enterprise risk assessment, measures are taken for the rectification of the parts that need to be rectified, and the rectification measures are implemented to the grassroots level.

4) Do a good job of risk assessment records and safety measures rectification records, and pay attention to the update of risk information.

4.10 Formulate emergency rescue measures

1) Identify the hazardous materials and classifications of enterprises, identify them, and register them as chemicals

2) Identify the personnel of the emergency rescue team, formulate an emergency rescue plan, and clarify the division of labor and responsibilities

3) Implement emergency rescue drills and prepare emergency relief supplies.

4) Set up an emergency response service telephone and do a good job of hazard files for easy access.

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