Inspirational world > Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Class meeting plan

Part 1: The 2019 Summer Vacation Reunion Planning Book

First, the purpose of the meeting:

A year ago, we went hand in hand and walked through the most splendid and fulfilling days of our lives;

A year later, we flew high and went to different places to pursue our unfinished dreams.

Parting and cutting are constantly missing, and distance is not a friendship. For the promise of the past - "Goodbye!" We decided to reunite together, miss, talk about the situation, talk about ideals.

Second, the party overview:

1. Meeting time: July 20, 2019

2. Meeting place: Lishui City

3, party participants: Jinyun Middle School high XX level 16 class members and teachers

Third, the activity content

1. Organization: All activities are planned and organized by the Alumni Association Organizing Committee, and the Organizing Committee implements the Participation Responsibility System. Responsible for planning activities, liaising venues, inviting participants and teachers. The safety of the participating students and teachers is their responsibility.

2. Preparation in advance:

Through the relevant information resources such as the Internet, telephone, classmates, teachers and friends, tell everyone about the activities and transfer each other.

The work done by the members of the organizing committee before the start of the activity: a is responsible for contacting the classmates and teachers, planning the content of the event, b contacting the event site c, preparing the new address book of the classmates, completing the photo of the school scene, collecting the photos of the group and the photos of the classmates.

3. The day of the event:

Visiting the alma mater

a gather in the square.

b sign in, pay

c First-time students go to contact Mei, arrange a place for classmates to rest.

D12:30, everyone rushed to the restaurant to eat on time.

Dinner exchange

a classmate's representative came forward and gave a short message.

b Teacher Mei spoke and other teachers spoke.

c open rice....

d taking pictures and taking pictures during the meal


After the lunch, everyone went to the park, took a group photo, chat, and retired....

Fourth, the event is over:

Within three days, the organizing committee will announce the qq group and everyone's mailbox, and save all the bills for inspection. The fee for the participating teacher is not charged.

Send the wonderful photos of the classmates to the group space, share them for sharing.

V. Other matters:

Part 2: Class reunion planning book

Time is like an arrow, the years are like a shuttle; the past is unforgettable, warm as yesterday. I am grateful to the day when I met and started to share the first few years of the year. Let us experience the pure and warm years of life in this life together. I am fortunate to be the witness of each other’s growth process. If there is no contact, please believe in each other. attention. In the past few years, I have not seen each other every day, I have no days to miss, and I have interrupted the days of communication. I believe that I often think of each other, because you know that hiding is not meant to have been forgotten. To commemorate the days that have passed together, bless every day in the future, let me tell you in front of you what I used to look in my eyes, tell you that I am paying attention to you, let me share with you your life experience in the past few years, you know - - You are my brothers and sisters. In order to get together in a few years, the following options are formulated:

I. Organizational preparation

Financial procurement: Responsible for the formulation of per capita cost budget, fees, expenses and financial disclosure, etc., to negotiate and negotiate on dining hotels, tea houses, ktv and other related matters; the task leader is to be determined.

Contact Group: Responsible for completing the contact with the classmates and the invitation of the class teacher before February 1, 2019. This task is in charge of Qinhua students. If you have any teachers and classmates, please let me know Qinhua.

Propaganda Group: Responsible for contacting the photo studio, on-site photography, address book production, and the compilation and distribution of the class reunion album; the person in charge of this task is to be determined.

Second, the project activity time: tentatively scheduled for February 4 or 5, 2019, considering that after many years, many students have to return to the company to go to work or go to New Year, etc., set years ago.

Third, activity consumption: frugality, equality, aa system, the specific expenses by the Finance Group according to the activity project budget, the money was handed over to the company on February 1, 2011, and the expenses of individual activities outside the schedule are self-care.

Fourth, the schedule and activities:

9:00h staff concentrated in a certain place, sign in, leave contact telephone, qq, e-mail, etc., take a photo.

12:00h lunch is self-care or have other suggestions, after everyone agrees to decide.

13:30h to the tea house reserved by the Finance Group to drink tea, everyone chat, talk about the old.

16:40h to the hotel booked by the Finance Group, the teachers and classmates came to the stage to agree.

19:00h to the ktv scheduled by the Finance Group to sing, carnival, all night long.

V. Post-work: The compilation and distribution of the class reunion album should be distributed to the students in the hands of the students before the 5th of the first month.

The above is the arrangement of the activities I planned. If the students have suggestions, please contact us.

I am looking forward to this gathering, and everyone has not seen it for six or seven years.

Psalm 3: "Dream journey, youth start" class evening planning book

First, the overall summary of the party

1. Theme: Dream journey ● Youth starting

2. Objective: To enrich my class's spare time, enhance the feelings between the students, give full play to each individual's specialty, reflect the true level of the students, and reflect the spirit of my classmates' college life.

3. Party time: xx early June

4. Party location: to be determined

5. See the party staff: 08 class 2 classmates

6. Moderator: To be determined

Second, the program form

The party was mainly attended by all the classmates, and they thought that each unit must have its own program. A large number of games will be interspersed in the show to enhance the entertainment of the party, and a large number of prizes will be sent out during the party.

Third, the specific process "roughly"

1. The host announces the start of the party

2. Program

3. Games

4. Program

5. Games

6. Program

7. The teacher concluded that the moderator announced the end.

4. Program Details "Reordering the specific programs on the newspapers."

Fives. Props and cost budget:

1. Props: paper, ribbon, color powder, balloons, material paper, double-sided tape, fine lines, jewelry, paper cups

2 speakers, 2 microphones, one flash, one water lamp, a garland, a luminous bar

2. Food: melon seeds, peanuts, apples, oranges, watermelons, paper towels, sugar, slag, drinks, pure water, one big cake.

six. Source of activities: fee

Seven. A dv photographer, responsible for the camera.

☆ Rules of the game: 1: Grab the chair: On the stage to three stools, invite four people to come up, put on the music, four people accompany the music to turn up, when the music stops, grab the stool, no rush to eliminate the game, minus one Zhang chair, continue the front action, when the music stops, grab two stools, not sitting to eliminate, the last two sit on a stool, to win.

2. Drumming a balloon, when the music stops, who is going to perform the program in the place where the balloon is, six to seven times, depending on the host, depending on the atmosphere of the scene.

If the show is not showing, the host can prepare some notes in advance, write an idiom name for each note, perform idioms, or say one of their ugliest things, or sing a popular song. The ball man is doing an action show, he

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