Classic quotes

Shakespeare's famous quotes and classic quotes

Shakespeare, the world's greatest playwright and poet. He lived in the British Renaissance and was a master of the European Renaissance humanist literature.

1, diligent for priceless treasure, cautious for body protection.

2. No matter how long the night is, the day will always come.

3. Don't give up the purpose you were determined to achieve just because of one failure.

4, people who like vanity, cover a rich coat with an ugly underwear.

5, the clothes are new, the friends are old.

6. Simplicity is the soul of wisdom, and lengthy is superficial algae.

7. Life is like a idiot saying a dream, full of jealousy and turmoil, but it does not make any sense.

8. Love is the spark of life, the sublimation of friendship, and the coincidence of the soul. If human emotions can distinguish between levels, then love should belong to the highest level.

9, love and charcoal are the same. If you burn it, you can't cool it.

10, simple but more intimate words can touch my heart.

11, time will pierce the color of the youthful face, will dig deep trenches in the beauty of the amount; will eat the rare treasure! Naturally beautiful, nothing escapes his sweeping sickle.

12, love is not the sweet words under the shade of flowers, not the honey words in the peach blossom source, not the light tears, not the hard compulsion, love is based on a common language.

13. Bad habits can hinder you from going to fame, profit, and enjoyment at any time.

14. Wise people never sit down and wailing for failure. They must be optimistic to find ways to save.

15. When we can't afford happiness, we should never walk too close to the window and stare at happiness.

16. A person's life is short, but if he goes through this life in a despicable way, it will be too long.

17, the best things have a lost day. A memory that is etched in our mind will be forgotten one day. Those who love again have a day to go. A beautiful dream, there is also a day of recovery.

18, to justify a fault, often makes this fault seem extraordinarily significant, just like using a cloth to fill a small hole, but want to cover it.

19, even with 12 locks, the "beauty" is firmly locked in the secret room, "love" can still open the locks and go straight.

20, love is blind, lovers can not see their own stupid things.

21, not too warm love will last a long time.

22, people can control their own destiny, if we are subject to people, the fault is not in fate, but in ourselves!

23. I admit that there is no more pain in the world than the punishment of love, and there is nothing more happier than serving it.

24. Woman, your name is weak.

25, in the fate of the subversion, it is easy to see a person's integrity.

26. Our body is like a garden, and the will is the gardener in this garden... Let it be ruined and ruined, and it is hard to cultivate it. That power lies in our will.

27. In the gloomy days, don't let the cold fate sneak up; since the fate comes to insult us, we should use the calm attitude to retaliate.

28. There is a class of humble work that is endured by the spirit of hard work. The lowest things often point to the highest goals.

29, many things in the world, the pursuit of time is always more intense than the enjoyment of the time.

30. The fame is a slave of the squat. On each tombstone, a flattering slogan is spoken, but under the unspoken land, the skeleton of the loyal and loyalists is often buried.

31. Vanity is a boring thing to deceive; the person who gets it may not have any merits, and the person who loses it may not have any fault.

32. If love is mixed with calculations that have nothing to do with it, then it is not true love.

33. The failure of countless people is a failure to do things incompletely, often stopping only one step away from success.

34. What a great masterpiece mankind is! What a noble reason! What a great power! What a beautiful instrument! What a gentle move! How like an angel in behavior! How much like a god in wisdom! The essence of the universe! The primacy of all things! From: Life Xiaoyu

35. The glorious glory of the human world is often produced in sin, and sacrifices its conscience for the sake of fame outside.

36. Youth is a short-lived dream. When you wake up, it has disappeared.

37. Life is just a shadow of walking. A poor monk who gesticulates on the stage, for a moment, quietly retreats in silence. It is a story told by a fool, full of jealousy and turmoil. Can't find any meaning.

38. God is fair. Those who control the destiny are always standing at the ends of the balance. Those who are mastered by destiny only understand that God has given him the fate.

39. The difference between good and evil lies in the behavior itself, not in the presence or absence of status.

40. Unsatisfactory marriage is like hell. For a lifetime, chickens fight for geese, and they are not allowed to live. On the contrary, choosing a satisfactory spouse will be a hundred years of harmony and happiness.

41. Don't blame the truth you don't know, or you will compensate your past with the danger of life.

42. Modesty is the highest self-denial.

43. Don't swear by the moon, it is erratic, and every month is full of profit and loss; if you swear by it, maybe your love is as impermanent as it is.

44. In order to frame us, the devil often deliberately tells the truth to us, gains our trust in small things, and then we break into his trap at an important juncture.

45. Self-confidence is the first step toward success; lack of self-confidence is the main reason for failure.

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