Classic quotes

Famous sayings about difficult hardships

1. What the world lacks is perseverance, not strength. - Hugo

2, there is no difficulty in the world, I am afraid of people.

3, jade does not mean nothing, people do not learn do not know.

4, eat hard and bitter, and be a person.

5, Bao Jianfeng from the grinding out, plum blossoms come from bitter cold.

6. One of the great advantages of a great person is that he is indomitable in unfavorable and difficult encounters. - Beethoven

7. It is rare to see someone who concentrates on completing a beautiful and legitimate thing. What we usually see is not the timid scholasticism, but the eagerness to seek success. - Goethe

8. The goal is set. In the process of learning and practice, no matter what difficulties or twists and turns, you will not be discouraged, do not easily change the goals of your own decisions, and work hard to learn and struggle, so that you will achieve something and achieve yourself. the goal of. ——Wu Yuzhang

9. People who will continue to continue their careers at the beginning of their lives are happy. ——Herzen

10, strong will, will overcome bad luck.

11. For a persevering person, nothing can be done. - Haywood

12. Steel is trained in fire and rapid cooling, so it can be hard and not afraid of anything. Our generation is also trained to struggle in the struggle and in the terrible test, and learn not to surrender in the face of life. --Ostrovsky

13. The cause is often persevering and ruined. I saw it in the desert, and the hurrying traveler fell behind the calm; the galloping horse fell behind, and the slow camel continued to move forward. - Sadie

14, Tian Xingjian, gentleman to self-improvement. - Wen Tianxiang

15. The most important thing in life is to have a lofty goal and to accomplish it with the help of talent and perseverance. - Goethe

16. Even when staring at the earth, the superb eyes still maintain the ability to stare at the sun. - Hugo

17, genius, is one percent of inspiration, ninety-nine percent of sweat.

18. The big thing is not the size of strength, but how long it can last. - Jensen

19. Tell me the mystery that made me reach my goal. My only strength is my persistence. - Pasteur

20. Even if you encounter an unfortunate disaster, things that have already started will never give up. - Anonymous

21. My essence is not the result of my will. On the contrary, my will is the result of my essence, because I have existed first, then has the will, and there is no will, but there is no will without it. - Felbach

22. You should cultivate confidence in yourself and in your own strength. This kind of faith is obtained by overcoming obstacles, cultivating will and exercising will. - Gorky

23. There is a saying in Italy: the request for a singer, first of all, the scorpion, the scorpion and the scorpion... I am now inferiorly following this formula: for a person who wants to become the kind of "person" claimed by Gorky. The first requirement is the will, the will and the will. --Ostrovsky

24. God's grace is like a candle. The will of a person is like the wax of a candle. People have to go to the upper land paradise on the top of the purgatory, and they lack the will to be their own. - Dante

25, never lament for the hard years, never for those who are sad for their own destiny, is indeed a great man. - Seneca

26. The strengths or weaknesses of people in terms of willpower and struggle are often one of the important reasons for their success or failure. - Hardy

27, will - this is not simply the satisfaction of desire and desire, but also desire and suppression, desire and give up. If your child is only trained to fulfill his or her wishes, he will not have the greatest will. - Macalenko

28. If the will wants to have the power of the law, it must accept the temperance when the rational command is given. - Aquinas

29, a person wants to open up a most occluded place, with money still not, he still has to have knowledge; and knowledge, integrity, patriotism, if there is no firm will, throw away personal interests, dedication to a social ideal, That is also in vain. - Balzac

30. As long as there is an infinite self-confidence filled with the soul, and with strong will and independent wisdom, one day will succeed. - Maupassant

31. Anyone who is vulnerable, as long as all the energy is devoted to the sole purpose, will make it a success. - Cicero

32. People's thoughts are remarkable. As long as they focus on a certain cause, they will certainly make achievements that surprise them. --Mark Twain

33. Experience and perseverance are the two feet of success. - Anonymous

34. Will is the power of a unique individual to correct his own autonomy. - Lawrence

35. Don't be discouraged, don't despair, be optimistic about everything... need to be determined – this is the most important thing, and it is easy to have everything that is determined to be difficult. - Gogol

36. Those who can win universal respect are not because of his prominent status, but because of his consistent words and deeds and indomitable spirit. --Leo Tolstoy

37. The will of the person is not always omnipotent, because laughter and tears will follow the passion that produces these things, and the most sincere people can't control them. - Dante

38. The will is free, the realization of his will, and the realization of himself, and this self-realization is the greatest satisfaction for the individual. - Fromm

39. Physics teaches us a serious lesson: the will of human beings is subject to certain decisive restrictions. - Al Babi

40. Before you start fulfilling your mission, you must have steel-like will and patience. Don't be afraid of the steep, long, almost endless ladder... ——Gogan

41. A person cannot ride two horses. If you ride this one, you will lose that horse. A wise man will put all the requirements of decentralism out of his mind, and only concentrate on one, and learn to learn it. - Goethe

42. Whoever has no patience will have no wisdom. - Sadie

43. Great work is done with strength but with patience. - Jensen

44. Without great willpower, there can be no talents. - Balzac

45. If you learn to go against the water, you will not retreat.

46, the day will be reduced to the people of the S, also must first bitter their minds, hungry their body, empty body!

47, frozen three feet, not a cold day.

48. Although there are dark clouds in the sky, there will always be a sun shining on the top of the dark clouds. ——Miura Scorpion

49. Only when it is painful, can there be joy. - Beethoven

50. Difficulties are bad things and good things. Difficulties will force people to find ways. The difficult environment can train talents. ——Xu Teli

51. In the storms of life, we often learn the captain's appearance and throw away the bulky goods under the storm to reduce the weight of the ship. - Balzac

52. Adversity shows the Wizards, and the good times are hidden. - Horace

53. Adversity can defeat the weak and create the strong. - Nixon

54. Only through the infernal tempering, can we create the power to create heaven, only the fingers that flow through the blood, in order to play the world's swan song. - Tagore

55, Bao Jianfeng from the grinding out, plum blossoms come from bitter cold.

56. The difficulty of being overcome is an opportunity for victory. - Horace

57. People with weak will cannot be sincere. - La Roche Fuco

58. The road is enough to forget the spring of the object, and the ambition is enough to rise and fall. --Su Shi

59, dripping water through the stone, not because of its strength, but because of its perseverance, perseverance. - Latimer

60. People always have to make mistakes, frustrations, and brains, but they must not stand still; the tasks that should be completed, even if they sacrifice their lives, must be completed. The holy water of the river of society is kept clean because it is pushed forward by a never-ending torrent. This means that the river bank will occasionally be washed away, causing losses in a short time, but if you are afraid of the river bank break, you will try to block the rapids forever, it will only lead to stagnation and death. - Tagore

61. Do it according to your own will. Don't listen to those gossip, you will succeed. - Nasreddan Hoxal

62, remember! The more serious the situation, the more difficult it is, the more it needs to be firm, active, and courageous, and the more inaction, the more harmful it is. --Leo Tolstoy

63. Focus your energy on a focus, just like a lens. - Fabre

64. Life is an arduous struggle. You can never take a break. Otherwise, if you earn one inch and one foot, you may lose it in an instant. -Roman Roland

65, the will is a strong blind person, leaning on the shoulders of the blind eye. ——Schopenhauer

66. Please remember that the harder and harder the environment, the more perseverance and confidence you need, and the greater the harm of slack. --Leo Tolstoy

67. The human psychology is like this, and it seems to be always like this; the more you can't get the hand, the more you want it, and the more difficult you will encounter in realizing this desire, the will to struggle The stronger it is. - Giovanni Ori

68. Don't be discouraged, even if you lose everything, you still have the future. - Oscar Wilde

69, patience and perseverance will always get paid. - Einstein

70. Seedlings can't grow into trees without wind and rain.

71. With confidence, it is the beginning of success.

72. The difficulty is the reef. The sea dares to attack to inspire beautiful waves.

73. Ascend to the top of the mountain, it may be scarred, but what you see is infinite scenery.

74, the difficulty is like a spring, see if you are strong or not; if you are strong, he will be weak, if you are weak, he will be strong.

75. Go upstream and find the source of water.

76. It is determined that the green hills are not relaxed, and the roots are in the rock. Millions of blows are still strong, and the wind is northeast and southeast. —— Zheng Banqiao

77. There is no difficulty in the world, as long as Kenden climbs. - Mao Zedong

78. Those who can overcome difficulties can turn difficulties into opportunities. - Churchill

79. The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory. - Cicero

80. There is no flat road in science. Only those who are not afraid of hard work and climb along steep mountain roads can hope to reach the culmination of glory. - Marx

81, not afraid of high mountains, they are afraid of soft legs.

82, the world is not difficult, I am afraid of people.

83. There are mountains and roads, and there are rivers to cross.

84. There is no danger in front of the Warriors.

85. There are only unhappy axes, no firewood that can't be opened.

86. Those who dare to struggle are not afraid of difficulties in their hearts.

87, doing things is not afraid of difficulties, since no trouble.

88, you are not afraid of difficulties, the difficulties are afraid of you. (United Kingdom)

89. Winter has arrived, will spring be far behind? (United States)

90. There is no wisdom without difficulty.

91. Difficulties are people's textbooks. (Korea)

92, to catch big fish, can not be afraid of water depth.

93. If you want to pick a rose, you have to be afraid of stabbing.

94. The most difficult time is the day we are not far from success.

95. Those who are afraid of climbing the peak will always be kneeling down the mountain.

96. Xiaolong wants to go to the sea and fight the tiger to go up the mountain.

97, afraid to take the rugged road, do not want to climb the peak.

98. Young is half the victory.

99. When there is no boy in life, sweet and sour.

100, there are people who are willing to compete.

101. Adversity hone people. Adversity is a teacher. The bitterness of adversity can be sweet.

102. To overcome difficulties and get out of the predicament, success will belong to you.

103, genius is one percent of inspiration, ninety-nine percent of blood and sweat. - Edison

104. Adversity is a path to the truth. - Byron

105, calm lake, can not refine the fine sailors; comfortable environment, can not create the great man of the era. - Lebedev

106. Miracles often appear in bad luck. - Bacon

107. The way to finish the work is to cherish every minute. - Darwin

108. Those who forget today will be forgotten tomorrow. - Goethe

109, three more lights five chickens, it is the man reading, the black hair does not know how to learn early, white hair regrets reading late. ——Yan Zhenqing

110, less strong and not working hard, the old man is sad. - "Long Songs"

111. The climbers who are aiming at the peaks will not be enchanted by some footprints along the way.

112. The waves are smashing for the hurricane and the hustle and bustle.

113. The mountain road is not as crowded as the people.

114, the rapids of the rapids can appreciate the wonders of the source of the river.

115. If both feet of the compass move, a circle will never be drawn.

116. If you want to climb the peak, don't use the rainbow as a ladder.

117. How can the footsteps continue to move forward? Leave your footprints behind you.

118. No matter how steep the mountains are, there is always a way to climb for those who are not afraid of hardship.

119. The person who surrounds the full stop of life cannot be half-step ahead.

120, as long as you can harvest sweet, there will be busy bees in the thorns.

121. Entering and using the sweat spectrum is a song of struggle and hope.

122. Life is sweet or bitter, but it can't be tasteless. You can win or fail, but you can't give in.

123. To your beautiful hopes and pursuits to open the Internet cafe, 999 times lost, and a thousand times...

124. Opportunities are only open to those who are proactive and enterprising, and mediocrity can never be patronized.

125. Those who walk only on the concrete floor will never leave a deep footprint.

126. The meaning of vitality lies in hard work, because the world itself is an arena.

127, the character of the waves, is countless times crushed by the reef and countless flashes to the reef.

128. Because the eucalyptus is rooted in the deep soil, the green shade of life will be longer and more lush, and the scorpion will enjoy the same treatment as the seedlings, but it will not be the grain of the ear.

129, pride, is the kite that has broken the lead, fleeting; inferiority, is the bird that cut the wings, it is difficult to go to the sky, both of which are taboos of becoming talented.

130. If the sapling refuses to pruning because of the fear of pain, it will never be mature.

131. After some tempering in the sea, the pebbles become more beautiful and smooth.

132. The rapids of life have emerged into the cliffs of Wanzhang. As long as they go further, they will become magnificent waterfalls.

133. Go ahead, swing the boat of life, do not have to be attached and trustworthy, and the ship that breaks the waves will open all the new flowers all the way.

134, bonsai show wood is because of being loved, it has shattered the dream of becoming a pillar.

135. If you compare talent to sword, then diligence is a sharpening stone.

136. The baptism of the mud that has withstood the fire will also have a strong body.

137. The spring water of the mountains has sung a wonderful song after all the twists and turns.

138. When the waterfall crosses the steep and steep wall, it is extraordinarily majestic.

139. Through the road in the clouds, only kiss the climbers' footprints.

140, the colorful clouds floating in the air, naturally proud, but at most can only exchange a few praises; only turned into sweet rain and rooted in the fertile soil, in order to create the world.

141. Education is the mother of talents, and society is the home of talented people.

142. The streamers on the laurels are not made of genius fibres, but are made of silk that is painful and hard to be woven.

143. There is no flash of a pearl, which is smeared by others.

144. The footprints in the desert quickly disappeared. A piece of hard-working songs has been stirring for a long time in the hearts of the trekkers.

145. Since you are looking for a road, why bother to find out how long it will take. Excerpt from: Inspirational Quotes

146. To persist in the great cause of the will requires a spirit of unswerving. - Voltaire

147. Public interests, human welfare, can make abominable work valuable, and only open-minded people can know the enthusiasm needed to overcome difficulties.

148. In the duel of hope and disappointment, if you hold with courage and determined hands, victory must be hope. ——Prini

149. What a person can do is to make good example and have the courage to firmly hold up the ethical belief in the society of the wind and the wind. - Einstein

150. Since you are expecting a glorious and great life, you should start from today, with unwavering determination and unshakable faith, with your own wisdom and perseverance to create the happiness of you and mankind. - Anonymous

151. The most terrible enemy is that there is no strong belief. -Roman Roland

152. As long as you continue to work hard and struggle tirelessly, there will be no conquering things. - Seneca

153. Whether it is the song of a beautiful woman or the arrogance of a dog, whether it is the tears of a crocodile or the roar of a wolf, it will not shake me. - Chapman

154, the book does not remember, familiar reading can be recorded; righteousness is not refined, careful thinking can be fine; but there is no ambition, no direct focus. - Zhu Xi

155. Since I have embarked on this road, nothing should prevent me from going down this road. ——Kant

156. Strong beliefs can win the hearts of the strong and make them stronger. ——Bai Zhete

157, the three armies can win handsome, but the husband can not win. - Anonymous

158. Determined not to be strong, and ultimately does not work. - Zhu Xi

159, wealth can not be lascivious, infertile can not move, might not be able to bend. - Mencius

160. The goal of will is not in nature, but in life. ——Wu Ren Xiao Lu Shi

161. If the will is submissive, regardless of the degree, it helps the violence. - Dante

162. As long as you have strong willpower, you will naturally have the ability, the cleverness and the knowledge. - Dostoevsky

163, merits and ambitions, industry and Guangwei. - Anonymous

164. There are not many people who can stand still and stick to the righteousness. - Hugo

165, determined to use the work as a plant, the root buds, still not dry; and there are dry, no branches; branches and leaves, leaves and flowers. - Wang Shouren

166. Whoever has a hard-working will will be able to achieve any purpose. - Minand

167. The will to make no decision is not the will of reality; the person without character never makes a decision. - Hegel

168. Those who persist in pursuing and getting the most happiness from them are the winners. - Thoreau

169. With a firm will, it is equivalent to adding a pair of wings to your feet. - Joe Bailey

170. The will of the supported people with indomitable beliefs is more powerful than those seemingly invincible material forces. - Einstein

171. The emergence of the will is not a denial of desire, but a merger and promotion to a higher level of consciousness. - Luo Luomei

172. There will never be manpower to repel a hope of resolute and determined. - Kingsley

173. A lofty goal, as long as it is pursued unscrupulously, will be a feat; in its pure eyes, all virtues will be victorious. - Wordsworth

174, poor and hard, do not fall into the blue cloud. - Wang Bo

175. The formation of ideas is first and foremost the formation of the will. - Moloa

176. Only a strong person has a sacred will, and anyone who fights can win. - Goethe

177. Regardless of the big thing or the small thing, as long as you think that you have done a good job, you will firmly do it. This is the character. - Goethe

178. Things are very simple people. All the secrets are only two sentences: unyielding and insisting on the bottom. - Dostoevsky

179. To be tough, the most important thing is to stick to the end. - Dostoevsky

180. There is nothing that can't be done in life, but it needs a strong desire. If necessary, you should not hesitate to live. - Column Leonov

181. If a person can do his best in the direction of his ideals with confidence, and he is determined to live the life he has thought of, he will surely get unexpected success. - Dale Carnegie

182. Those who do not lose courage in major events have to be regarded as a good fighter. Even if you don't have anything to do, you don't feel bored. If you want anything, you can bear it. No matter how you want him, he always insists on his own ideas. This is a good warrior. - Gogol

183. Everything is created by the will of man. ——Platus

184. Discoverers, especially a young, discoverer who needs to be courageous, need to be courageous to ignore the indifference and suspicion of others, to persist in the will they have discovered, and to continue the research. - Beveridge

185. Once the road to life is selected, we must bravely go to the end and never look back. ——Zola

186. A determined person will find his way.

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