Classic quotes

Classic Zen quotations, full of Buddha's famous sayings

1. Bodhi has no trees, and the mirror is not Taiwan. There is nothing in it, and it is dusty. - Liuzu Huineng

2, all things are law, such as dream bubbles, such as dew is also like electricity, should be like this. --"Diamond Sutra"

3, the human body is rare, the six feelings are difficult, the oral argument is difficult, the talent is difficult, the life is difficult to obtain, the people are hard to suffer, the blunt words are difficult, the big heart is difficult to send, the law is unpleasant, it is difficult. ——《五苦章句经》

4, the human body is rare, such as excellent flowers. Get the person, such as the claws on the soil; lose the person, such as the earth. - "Niepan Sutra"

5, the color is not empty, empty is not different; color is empty, empty is color. - "The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra"

6, one is more, more is one. - "Hua Yan Jing"

7, the day has passed, life is also reduced, such as less water fish, what is the music, the public is diligent, such as saving the head, but ignorance, be careful not to let go. - Puxian Bodhisattva Police

8. If you come here, you will be born, only to say that Amitabha is willing to sea. - Master of Good Guidance

9. It’s hard to get a personal life. It’s hard to hear the Dharma. I don’t know how to live this life. - Bin Zong Master

10, all sentient beings, all have the wisdom and virtue, but because of the desire to be persistent, can not be proved. - "Hua Yan Jing"

11, Bodhisattva has a law. Can break all evils. What is one. It is said that I stayed up late and thought about it. Observe the good law. Let the good law. Thinking about growth. Nothing is too much. Miscellaneous. It can make all evils die. Good law is complete. - "Ten Shanye Road"

12, good protection of the mouth industry, do not marry him; good protection of the industry, do not break the law; good care, clean and clean. ——《无量寿经》

13. All evils are done, all good deeds; self-purification is Buddhism. ——Seven Buddha Pass

14, one flower and one world, one leaf and one bodhi.

15, can not say, can not be said, it is wrong to say.

16. Deaf people give way. Helping you well. Blessed is great.

17, big sadness and no tears, no realization, no laughter.

18, life has eight suffering: life, old, sick, dead, love to leave, grievances for a long time, can not be allowed, can not let go.

19, do not let go, can only hold the mind for a long time.

20, love to leave, resentment, let go, no class. it's just what you see, but nothing deep.

21, bitter sea has no end, back is the shore. Put down the butcher knife and set up the place to become a Buddha.

22. Why not?

23, less desire, then less annoying.

24. Everything is illusory.

25, the moment is eternal.

26, can not say, can not be said.

27, the color is empty, empty is the color.

28, I don't go to hell, who goes to hell.

29, in the thorns, people do not move without thorns.

30, save a life, win the seven-level floating battalion.

31. There is no good or evil, and good and evil are in the heart.

32. There is no tree in Bodhi, and there is no Taiwan in the mirror. There is nothing in the world, where is the dust!

33. If you come, the fate will be scattered, the origin will be born, and the edge will be destroyed.

34, such as people wrought iron. Go to the device. The device is fine. The person who learns. Go to the heart stain. The line is clean.

35, feathering is not my choice, I am not a choice of feathering, destined eyes, overlooking all things.

36. Love is caused by love, and love is born, if you are away from love, there is no worry and no fear.

37, pure mind and guard. Can be the way. For example, grinding mirrors. The scale is gone. There is no desire to break. Be fate.

38. If the species is the cause, the income is the result, and everything is created by the heart.

39. A ignorance is as good as a singularity.

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