Classic quotes

a famous saying about Buddhism, a famous sentence about Zen

1, the world is impermanent, the country is endangered, the four major sufferings, the five yin without me, the birth and death variability, hypocrisy. - "The Eight Great People"

2, more desire for suffering, life and death fatigue, from greed, less desire for inaction, physical and mental freedom. - "The Eight Great People"

3, Bodhisattva gives, wait for resentment, do not read the old evil, do not hate people. - "The Eight Great People"

4, all sentient beings want to be different, and the industry is different, so there are all kinds of interesting rotations. - "The Buddha said the ten good business roads"

5, if everything is, you can't help but make a good or bad career. The heart is colorless, not visible, but vain. - "The Buddha said the ten good business roads"

6, the collection of laws, after all, no Lord, no me and me. Although they are all business, they are different, but in reality, there is no author. Therefore, all laws are unconceived and self-conscious. - "The Buddha said the ten good business roads"

7. Bodhisattva has a method that can break all evils. What is one? It is said that staying up late, often thinking about the observation of good law, so that all good laws and thoughts grow, not to be unreasonable. It means that all evils will be forever broken and good law will be completed. - "The Buddha said the ten good business roads"

8, Shi Shanye Road. What is ten? It means that you can never kill, steal, evil, slang, two tongues, evil mouths, slang, greed, jealousy, evil. - "The Buddha said the ten good business roads"

9, quit the solemnity of the village, can give birth to all the righteousness of Dharma, to meet the great wishes. - "The Buddha said the ten good business roads"

10, Ci Zhuang strict, in the public can not afford to be annoyed; sad and solemn, sorrow all living, often do not hate; Xizhuang strict, see the repair of the good, the heart is not too swearing; solemn and strict, Yushun violation, no love Heartless. - "The Buddha said the ten good business roads"

11. If the Bodhisattvas make good use of their hearts, they will win all the merits. ——《大方广佛华严经净行品》

12. Know all the laws. That is, self-sufficiency. Achievements. Can't help him. ——《大方广佛华严经梵行品》

13, in the Buddhism, the heart is in the way, living in the path of the Buddhas coming and going, living with the people, will not leave. Such as the law, the ability to understand, break all evil, with good. ——《大方广佛华严经净行品》

14, in the body nothing. Yu Xiu has nothing to do. Nothing to live in. The past is gone. The future is not yet. It’s empty now. No operator. No recipients. This world does not move. He will not change. What is the way? Named Brahman. ——《大方广佛华严经梵行品》

15. The Brahman law cannot be obtained. The three worlds are all empty. I didn’t take it. The heart is free from obstacles. There is nothing wrong with it. Convenient for yourself. Subject to no phase law. There is no such thing as a law. Knowing that the Dharma is equal. Have all the Dharma. Such as the name of the clear van Gogh. ——《大方广佛华严经梵行品》

16. All sentient beings. Both body and mind are illusory, and the body is four. The heart is divided into six dusts, and the four bodies are separated. Who is the peacemaker?

17. The smell has always been compassionate. Observe all beings. Not to leave. Thinking about the laws. No rest. Nothing goes on business. Do not ask for results. The realm of knowledge. Such as a dream. It’s like a shadow. It is also like a change. ——《大方广佛华严经梵行品》

18. In the various laws. Do not give birth to two solutions. All Dharma. I am sick now. ——《大方广佛华严经梵行品》

19. Everything is inseparable from the law.

20, what period of self-sufficiency is self-cleaning. What period of self-sufficiency does not die. What period of self-sufficiency is self-sufficient. What period of self-sufficiency is not shaken. What is the self-performance method?

21, do not know the heart. Learning law is not helpful. If you know yourself. See yourself. Namely husband, heavenly teacher, Buddha.

22, Dharma is the only way.

23, all premises. Everything is in the middle. Nothing is foolish. Always wisdom. It is a prajna. A ignorance is as good as nothing. A mind is just as boring.

24, the three Buddhas. Twelve classics. It has its own in human nature. Can't realize it. Need to ask for good knowledge. Instructed to see. If you are self-seeking. Do not ask for outside.

25. If you see all the laws. The heart is not stained. It is for no thought.

26, if the true monk, not seen in the world.

27, Dharma in the world, do not leave the world, leaving the world Bodhi, just like the rabbit corner.

28, Bodhi self-sex. It was originally clean. But use this heart. Straight into a Buddha.

29. Although people have north and south. Buddha nature has no north and south. Hunting is different from monks. What is the difference between Buddhahood?

30, the world is dead and big. I waited for Fukuda all day long. Do not find the sea of ​​life and death. Self-confidence. How can you save?

31. Being a Bodhi tree, the heart is like a mirror table, and it is always diligent, so don't make it dusty.

32. There is no Bodhi, you must get your words, you can understand yourself, see your own nature, you can't live without it. In all your time, you can see your own self-satisfaction, you can't be stagnate, you really have everything, and everything is free. If the heart is true, it is true.

33. If you want to learn Supreme Bodhi, you should not be lighter than beginners.

34. The next person has Shangzhizhi.

35. Bodhi has no trees, and the mirror is not Taiwan. There is nothing in it, and it is dusty.

36. Merit is in the body of the law. Not for blessing. Nothing to say. Common nature. Really magical. Named merit. Being modest is the merit. The layman is a gift. Self-establishment of the law is a merit. The mind is a virtue. Being self-sufficient is merit. Applying without dye is virtue.

37. The Buddha is in the middle of sex. Do not ask outside.

38. What is the heart of the mind?

39. One line and three people. Stay and sleep in everything. I always have a heart.

40. If you can't fix it. But when you see everyone. It’s not good or bad to see people. It is self-sustaining.

41, He Ming meditation. The outer phase is Zen. Nothing is fixed inside.

42. The buddhas are wonderful. Non-official text.

43. Before you read, you will not be born. After the immortal is the Buddha. Everything is the heart. It is the Buddha from everything.

44. The heart is turning to Fahua, and the heart is turning to Fahua.

45, outside the phase separation. Inside the air. If all is in phase. That is, longevity. If you are all empty. That is, long and ignorant.

46. ​​Stay in all places. In the other phase, there is no love. There is no choice. Do not read the interests into bad things. Quiet and quiet. False and melting. This name is three-phase. If it is everywhere. Stay and sleep. Pure heart. Do not move the dojo. Really pure land. This name is three lines.

47. If you know all beings. It is Buddha nature. If you don't know all beings. It’s hard to find a robbery.

48, self-realization. All beings are Buddhas. Self-confidence. Buddha is a being. Self-equality. All beings are Buddhas. Self-sexual danger insurance. Buddha is a being.

49. One mind is straight. That is, the public generation Buddha. I have my own Buddha. Since the Buddha is a true Buddha. There is no Buddha heart. Where to ask for a true Buddha.

50, you don't do good, you don't make evil, you can't see the silence, you don't have a heart.

51, clean the body. The nature of 汝 is also. Successfully filed. Zhi Zhizhi also. Thousands of billion incarnations. The trip to the trip is also.

52, seeing the turn is a small ride. The interpretation of the law is the middle. It is Mahayana to practice according to law. Everything is done. Everything is ready. Everything is not stained. From the law. No income. The name is the best.

53. Everything is lawless. All use from the self. It is a true martial law.

54. The heart is nothing more than a self-discipline, and the heart is not self-sufficient, and the heart is free from chaos.

55, the law is dead. What time is there?

56, the person who learns. Everything is good and bad. It should be done. Nameless and nameless. Named in self. Nothing is the same. It is a real name. Establish all teachings in solidity.

57, the Tao is realized by the heart. I am sitting still.

58, no life without destruction. It’s like cleaning the Zen. The law is empty. It’s like sitting clean.

59, suffering from all kinds of diseases, for good medicine. For those who have lost their way, show their right way. In the dark night, for the light. For the poor, let the volcano.

60. If Bodhisattva can follow the sentient beings, he will support the Buddhas. If you respect the inheritance of all beings, you will respect the inheritance. If all the people are happy, it will make everyone happy.

61. All sentient beings are roots, and the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are Huaguo. With great compassion and water for the benefit of all beings, they can achieve the wisdom and fruit of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

62. Bodhi belongs to all beings. Without all beings, all Bodhisattvas can't be supreme.

63. I have never been robbed in the past, and I have been greedy, swearing, and doing evil. If there is a person with a bad karma, the void world cannot be tolerated.

64. In order to achieve equality between all beings, you can achieve great compassion. With great compassion and with others, you can achieve support.

65. Close all the evil doors, and show the way to the world.

66, can destroy all the evil, knowing to be able to stay away from all evil friends, and be able to subdue all the foreigners, and be able to free all troubles.

67, a recurring brake dust body, one by one ceremony brake dust Buddha.

68. There are dust in the dust, and it is difficult to think about Buddha.

69. All sentient beings have never come from the beginning, all kinds of upside down, it is like fascination, the Quartet is easy to change, and the four majors are self-confident, and the six dusts are self-conceived, seeing the disease, seeing the air China and the second month.

70. Everyone is born in no life, and sees the birth and death.

71, the illusion of all beings, but also by disillusionment, the illusion is extinguished, the mind is not moving, the illusion is also called the illusion, if it is said, it is still illusory, and it is also true that it is ignorant. Disillusioned, the name is not moving.

72, the illusion is not convenient, from the illusion, there is no gradual, all Bodhisattvas and the end of the world, according to this practice, if it is to be able to leave the illusion.

73. If you want to be a net-minded person, you should stay away from the illusion of mindfulness, first rely on the extravagance of others, insist on forbidding, stay in the public, feast on the quiet room, and always be a dream, I am now, the four major harmony The so-called hairy claws, skin and bones, marrow stains, all belong to the ground, saliva and pus, blood, sputum, tears, air, convenient size, all return to water, heating to the fire, moving to the wind, the four major Everywhere, the present is in the body, where is the body, after all, there is no body, and the combination is the same, the same as the illusion, the four-edge falsehood, there are six, six four, Chinese and foreign synthesis, ambiguous, Accumulating in the middle, it seems to have a fate, the pseudonym is the heart.

74, life and death Nirvana, like a dream.

75. Bodhisattva does not bind to the law, does not seek to break the law, does not hate life and death, does not love Nirvana, does not respect the precepts, does not sland the ban, does not pay attention to the long habits, does not light beginners. Why and why, all the feelings, such as the vision of the front, the light is full, there is no love. Why, the light body is the second, there is no love.

76, the illusion of extinction, the illusion is also extinguished, the illusion is extinguished, the magic dust is also extinguished, the magic dust is destroyed, the disillusionment is also extinguished, the disillusionment is extinguished, the non-illusion is not extinguished, such as grinding the mirror, the scale is fully visible.

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