Classic quotes

Buddhist classic Zen, Buddhism classic quotations

1. All the words of all beings are spoken by the sounds.

2, when knowing life and death and Nirvana, no ups and downs, no coming and going, the witnesses, no gains, no gains, no witnesses, no endless, no duty, no destruction, In this card, there is nothing incompetent. After all, there is no evidence, no evidence, and all legal equality is not bad.

3, everything is as good as the heart of the heart, there is no mention of Bodhisattva and Nirvana, no Buddha and no Buddha, innocent reincarnation and non-recurrent.

4, all sentient beings have no beginnings, there are all kinds of love and greed, so there is a reincarnation.

5, if all kinds of sex in the world, oviparous, viviparous, wet, metaplastic, are due to lust and positive life. When we know that reincarnation, love is fundamental, and there is a desire to help love, so it can make life and death continue.

6, all beings want to get rid of life and death, free from reincarnation, first break greed, and in addition to love thirst.

7. The change of Bodhisattva shows the world, non-love-oriented, but with compassion, he loves to live, and succumbs to life and death.

8. If all the beings of the end of the world are able to give up their desires and love, and reincarnate, and seek to reunite the realm of the world, they will be enlightened in the pure heart.

9, Bodhisattva all beings are illusion, illusion and extinction, no forensics.

10, but the Bodhisattvas and the end-time beings, can not afford to mourn at all times, in the heart of Zhu Xi also do not die, live in the thoughts of the world without knowing, no knowledge, no truth, all the people are the law, the letter The solution is not awesome, but the name is followed by the sense.

11, the end of the world, all the people, the heart is not vain. The Buddha said that if he is a human being, he is a bodhisattva in the present world.

12. If the Bodhisattvas realize the net sense of the circle, take the net sense of heart and take the silence as the line. From Cheng Cheng Nian, the consciousness is disturbed, the quietness occurs, and the body and mind dust will never be destroyed, and the silence will be silenced. Silence, the world of the ten parties, such as the heart, appeared in the middle, such as the image in the mirror, this convenient person, the name extravagant.

13. The so-called Dharma is not a Dharma.

14. If the Bodhisattvas realize the net sense of the circle, the net sense of the mind, the perception of the mind and the root dust are all due to the illusion, that is, the illusion of the illusion, the change of the illusion and the opening of the illusion, from the illusion, In the midst of great sorrow and sorrow, all the Bodhisattvas began to improve gradually. The illusionists are different from the illusion, and the illusion is the illusion. The illusion is always the magic of the Bodhisattva. This convenient person, the name of Sanmo.

15. All sages are different by inaction. All sages are different by inaction.

16. Those who want to practice in the end of the world should do their best to support good friends, good knowledge, and good knowledge to be close, and should be arrogant. If you stay away from it, you should break your hatred. Now you are in a bad situation, just like the void, knowing that the body and mind are equal. It is the same as all beings, and if it is practice, it will enter the circle.

17. If you say the law, it is unacceptable, unspeakable, illegal, and illegal.

18, Buddha Bichon: "There are eight correct ways, can break the desire for love, that is, seeing, Zhengzhi, righteousness, righteousness, righteousness, convenience, righteous thoughts, positive definite." - "A Han Sutra"

19, everything is the world, the establishment of great kindness, repairing Ren's beings, is the most auspicious. - "French sentence, mascot"

20, Mo light and evil, that is innocent, the water droplets are small, gradually suffocating, all sin is full, from childhood. Mo light and small, thinking that there is no blessing, although the water droplets are small, gradually swell, the richness is full, from the fibrillation. - "French sentence"

21, all evils do not do, the good deeds, self-purification, is Buddhism. - "A Han Sutra"

22, the world confessed to the bhikkhu: "There are four holy sacred. What is four? It is said that the Holy Ghost, the bitter sacred sacred, the bitter sacred sacred, the bitter sacred sacred sacred."

23, lover like self-love, the rate has been with others. - "Forty Hua Yan" Volume Twelve

24. For all the benefactors, except for the lack of interests, it is a great kindness; it is a great sorrow to be infinitely happy with all beings; it is a great joy in all the hearts of the people; it is a great name for self-sacrifice, and to others. - "Niepanjing·Vatican Products"

25, want to get the pure land, when the net is clean, with the heart of the net, then the Buddha is pure, and with the achievements of all beings, the Buddha is pure. ——《维摩经·佛国品》

26, the world confessed to the bhikkhu: "color is impermanence, impermanence is bitter, bitterness is not me, non-self is not my place, such as the viewer, the name is true and right. If it is subject, think, do, impermanence, impermanence is bitter It is not me, but it is not my own. If it is a viewer, the name is true and right. If the disciple is a viewer, he is disgusted with color, disgusted, thinking, acting, knowing, not happy, not happy. Freedom, the liberation of the real wisdom: I have been born, the Vatican has been established, the work has been done, and I know that I am not afterwards."

27, there is no law, as it can be said.

28, the end of the world can not be enlightened, from the beginning or not from his love, all the seeds, so not released, if someone is looking at the grievances, such as their parents, there is no heart, that is, in addition to the diseases, in the law from him Love is also true.

29, the end of the world, the desire of the sentient beings, the heart should be like a word, as far as the void, all sentient beings, I will enter the circle of feelings, in the sense of circle, there is no sense, except for all of us, if it is heart, not See you in vain.

30, often diligent, no sin. If the obstacles are eliminated, the Buddha's environment will be before. - Zongjia Festival from "The Circle of the Sutra"

31. If the Bodhisattvas realize the net sense of the circle, the net sense of the mind, the illusion of the illusion and the quiescence of the spirits, the mind and body are all hindered, the ignorance is conscious, and the ignorance is not obstructed, and it will never exceed the obstacles, the world and the world. The body and mind, in the dusty field, such as in the shackles, the sound is out of the way, the troubles of Nirvana are not obstructed, and the inner silence can be silenced, and the wonderful feelings follow the realm of sorrow and sorrow. For the sake of imagination, this convenient person is called Zen.

32. For example: all laws are Dharma. All the law, that is, not all laws, is the name of all laws.

33. All sentient beings have never come from the beginning, I want to hold on to all my beings, and to live with my life, and to recognize the four assaults and to be my body, so that I will love the two worlds, and I will be guilty of imaginary weights, and I will be dependent on each other. There are shackles, glimpses of the flow, pessimism, and seeing Nirvana, which can not be cleaned, and non-consciously refusing to enter the entrants, there are all can enter, not sensation, it is the reason and The interest rate is lost.

34, there is no law, the Buddha Aunt Doro three three three Bodhi.

35. From the beginning or the beginning, there is no ignorance, and it is dominated by others. All the beings have no wisdom, and the body and mind are ignorant.

36. I don’t have a body, I love it.

37, the end of the world will be sentimental, seeking good knowledge and desire to practice, when seeking all the right to see people, the heart can not live, not to hear the realm of the realm of thought, although the dust, the heart is always clean, showing all the past, admire The Vatican does not make all the beings into the law, and if it is a person, it must be the Aunt Dorothy and the Three Bodhi.

38. The fortune should not be greedy.

39, Yunhe four diseases, one disease, if someone makes a statement, I am doing all kinds of things in my heart, want to seek a sense of roundness, the other is not a cause of death, said to be called a disease; Some people are doing things like words, I am waiting for the present to continue to die and die, not to ask for nirvana, Nirvana life and death without annihilation, and everything that goes with the law, wants to be round, and the sense of the circle is not arbitrary, saying that it is sick; If you stop the disease, if someone makes a speech, then I will continue to think forever, and I will be completely equal, and I want to be round, and I will be called a disease. Some people make words like this. I am always worried about all my troubles. After all, my body and mind are empty. Not to mention the roots and sorrows of the realm. All things are eternal, and I want to be round, and I feel that I am not a lonely person. Those who are away from the four diseases know that they are pure, and they are the viewers. They are called Guanzheng. If they are viewers, they are called evil views.

40, knowing that everything is without me, you have to be forbearance.

41. Aunt Doro, who has three sons and three bodhisattvas, does not say that the law is broken.

42. If you see me in color, beg me with sound, it is a devil's way, you can't see it.

43. All obstacles, that is, what you feel, you have to lose your thoughts, you are free from liberation, and you are breaking the law. All are known as Nirvana, wisdom and ignorance, and you are prajna. The achievements of Bodhisattva's external roads are the same as Bodhi, and there is no such thing as a realm. Hui and obscenity are all Brahman. The land of all beings, the same legality, and the Hell's Heaven Palace are all pure land, sexual and asexual, Qicheng Buddha Road, all troubles, after all, liberation, the law of the sea, Hui, according to the various phases, like a void, this name is followed by the sense.

44. There is no such thing as a living being.

45, no two. That is solid. Real person. Everything is ignorant and not reduced. In the sage, not increase. Live troubles and not mess. Living in meditation and not being silent. Constantly infrequent. Don't come or go. Not in the middle. And inside and outside. Not born or not. The sex is as good as that. Always live without moving. The name of the road.

46. ​​Say everything. Do not be self-sufficient.

47. Ten kinds of broad wishes should be repaired. What is ten? One rituals respect the Buddhas, the two praised them, the three were widely cultivated, the four confessed to karma, the five with the merits, the six were transferred to the law lun, the seven asked the Buddha to live, the eight often followed the Buddha, the nine Shunzhongsheng, the ten are all returning. One by one, it is impossible to say that the Buddha is extremely dusty. One by one, you can't say that you can't say the Buddha's brakes and the dusty Buddha.

48. If the world is real, it is a conjunction.

49. All the law circles, the virtual world, the ten earths, all the brakes, all the dust, there are all the world's most dusty Buddha; one Buddha, all around the Bodhisattva.

50. In the provision of support, the law is the most supportive. The so-called practice and support, the interests of all living, support the audience to support, on behalf of the public to support, the maintenance of good roots to support, not to support the Bodhisattva industry, not to support the Bodhidharma.

51. If the Bodhisattva is supported by the law, it will be fulfilled. If it is practice, it is true.

52, Bodhisattva in the law, should live without giving way to the giving, the so-called do not live in the color of the cloth, can not live the sound of the scent of the law.

53. It should be like giving, not living in the phase.

54. You can't see each other.

55. All the phases are illusory. If you see the phase is not the same, then you will see it.

56, should not take the law, should not take illegal.

57, the law should be settled, not to mention illegal.

58. From all the things, it is called the Buddhas.

59. Bodhisattva should leave everything, and send aunts and sorrows to the three bodhisattvas.

60. For example: all the phases are non-phase. He also said: All beings are not beings.

61. If you are a true speaker, a real speaker, a speaker, a non-speaker, or a non-speaker.

62. If the law is obtained, this method is innocent.

63. When life is like a heart, I should destroy all sentient beings. Destroy all sentient beings, and there is no one who is devoid of reality.

64, if you come, that is, the law is righteous.

65. In all laws, it should be known, if it is seen, if it is a solution, it will not be a law.

66, do not take the phase, as if not moving.

67. Everything is lawful, such as a dream bubble. If it is like a dew, it should be like a concept. - Zongjia Festival from "The Diamond Sutra"

68. It is equal to the law. There is no such thing as a high level. It is the name of Aunt Doro, Sancha, and Bodhi.

69, should be as clean and pure, should not live in the heart, should not live in the sound of fragrance and touch the heart, should live without it.

70. For example, the world, the non-world, is the world.

71, why should the cloud live? How does the cloud fall to its heart?

72. If Bodhisattva has my phase, human phase, sentient beings, and life, it is not a bodhisattva.

73. With no one, no one, no beings, no life, and all good deeds, that is, Aunt Doro, Sancha, and Bodhi.

74. If confidence is clear, then reality will be realized.

75. Everything is without me, no one, no beings, no life.

76. If the Bodhisattva is accessible to the lawless, it is true that the name is Bodhisattva.

77. All hearts are uncentered, and they are called hearts.

78, the past is not available, now the heart is not available, the future is not available.

79. It should not be enough to meet each other.

80, the speaker, can not be said, is a famous statement.

81. If you are here, you have nothing to do, and you have nothing to do.

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