Classic quotes

Zeng Guofan's famous sayings and sentences, Zeng Guofan's family training book famous sayings

1. Men must be self-reliant and must be reluctant.

2, demeanor and demeanor.

3, the gentleman is not as good as people, in the eyes of the good eye.

4, the home of the official residence, from the luxury, easy to return to luxury.

5. Young people should read "have aspirations and knowledge."

6, the means of shackles, the first heart of the Buddha.

7, first quiet, then think again, five or six points to grasp it.

8, the sergeant has three fights: 毋 and the gentleman fight the name, 毋 and the villain fight, 毋 and the world.

9, independent trips, not ruthless, but blame can not be undressed. The matter of Gao Yi, Fu evades the suspicion, but it is indispensable.

10, I often praise the person, to be acclaimed by the reputation; I am often a charming person, to please and to attract. If the husband is alive, there is no way to be suspicious, no goodwill, no grievances, no pleasing people.

11, self-satisfaction.

12, literati wealth, living with a market. Rich and precious poems, spit will bring shabby.

13. Don't drink when you are worried, don't make it when you are angry.

14. It’s just shallow to talk about yourself.

15, the heart is flat, and then the risk of the world.

16, Qing Gao is too hurt, and Shun Tai is too hurt, it is also expensive.

17. Seeing that the world is a bad person, it is better to see that the world is a good person.

18, Darou is not soft, just no Gang.

19, family work is good, people are healthy.

20, the waiter is very happy.

21, the family three details: "Xiao Zhixiang, diligent and detailed, forgive details."

22, diligent in the state, swearing at home, loyalty, and devotion.

23, eight virtues of humanity: "Xi Qin Chongzhen humbly respects 毋 greedy private one has a constant."

24, to be self-sufficient, to be self-satisfied, it is for the villain, but also for the gentleman.

25, the heroes beat the teeth, and blood swallow.

26, the world of ancient and modern mediocrity, are defeated by a lazy word; the world of ancient and modern talents, are defeated by a proud word.

27, books and vegetables fish pigs, a family of life; sleep less and do more, one person's anger.

28, everything is secretly arranged, the chest has a foot.

29, arrogance and arrogance, the way to protect the family.

30. Those who can eat light meals will try to taste the odor, and they will be able to visit the famous mountain in the city, and they will be able to suffer from the name of the torturer.

31. The people of Bofu will enjoy their blessings, and there will be sudden disasters. If the poor people are uneasy, they will have an unexpected worry.

32. Frustration comes, governance is tolerant, and the party is not suffering from frustration. If you are quick-minded, you will be tempted by your heart.

33. Vegetarian food is not turbid; if you are alone, you are not turbid; if you sit silently, your heart is not turbid; if you are reading, your mouth is not turbid.

34, sweet and sour bitter should be tasted all over, is the right and wrong are always by people. It’s not easy to die in and out of life, and every effort should be made to cultivate yourself.

35. Good-looking people can see themselves and be good at their own hearts.

36, Xuanyuan respects, fake also. Hide and love, private too.

37. Many people do not have the knowledge of Shen Yi. Many people who are afraid of it will not see each other. Many people have no generous festivals. Many people have no quality, and many people have no literary elegance.

38, Jue Lu can be honored, but not glory. Articles can be written in their own body, not in the text.

39. The name of the lord, the wealth of goods, all means that they can kill themselves.

40, no regrets, no resentment, no enmity, no shame.

41, the eloquent and the Tao Duo 悖 拙 拙 拙 拙 拙 拙 涉 涉 涉 涉 涉 涉 涉 涉 涉 涉 涉 涉 涉.

42, proverbs apostasy, miscellaneous learning.

43. Contentment is fun, and greed must be worried.

44. The people who have accumulated in the Guang dynasty have lost their lives.

45, the way to stand, the inside is just soft; the way of the fat family, Shangxun Xishun. If you don’t and can’t pick it up, you can’t take it.

46, the mouth is not the knot, the cause of the disease; misconceptions, the roots of killing.

47. The ancient people cultivated themselves to avoid the name. Therefore, the ancients did not take the big festival, and today people see small profits and easy to keep.

48, the gentleman is loyal, the filial piety is used, the use is known, the house is foolish.

49. Zhida is a madman, and he is a small person.

50, good people kind of virtue, descended in heaven. The wicked man is planting a disaster, and he is behind.

51, 沽 沽 于 in the villain, not to listen to the sky. The legacy of the goods is for the children and grandchildren, not as urgent as the people.

52. Leco can't be alone, but it's not worthwhile. If you are alone, you will lose.

53. If one mind ignores it, then there is something wrong with it.

54. The more self-respecting, the more the device is smaller.

55. If you win, you will win no one, you will win, and you will never win.

56, the gentleman but doing everything, not counting the fate, and destiny is in the personnel.

57, talented and sensitive, it is advisable to add a thick knowledge.

58. The evil is greater than the goodness of ruining people. De Mo is greater than the whites.

59. Let the gentleman be humble, and let the villain be shallow.

60, people should save trouble, should not be afraid of things. People should be refined and not refined. It should not be timely, not time-consuming.

61. Due to two things, you have lost your life. Encourage the spirit and break the shortcomings.

62. If you work with a suspicious person, you will not succeed. If you work with a good person, you will be affected.

63. Being unacceptable, not being able to make a product, being unyielding, doing nothing.

64. Everything is done by manpower, half by man.

65, everyone is expected to win, in the middle of the victorious machine, everyone is expected to be frustrated, in the middle of life.

66, both love their talents, should be slightly smaller.

67. Those who do big things, with multiple choices for the first righteousness, the satisfaction of the election is not available, the second day of the aunt, to wait for Xu Xu education can also.

68, no friends in the country, it is the first hate thing.

69. If you can be indifferent, you will have some real knowledge.

70. It is only a small one that makes Pepsi do not make it happen.

71, the letter of fortune, the letter of Feng Shui, are caused by mourning. If you read the Ming dynasty and take pride in your righteousness, you will not believe it.

72, the bitter language is said to be fast, and the person who lives is resentful.

73, the smart exposed person is thin, the word Hua Taisheng is Fu Shi.

74, good ornaments, do not grow. Partial listener, the end of the battle.

75, proud people are not as shallow as people, suspects are not good people.

76, palliative will become a great tolerance (over), reputation will be back.

77, the heart is flat, and then the risk of the world.

78. Only when you feel private, you will go, this is Dayong.

79, Qing Gao is too hurt, and Shun Tai is too hurt, it is also expensive.

80. All the security groups are divided into the world.

81, the legal person, the heavens are also, the public to keep it, to do it.

82. Knowing the heavens and the earth in one thing, you can love you.

83, Ren Lunming, then Li Lexing.

84. In the past 20 years, I have ruled a word of anger, but I haven’t finished it, so it’s hard to know myself.

85, to the beginning of the temperament of the temperament, thinking is only a rough study.

86. Everything goes well with me, this little person is also anxious to go far.

87. What people learn is not to be accepted by others, but to be shackled by others.

88. People must be good, first must be clear and good.

89, Qi Jisheng, heart is not full, only to avoid exposure.

90. Any book that reads no benefit is a plaything.

91, often quiet, it is implicit and reasonable.

92, to the world is credible, the ultimate gentleman also. To be a suspicious person in the world, the ultimate villain.

93, wealthy families should advise him to be wide, smart people should advise him thick.

94. The world’s most dominant position is reading. However, reading is in the status, in terms of character, not in the position.

95. Today, people care about people, and they are bothered, but why did they harm people? It’s just that you’ve broken your mind and you’ve lost your strength.

96, must not be guilty and heart, must not do stealing things, must not learn to be mad, and must not be blasphemy.

97. When you are busy, you should check more. When it is urgent, it must be more and more observant. Be cautious when it comes to speed.

98, the roots are wrong, you can test my talents; wave flow, you can test my exercise; difficult and dangerous, can test my thoughts; shock balance, can test my strength; scale and tolerance, can test my exercise.

99. To support the cause with the world, you must first establish a heel.

100, from people can be ashamed, just use their own evil. Not doing anything, it is for the middle. Unusually, it can stand in the wind and flow, the most elegant.

101. Listening to the words is a matter of reason. When you smell it, you often lose it.

102. Those who have a heart of sinfulness must be ashamed.

103. When people are not jealous of Pingdan, they can make a dream.

104, the only real word in the world is rare.

105. Everything will be clear, and the spirit will be clear and the things will be right.

106, the spirit of the human can not be sent.

107. Those who are good are often blessed, and those who are good are often guilty of misfortune, and peace of mind is a blessing.

108. Do your best to listen to the sky, but I am only cautious.

109, must have a good intention, and then can last.

110, rice has become a meal, wood has become a boat, had no choice but to listen to it.

111. If you don't think deeply, you can't make it. Those who do not think deeply are vulnerable.

112. In the heart of loving a wife, there is no filial piety. It is widowed to blame others for their responsibilities. For the sake of forgiveness, you will pay all.

113, light wealth is enough to gather people, the law is enough to serve people, the amount is wide enough to win people, the body is enough to lead people.

114. Only you can make people, but you can do what you can.

115. In the case of a swindler, it is unpredictable, and I treat it with sincerity.

116, the speed of things is not as good as thinking, it is not as good as when, the intention is not as good as peace.

117. People are in distress and there is only one disposal. After you have done your best, you have to be calm.

118. The hero of Shengshi Entrepreneurship is the first meaning of open-mindedness.

119. Prohibition is pragmatic.

120, learn and waste, not if you do not learn and waste. Those who learn and waste will drop out of school and have arrogance. If you don’t learn, you will lose yourself and feel inferior. If you are humble, you will be more brave than people.

121. Saving things is the law of clearing the heart. Reading is the law of saving things.

122, do not live alone, do not shirk.

123. Wisdom is getting harder and brighter.

124, often mentioning its vitality.

125, the world has not been difficult to come, but can be long-term.

126. Don't judge the ancients lightly.

127, let go of the hand, so that you can open your mind and not look back.

128. From the outsiders, they learn from the insiders, and they are the ones who are both insiders and those who are outsiders.

129. Everything in the world, the price is too expensive, the cost is more expensive, the cost is more expensive, and the others are more expensive.

130, no good small profits.

131. What is said today, do not change because of small profits tomorrow.

132. Taking the talents as the first priority.

133. Start another stove and reopen the world.

134, the heart is bitter, things are also Sheng.

135, why choose land? Why must I choose time? But asking yourself to be true is not true!

136, the first must have aspirations, the second must have knowledge, the third must be constant.

137, blame yourself and blame others.

138. Distressed, it is the time to hone the hero.

139, the murderous winners have about two ends: 曰 long arrogant, 曰 曰.

140, reputation is a loss, far and near suspicious.

141. The spirit is getting more and more used, and you should not be too sorry for your physical weakness.

142. It is a curiosity to have a big name and enjoy the name.

143. In the occasion of a difficult situation, you must work hard from the word of patience.

144. Do not follow the crowd from fear of fear.

145, doing things with a good time, familiar with the situation, familiar with it, but the situation is right.

146, a spirit, two eyes.

147. With a broad mind, you must work hard from the plain word.

148. It is better not to open a few days, not to open up and no calculation.

149. Fighting is not flustered, first seeking stability, and seeking change; doing things silently and odorless, both to be precise and simple.

150, God is righteous, God is evil.

151, people must be honest, and then the industry can last for a long time.

152. A mortal must be a sage, and it does not depend on the amount of reading.

153. There is a bad neighbor, sitting on a bad friend, so that you can take care of yourself and be a capital of Jinde.

154, do not abandon people with a small evil, do not forget the great grace.

155. Responsibility is too straight, making people hate, and I am once.

156, talented, must be expressed.

157. When you are frustrated and humiliated, you must be motivated and tempted.

158. Acting is not allowed, and you can't talk.

159. Those who have been wronged in previous lives can be self-improved; those who are not in the past can create themselves.

160, brothers and brothers, although poor families will be happy, brothers do not, although the family will be defeated.

161, not greedy for money, do not lose faith, not self-important, there are three provinces, natural people are respectful.

162, evil is looking at the eyes and nose, true and false to see the lips, fame and fortune, wealth and look at the spirit.

163. Don't be too smart.

164. Dignity and heavyness are noble, humility and tolerance are noble; things are classified as rich, and the heart is rich.

165, the special industry is not good.

166, hundreds of ills, all from lazy.

167. Whenever a major event is done, it is mainly based on knowledge and supplemented by talents. Wherever it becomes a major event, people are half-landed and half-hearted.

168, keep the truth, stop the machine, keep strong, and quit.

169. Advise people not to refer to them, they must first be beautiful. When people are happy, the language is easy to enter, and when the anger is difficult, the language is difficult to enter.

170, the gentleman can help the people, the urgency of the Zhou people, solid is a beautiful thing, can not boast, then good.

171, good and cheap can not be with the common wealth, suspicious people can not work together.

172. The strength of the country is strong.

173, people are mainly based on gas.

174, my generation of reading, there are only two things, one to enter the virtues, one to practice.

175. If a person can be self-reliant, what can the sages and heroes do? Why should we rely on people?

176, diligent in the state, swearing at home, loyalty, and devotion.

177, to be self-sufficient, to be self-satisfied, it is bogey for the villain, but also for the gentleman.

178, first quiet, think again, grasp the five or six points to do it.

179, from people can be ashamed, just use their own evil. Not doing anything, it is for the middle. Unusually, it can stand in the wind and flow, the most elegant.

180, self-study is difficult to raise the heart.

181. It is necessary to establish a firm mind.

182, the family and the blessings are born.

183. Wherever things leave, the amount of elegance can accommodate people.

184. If you are not divided, you will be afraid of doing something different.

185, Qing Gao is too hurt, and Shun Tai is too hurt, it is also expensive.

186, the heart is flat, and then the risk of the world. Intricately wrapped, I can test my talents; the waves are so popular that I can test my actions;

187. When a mortal does something, he must be fully engaged in this matter, and it is invisible.

188, the total should be awarded its director, and the rules are short.

189. Where there is a stagnation, there must be no decline.

190, rich and expensive gas is too heavy, is not a good elephant ear.

191, contentment is wide.

192, people should reduce the number of people to reduce it, and Qian Yi province will save it.

193. The children of poor families in the town of Wuguan, the more they see, the more they grow up, the richer children and children, the more they look at the more difficult.

194, the way of the gentleman, to know life as the first priority.

195. As long as people are willing to make a decision, they can do it.

196. Where the children of the family are the same as the Hans, they can become a big weapon. If they are contaminated with wealth, they will not be able to achieve success.

197, the temperament of human beings, because of nature, this is difficult to change, but reading can change temperament.

198. Be sure to grind your teeth and keep your temper and keep your mind.

199. It’s just shallow to talk about yourself.

200, down to earth, not afraid to deceive.

201. Everything must be checked on a daily basis, and it is difficult to remedy it later.

202, to raise a kind of quiet in the chest.

203. Any useful thing should not be thrown away.

204, one can be diligent and respectful, although fools also have a sense of wisdom.

205, Guangzhi is the world.

206. The ancient heroes must have a foundation.

207, Xiaoren, the thief of Daren.

208. Governing the world with great virtues, not with small benefits.

209. Everyone has sex, the cold is cold, and the proud is proud.

210. Seeing different things, it is difficult to grow.

211. Everything is Yu.

212. If you are a good person, you will not be heavy.

213. When you are in trouble, you should be patient with it.

214, the husband knows not to use, and does not know the same; use it without end, and not the same.

215. The ancients have become big events, and they come from small things.

216. It has its merits and it must be effective.

217, can test my thoughts; shock balance, can test my strength; scale and tolerance, can test my exercise.

218. Any business must be foresighted.

219, the ancients become a major event, the scale is large and the comprehensive theory is intimate, both are indispensable.

220, often save the heart of the ice.

221, do not Yang people, anti-silent and save the state, there are or class is, 丞 丞 regret and quickly change also.

222, the sergeant has three fights: 毋 and the gentleman fight the name, 毋 and the villain fight, 毋 and the world.

223, do not drink when you are worried, do not make a note when you are angry.

224, gasy, full of heart, only to avoid exposure.

225. Any book that reads no benefit is a plaything.

226, there is nothing to do, and big things are like trivial matters.

227, the festival is for people, not rich and rich, not expensive and expensive. Anonymous, the Jewish woman is not jealous. Although he is beautiful, he is not worthy of redemption. Therefore, the predecessors said that the Jue is easy to get, the festival is difficult to protect.

228, faithful and honest, the foundation of the body, not the name of the fish.

229, don't be too pity.

230, suspicion, can not be a proud word.

231. The way to rule the army is always to be the first righteousness of the war, to love the people as the second righteousness, and to be the third righteousness.

232. It is reasonable to raise its heart, but it is old and the gods are not bad. If you don't, you will be fainted and stunned, and you will lose your thief. Inspirational people can not stop.

233, ignoring the spirit, ignoring the gods, widowed and nourishing.

234. There is no fundamental error, and the branches and leaves occur.

235. There is both knowledge and determination.

236. The people of Bofu have a blessing, and there must be a sudden disaster. If the poor people are uneasy, they will have an unexpected worry.

237. Frustration comes, and it is not to be frustrated. If you are quick-minded, you will be tempted by your heart.

238, and can eliminate people's grievances, endure the disaster star.

239. Many people do not have the knowledge of Shen Yi. Many people who are fearful have no choices. Many people have no generous festivals. Many people have no quality, and many people have no literary elegance.

240, the road to win the battle, all in the enemy.

241. In the past, such as the death of yesterday, and all kinds of cockroaches are now born.

242. It is possible to use Linengda as a body.

243. If the family is so persistent, it will not be a temporary official, but the long-term family rules will not be delayed by one or two people, but will be maintained by the public.

244, the way to be the best, the most expensive and sincere, not expensive.

245, people see their near, I see it far, 曰高明; people see its thick, I see its fine, savvy.

246, can not be behind the attack.

247. Take the road of soldiers, use Enmo to use the benevolent, use Weimo as a gift.

248, not afraid to fight, I am afraid to fight.

249, the gentleman's sex, although the broken volume does not increase, although the word does not know the loss.

250, thinking and learning can not be neglected.

251, often save one can not be the first heart.

252, a forbearance word, eliminates infinite evils, a full word, saves unlimited demand.

253, people must not be flawless.

254, rites and humiliation, can be self-discipline, can not be roped ... for the children of the rich and the rich, the loss of nine. To be good and convenient for others, and then benefit... The best for the good, is not known. The most bitter for evil is to be known.

255, do not want to be a hometown, do not be a coward.

256, thin Fu must be mean, thin and thin. Hou Fu is generous and generous, but also rich and blessed.

257, the mouth is not knotted, the cause of the disease; misconceptions, the roots of killing.

258, Li Ke can not be alone, and can be unkind and not public. If you are alone, you will lose.

259, Wang Zheng can not be graceful and unprofessional.

260, health is less irritated, and the dear is based on happiness.

261, long and doubtful, only one can pay a smile.

262, broken in the heart, self-hosted.

263, the exclusive name is the road to blessing.

264. If you are hard, your muscles will become stronger and stronger.

265, be cautious beforehand, do not regret afterwards.

266, the recommendation of the sage can not be shown, the rape can not be demonstrated.

267, the long-term thing is not to be, the place of the dispute is not to go. The object is extremely counter-productive.

268, contentment is fun, greed must be worried.

269, the way to stand, the inside is just soft; the way of the fat family, Shangxun Xishun. If you don’t and can’t pick it up, you can’t take it.

270, the rich and famous names are all glory, but the vastness of the mind is really useful.

271. Blessed are not to be enjoyed, and there is no way to do it.

272. The method of observing people is dominated by ethics and lack of bureaucracy.

273, the death of life has long been set aside.

274, there is a lot of clarity in the eyebrows, and there is no need to be interested in the future.

275, the decision on the matter.

276. From the good of the arguments.

277. Those who are victorious will have no wins, win people, and never win.

278, evil is greater than the destructive good, De Mo is greater than the white.

279, things are in a hurry, thinking is slow.

280. If you can be indifferent, you will have some real knowledge.

281. It is only a small one that makes Pepsi do not make it happen.

282, the bitter language said that for a while, the person who lives for resentment.

283, the smart exposed person is thin, the word Hua Taisheng is Fu.

284, the proud person is not as good as the person, the suspect is not the person who is small.

285. People should save trouble and should not be afraid of things. People should be refined and not refined. It should not be timely, not time-consuming.

286, silver money is to provide financial support, and work hard to operate.

287, calm and peace of mind, this five-word is always there, everything. Leaving this five words, it is Meng Lang.

288, long-term is not familiar with the word, the gaze is still moving, it is known that the suspect is chaotic, the thoughts are fascinated.

289, when things are in the hands and no hurry, they have to think slowly. If you want to avoid it, you have to hurry. When you are in the world, you can only get the word "safe", and you must make it from this. However, An Xiang is not slow, but also calmly examines and raises his strength in the middle of the ear.

290, doing good deeds is not a good thing, but once you have a good name, that is, attracting troubles.

291. Being unfavorable, not being able to make a product, being unyielding, doing nothing.

292, short and unprotectable, and the protection is short. Long is not awkward, but not long. Especially people are better than others, such as the round is not as good as good. With the use of 晦 天 天 天 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 The old saying goes by the old sayings, and the person who wants to be accepted is guilty. Instigating regrets, why not move and do not move? Taigang is folded, why is it so soft and not just. I saw that I would not be defeated, and I would not see the self-sufficiency. For the good, you will travel to the domain of the gentleman, and the evil will enter the land of the villain.

293. Delighted and happy, frustrated and angry, he was sent to the contrary, and he was the winner. Ma Niu is wearing a nostril for people. If you want to do it, you must stop it. If you don’t know that everything in the world has been sent to me, it is also the one who wears my nostrils. From the beginning to the end, from the young to the old, is it not the geometry of the horse? Mourning!

294. "When people first do things, such as chickens and eggs, they are angry and gradually filled; if they are nesting in the nest, they will continue to be firm; if they grow up, they will not grow, sometimes they will be big; if they have this Spring, do not stay up late, Yingke and then go forward, rest in the world." Do not Yang people, anti-silent and save the state, there are or class is, 丞 丞 regret and quickly change also.

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