Classic quotes

Famous sayings about civilized etiquette

1. Love your heart with your own heart. - Zhang Zairen

2, the thick and thick people flow, the thin and thin people fluent.

3. Courtesy and civilization are the golden key to our coexistence.

4, lover, people always love; respect people, people always respect.

5, people have the virtues of me, not forgetting; I have the virtues of people, can not forget.

6, the virtues of the majority and keep the honor.

7, Germany will report, resentment. ——Zhao Qian

8, respect the person, the person is always respectful. - Mencius

9. Smile is our language, and civilization is our belief.

10, courtesy is the easiest thing to do, and the most easily overlooked, but she is the most precious thing.

11, flowers dress up the world with beauty, we use the action to beautify the campus!

12, pick up a piece of paper, pure is your own spirit; a stain that is intentionally wiped, purifying is your own soul.

13, happy to play games, and with the air. Don't fight, don't chase, don't chase, the word safety does not forget.

14, the flowers dress up the world with beauty, we use the action to beautify the campus!

15. Birds fly freely because of their wings. Flowers are beautiful because of fragrance. The campus will be more advanced due to civilization.

16, picking up a piece of paper, pure is his own spirit; a stain that is intentionally wiped, purifying is your own soul.

17, lover, people always love; respect people, people always respect.

18, the morale of the defender, the faithfulness of the performers, and the name of the cherished.

19, people will know and then know the body, knowing the love and then knowing the lover, knowing the lover and then knowing the world.

20, the letter is Ren Ren. - Analects

21, people treat me a foot, I treat people azhang; people treat me azhang, I hold my heart; good words, three winter warm, cold words half June cold.

22. Only those who respect others have the right to be respected.

23, do not leave a scar on the wall, do not leave a dirty word in the air.

24, benevolent lover, for the sake of self. Only the benevolent can be a good person, can be a wicked person. Self-denial and reincarnation are benevolence, self-denial and self-denial, and the world is returning to the benevolence.

25, care about the school, our duties; care for the school, our obligations; love the school, our voice.

26. School is the place to learn, and civilization is the foundation of success.

27. Let us come together: care for the collective, protect the public property, and protect the environment!

28, the flowers on hand are like flowers, and the grass is under the feet!

29, courtesy, do not say people, do not charge.

30. A person's courtesy is a mirror that looks at his portrait. - Goethe

31. Being polite is not always a sign of wisdom, but rudeness always makes people doubt their stupidity. - Randall

32. There is an inner courtesy that is associated with love: it produces the most enjoyable courtesy of the appearance of the act. - Goethe

33. If a person is rude, he will not be born. If he is rude, he will not be able to do it. --Confucius

34. Virtue is a kind of spiritual treasure, but it is a good manner to make it shine.

35. It is not difficult to say "good" to the teacher; the difficulty is to insist on saying "good" to the teacher.

36. Listening can make the speaker feel respected.

37. For good, then for evil.

38, the hair of the benevolence is love. - Zhu Xi

39. Don't be evil, don't do it.

40. Courtesy is the golden key to human coexistence.

41. The environment is clean and beautiful, life is healthy and scientific, and social civilization is progressing.

42. The gentleman is sincere. - Book of Rites

43. The gentleman is good, and the good is also good. - Book of Rites

44, close to the ceremony, far from shame. Christine is not awkward. - Analects

45. With goodwill, it is not difficult to express his politeness to people. - Rousseau

46. ​​The courtesy wind brings civilization, warmth and happiness to everyone. - No. Wen Peel

47. Etiquette is a subtle thing. It is both indispensable for people's communication and cannot be over-considered. - Bacon

48. Disrespect for others is self-disregarding. - Old Tang Book

49, let, the Lord of Germany also, let it be called Jude. - Zuo Zhuan

50, let, the ceremony is also true. - Zhu Xi

51. One is good, and convenient. A wicked, persuade the monarch to do. ——Tang Lu Yan’s “Promotion of the World”

52. Respecting people to sit and give them a seat. It is inconvenient to sit down and be stunned. "And" respect and drink with people, that is, to resign. Sex is less convenient and easy to round. ——Tang Wang Fanzhi

53. To be rich, it is not difficult to be polite, but difficult to have a body; to be poor, it is not difficult to have grace, but difficult to be polite. - "史典"

54. Only wide can be wide, only thick can carry things. The gentleman carries the virtues. - Easy pass

55, etiquette week can be a good thing. ——Jubel

56, the bigger the title, the more ceremonial. - Tennyson

57. Life is short, but despite this, people still have time to pay attention to etiquette. - Emerson

58. If the etiquette is seen to be higher than the moon, the result will lose the sincere trust of people. - Bacon

59. Etiquette is a layer of algae on top of all his other virtues, making them useful to him, to obtain the respect and affection of all who are close to him. - Locke

60, ethics and shame, the country's four-dimensional, four-dimensional, the country is ruined. --tube

61, the ritual, the humanity is also extremely. - 荀子

62, settled on the rule of the people, Mo Shan Yu Li. - "Book of Filial Piety"

63, the road to the virtues, Qi Zhiyi. - "The Analects"

64, do not learn to ritual, no standing. - "The Analects"

65. If a person is rude, he will not be born. If he is rude, he will not succeed. If the country is rude, he will not be able to live. - 荀子

66, courtesy to do justice, righteousness to benefit, to civilians, political festivals also. - "Zuo Zhuan"

67, ceremony, the scriptures of heaven, the trip of the people also. - "Zuo Zhuan"

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