Classic quotes

Napoleon's famous quotes, Napoleon's classic quotations

1. Everything can be changed. It can't be found in the mediocre dictionary.

2. The soldier who is not a marshal is not a good soldier.

3. I succeed because I am determined and never swear.

4. The most difficult time, that is, not far from success.

5, no chance! This is really the best pronoun of the weak.

6. Never think that the enemy is stupid than you!

7, a person should develop a habit of relying on their own, even in the most critical time, but also believe in their bravery and perseverance.

8. Anyone who is determined to win will never say impossible.

9. Among those who hate oppression, many people like to oppress others.

10. The most difficult time is the day not far from success.

11, the glory of life, not to never give up, but to be able to repeatedly.

12. There are only two forces in the world: swords and thoughts. In the long run, the sword is always defeated by the mind.

13. I am successful because I am determined to succeed and I have not tasted it.

14. China is a sleeping lion. Once awake, it will shock the world.

15. I admit that I am short, but if you make fun of me, I will cut your head and eliminate this difference.

16. Let the nephews and scholars walk in the middle of the team. - Napoleon famous words

17. Thinking well is smart, planning is smarter and smarter. Being good is the smartest and best.

18. Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers.

19. China is a sleeping lion. Once it wakes up, the whole world will tremble!

20, work is everything to me, I was born to work. Even if there is nothing left behind me, even if all my performance is completely destroyed.

21. The road to success for those who do not seek lessons from failure is far away.

22. Suffering from suffering requires more courage than death.

23. The most immoral of all immoral things is to do things that are incompetent.

24, from the great lofty to the absurd ridiculous, only one step difference.

25. The way to politics is to benefit all the people. - Napoleon famous words

26, the glory of life, not to never fail, but to be able to repeatedly.

27. The greatest glory in life is not to never fail, but to be able to repeat.

28. Performance has created great people.

29. In the expedition to Egypt, Napoleon issued such an order: "Let the blind and scholars walk in the middle of the ranks." This sentence became a famous saying of Napoleon's love of scholars.

30. Warriors, on the top of the pyramid, 40 years are looking down on you!

31. Unified command is the first important thing in the war.

32. History depicts people's hearts.

33. My basic element is work. I have this life to work. I have boundaries between where my legs can be. There are limits to what my eyes can see. I never know what boundaries my work has.

34. My diligence and my honor will still be enough to inspire the young people of generations after my death. - Napoleon's famous sentence

35, abridged! Awkward way! Young people have time to read long masterpieces and imagination to master all great things.

36. The future of the child is good or bad, and it is entirely in the mother.

37, people are not enough to rely on, to survive only by themselves.

38. To measure the quality of an army, it depends on whether it can win.

39. Everything must be unified and determined. Therefore, victory does not stand on the side of wisdom, but stands on the side of self-confidence.

40, courage like love, need hope to nourish.

41, the default is incompetent, it is undoubtedly a failure to create opportunities.

42. Don't take small things as light, then you can become a big thing.

43. There are two ways to achieve important goals: power and perseverance. The forces are only owned by a few people, but the perseverance of perseverance is available to most people. Its silent power has become irresistible over time.

44. Napoleon said a famous saying when he was defeated in Russia: "From great sublime to ridiculous, there is only one step difference."

45. The worst thing about the ruler is immorality. The upper beam is not under the beam. If the ruler is immoral, it will affect the fashion and poison society.

46. ​​I think that being graceful is the biggest shortcoming of mankind.

47. I only have my name for my son.

48, people for a lifetime, do not leave some traces on the human side, it is better not to be born.

49. When thinking about a battle, I debated myself with myself and tried to refute myself. When I formulated the campaign plan, I was the most cautious person. I always expand dangers and accidents, even if I look happy, I am always extremely nervous and excited.

50. Diligence is one of the elements that constitute genius.

51. People are impermanent and changeable, and good luck is also.

52. Spirit is better than force.

53. Most people are born with seeds of good and evil, courage and jealousy. This is human nature; how to grow up the day after tomorrow depends on education and the environment.

54. Please believe me, God controls everything, we are just its tools.

55. No one can escape his destiny.

56. No competition with the world is the category of reason, the true victory of the soul.

57. Frustration also has a good side, it teaches us the truth.

58. People can be happy no matter what kind of situation they are in.

59. All political parties should be despised, and only the general public is in mind. Only by relying on the support of the general public can we build great cause. - Napoleon famous words

60. The monarch should not aim at domination, but should spread morality, education, and welfare.

61. I don't want to kill my old hen for taking golden eggs!

62. On the battlefield of love, the only secret to winning is to escape.

63, the glory of life, not never fail, but can be defeated and defeated.

64, I only have one advice for you - be your own master.

65. Happiness is the greatest play of personal value.

66. Patriotism is the primary virtue of a civilized person.

67. The most important quality of the commander-in-chief is a calm mind.

68. The great commander should ask himself several times a day. What should I do if there are enemies in front of or around? If he is overwhelmed, he is incompetent.

69. The way to politics is to go forward and move forward.

70. The so-called military command art is that when the number of its own forces is actually at a disadvantage, it can instead become an advantage on the battlefield.

71. We should work hard and make a difference. In this way, we can say that we have not lost our time and may leave our footprints on the beach.

72. The glory of life is not to never fail, but to be able to fight repeatedly.

73, can not make you love the love, it is better not to love. - Napoleon

74. Generals, my origins are indeed worse than you, but if you despise me because of this, I will immediately announce that I understand regulation to eliminate this difference.

75, life is like a river, I am never afraid of sailing against the water.

76. Talent is often more dangerous than no talent; people cannot avoid being scorned, but it is even harder to become an object of embarrassment.

77, can not make you love the love, it is better not to love. - Napoleon famous words

78. Great and ridiculous is only one step away.

79. What is the highest morality of mankind? That is the heart of patriotism. Patriotism is the primary virtue of a civilized person.

80. There is no sensible site in the head of the fanatic.

81. The glory of life does not fail, but it can be repeated.

82. There are always two kinds of people in life - the strong and the weak. If you think you are a mouse, then there is only one final result, which is to become a cat's food.

83. I am my own biggest enemy - the cause of my own unfortunate fate.

84. The greatest glory in life is not undefeated forever, but repeated battles.

85. A lion army led by a reindeer can never be a lion.

86, the world is absolutely brave and brave to pursue success, but to succeed.

87. To truly understand a person, you must examine him in misfortune.

88. Active people see setbacks as a stepping stone to success and turn frustration into opportunities. Negative people see setbacks as a stumbling block to success, and let the opportunity slip away.

89. Anyone who is determined to win is never saying "impossible."

90. The disaster that you will encounter one day is the retribution of your laziness for a certain period of time.

91. A loyal friend is the embodiment of Bodhisattva.

92, concentration is the essence.

93. If people call exaggeration and violentness a virtue, and mildness and justice are criminal acts, then it is not far from such a country to die.

94. Life is endless and cannot be measured only by age; some people have lived through their lives in an instant, while others suddenly aging between the day and night.

95. Life is a doubtful group that needs to be solved. It is a question that needs to be answered, or a mystery that needs to be detected. In short, it is an adventure worth pursuing.

96. A person who has never done a career is not enough to be a good consultant.

97, the power of virtue, ten times the power of the body. - Napoleon's famous sentence

98, mentality determines success or failure, regardless of the situation, must hold a positive attitude. Don't let depression replace zeal, the value of life can be high, or it can be nothing. How do you choose?

99. No matter what you do, the heart will never admit that there is a possibility of failure. Just think about your strengths, not your weaknesses, and think about your abilities rather than problems.

100. Never negatively think that doing something is impossible, as long as you think you can, try, try, try again, and finally you will find that you can. - Napoleon famous words

101. No one in the world can change you. Only you can change yourself, no one can defeat you, and only you can defeat you.

102. As a commander-in-chief, they rely on their own experience or genius. The tactics and science of engineering and artillery officers may be learned from books, but the development of talents can only be achieved through experience and research on the battles of famous dynasties.

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