Classic quotes

Mrs. Curie's famous sayings

1. People must have patience, especially with confidence.

2. People must have perseverance, otherwise they will accomplish nothing.

3. It would be disappointing if a person built all his interests in life with the stormy emotional impulses of love.

4. The foundation of science is a healthy body.

5. The world that human beings cannot see is not the illusion of fantasy, but the actual existence of the radiance of science. Honor is the power of science.

6. If you can live with your ideals and follow the spirit of freedom, perseverance, and honesty and self-deception, you will be able to succumb to the best of the best.

7. Humans also need people who are ideal. For such people, selfless development of a cause is so fascinating that they cannot care about their personal material interests.

8. What is scientifically important is the "things" that are researched, not the researchers "individuals."

9. We must turn our life into a scientific dream and then turn our dreams into reality.

10. The foundation of science is a healthy body.

11. We should not waste our lives and should be able to say: "I have done what I can do."

12. I have never been lucky. I will never expect luck in the future. My highest principle is: Never give in to any difficulties!

13. Our life doesn't seem to be easy, but what does it matter? We should have perseverance, especially self-confidence!

14. Honor is like a toy. It can only be played. It must not be kept forever. Otherwise, nothing will happen.

15. The weak are lost opportunities, and the strong are making opportunities. Excerpt from: Inspirational Quotes

16. Human beings also need dreamers who are obsessed with the selfless development of a cause and cannot pay attention to their material interests.

17. I think we should look for spiritual power in an idealism that makes us not proud and enables us to bring our hopes and dreams to a noble state.

18. I used your bonus as a loan for honor. It helped me get the initial honor. The loan should be returned, please send it to other poor young people who are determined to fight for greater honor.

19. Honor makes me more and more stupid. Of course, this phenomenon is very common, that is, the actual situation of a person is often very disproportionate to what others think he is. For example, every time I whisper, it becomes a solo of the horn.

20. People who work for the happiness of the public, no matter which department they are in, cannot be cut off by national borders. Their labor results do not belong to one country but to the entire human race.

21. Make life a fantasy, and then turn fantasy into reality.

22. We Poles, when the state is enslaved, have no right to leave their homeland.

23. The motherland is more important to life. It is our mother, our land.

24, we must have perseverance, especially to have confidence! We must believe that our talents are used to do something, and no matter how expensive it is, this kind of thing must be done.

25. Turn life into fantasy and turn fantasy into reality.

26. I believe that we should look for spiritual power in an idealism that does not make us proud, but enables us to put our hopes and dreams high.

27, those lively and very careful silkworms, working like this voluntarily and persistently, really touched me. I looked at them and thought that I was the same as them, although I might not be as well organized at work. I am also patiently working towards a superb goal forever. I know that life is short and fragile, knowing that it can't leave anything, knowing that others have different opinions, and can't guarantee that my efforts make sense, but I still do it. I did this, no doubt there was a reason why I had to do this, just as the silkworm had to do it.

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