Classic quotes

Li Dazhao's famous sayings

1. The highest ideal in life is seeking truth. ——Li Dazhao

2, the iron shoulders bear the righteousness, the hand is the article. ——Li Dazhao

3. The most precious thing is today, the most easily lost is today. ——Li Dazhao

4. Love between the two sexes is the most important part of life. He should be kept free, sacred, and noble, and he must not be forced, insulted, defiled, and scorned, and he loses his beautiful value in the human society. ——Li Dazhao

5, try to see the future of the world, must be the world of the red flag! ——Li Dazhao

6, for the world into civilization, for human happiness, to youth, to build a family of youth, the country of youth, the nation of youth, the humanity of youth, the earth of youth, the universe of youth, the joy of its endless life . ——Li Dazhao

7. The country has no patriotism and its country is perishing. ——Li Dazhao

8. The civilization of youth and the civilization of struggle. Struggle with the situation, struggle with the times, and struggle with experience. Therefore, young people, the king of life, the spring of life, and the life of life. ——Li Dazhao

9. The dictionary of youth, without the word "difficult"; the verbal of the youth, there is no "obstacle"; only knowing the leap forward, but knowing the male flying, but knowing the spirit of freedom, the thought of singularity, the intuition of sharpness, the lively Life to create an environment and conquer history. ——Li Dazhao

10. When I am alive, I can't be tired of "present" and I will think back to "the past" and dream of "the future" to make the effort of "now". It is not possible to be self-sufficient in the "present" situation, and not to take out the "now" efforts and seek the development of "future". We should make good use of "this" and strive to create "future". ——Li Dazhao

11. Everything must be done in a down-to-earth manner, not in the air, not in the virtual voice, but only in the attitude of seeking truth. If you study at this attitude, then the truth can be seen. If you work with this attitude, you can do it. ——Li Dazhao

12. We should conform to nature, stand on the truth, and seek the light of life. We must not fall into a situation of stubbornness and hypocrisy, and disillusion the real life. ——Li Dazhao

13. I think that the way to find happiness in life is better than respecting labor. All the moral conditions can be obtained by labor, and all sufferings can be freed from labor. ——Li Dazhao

14. Knowledge is the lamp that guides the light and real world of life. Ignorance is the obstacle to achieving the realm of light and reality, that is, the obstacle to the development of life. ——Li Dazhao

15. Young people, the king of life, the spring of life, and the life of life. ——Li Dazhao

16. Who is more embarrassed about time, and the time is more generous to whom. If you want time to live up to you, first of all, you must live up to the time, abandon the time, and abandon him. ——Li Dazhao

17. Sexual love is the most important part of life. He should be kept free, sacred, pure, and noble. Don't force him, insult him, smear him, succumb to him, and lose his beautiful value in human society. ——Li Dazhao

18, with the youth of me, create a family of youth, the country of youth, the nation of youth, the humanity of youth, the earth of youth, the universe of youth, to enjoy its endless life. ——Li Dazhao

19. The road to history is not all flat. Sometimes it comes to the realm of difficulties and obstacles. This is the only way to rely on the spirit of the hero to rush.

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