Classic quotes

Positive optimism, good words, good sentences, aphorisms

1. Optimism itself is a success.

2, sorrow, concern and pessimism can make people sick; positive, happy and strong will and optimistic emotions can overcome the disease, but also make people strong and longevity.

3, happy laughter, is a reliable sign of mental health.

4. Real happiness is optimism about life, happiness of work, and excitement about career.

5. I believe that if you talk about sad things with a happy mood, sorrow will vanish. - Gorky

6. When life is as light and fluid as a song, it is easy to smile, and people who can still smile when everything is not good are truly optimistic. - Wilcox

7. Accept the failure in reality with a humorous attitude. A person with a sense of humour can easily overcome the bad luck and eliminate the ensuing thoughts.

8. Sports and sports can improve human health and people's optimism, while optimism is a necessary condition for longevity. - Le Bersinskaya

9. If you live, you should work hard to make it beautiful. - Tolstoy

10. The road to life is depicted by the heart. Therefore, no matter how harsh the situation is, the heart should not be immersed in pessimistic thoughts. - Inamori Kazuo

11. We have struggled for joy, and we are going to die for joy. Therefore, sorrow should never be linked to our name. - Fucik

12, behind the dark clouds is still a bright sunny day. - Langfro

13. Sports and sports can improve human health and people's optimism, while optimism is a necessary condition for longevity. - Le Bersinskaya

14. Always develop yourself and the world outside you with a positive and optimistic attitude. ——Zeng Xianyu

15. True happiness is intrinsic. It can only be found in the human mind. - Bremer

16. Be aware that pessimism is not born. Like other human attitudes, pessimism can not only be alleviated, but also through efforts can be transformed into a new attitude: optimism.

17. If optimism makes you successful, then you should believe that optimism is the source of success.

18, all harmony and balance, health and bodybuilding, success and happiness, are caused by the upward psychology of optimism and hope. - Washington

19. When life is as light and fluid as a song, it is easy to smile, and people who can still smile when everything is not good are truly optimistic. - Wilcox

20, should not be forced to seek all kinds of happiness, should only pursue noble happiness. - Democritus

21, true, eternal, and the highest level of happiness can only be obtained from three things: work, self-restraint and love. - Roman Roland "Tolstoy Biography")

22. Silence is the best way to express happiness. If I can tell how happy my heart is, then my happiness is only limited. - Shakespeare

23. Accept the failure in reality with a humorous attitude. A person with a sense of humour can easily overcome the bad luck and eliminate the ensuing thoughts.

24. Make yourself more and more work, and make you accustomed to work. This is the first condition for happiness in life. -Roman Roland

25. Happy laughter is a reliable sign of mental health.

26, where the laughter, it shows that he still has the courage and strength of life. ——De Yongyong

27, always have confidence in everything, always thinking about "going." If you do one thing, first worry about "I am afraid that you can't do it", then you have no courage. - Covering the sky

28. Since there are black spots on the sun, "the things in the world" are even less likely to be flawless. - Chernyshevsky

29, inner joy is the joy of a person living a healthy, normal, harmonious life. -Roman Roland

30. To be meaningful in life, only to carry forward life, happiness is the best way to carry forward life. - Zhang Wentian

31. The so-called inner happiness is the happiness that a person feels when he lives a healthy and normal harmonious life. -Roman Roland

32. Only the interests and outstanding talents can help you to come up with ideas, and then carefully and carefully. - Balzac

33. Only when you have a hard time can you get real joy. - "Tiger's Biography"

34. In the pleasant scenery, the pleasant sound and the aroma of the nose, I will not lock the door of my senses. - "Tiger's Biography"

35. Dispelled all worries and unloaded all the burdens. I couldn’t help but feel satisfied. It was like moving a big rock in my heart. --Mark Twain

36. Don't use pessimism as a buffer to protect your disappointment. Optimism is the flower of hope and can give people strength.

37. No matter where I go, I am looking for happiness. I will never go anywhere to find pain, because I was born to be a happy person. Only when pain is found on my head, I will be painful. - Dickens

38. To be meaningful in life, only to carry forward life, happiness is the best way to carry forward life. - Zhang Wentian

39. Understand life and love life. -Roman Roland

40. Art is an embellishment of life and a temptation to lead to life. - "Torstoy Biography"

41. The beauty of life lies in its richness and richness. To make life interesting, it will continue to enrich it. - Gorky

42. Don't be bothered by adversity, don't imagine a miracle, be down-to-earth, persevere, and go all out to fight for victory.

43. In your leisure time, try to approach optimistic people and observe their actions. By observing, you can cultivate an optimistic attitude, and the optimistic fire will slowly ignite in your heart.

44. The more you are scared, the more you suffer. Therefore, we must understand the power of positive attitude. Believe that hope and optimism can lead you to victory.

45. Look for positive factors even in times of crisis. In this way, you will not give up the effort to achieve a small victory. The more optimistic you are, the more courage you will overcome in overcoming difficulties.

46. ​​No matter how severe the situation is coming to you, you must work hard to find favorable conditions. Soon, you will find that you have some small successes everywhere, so that self-confidence naturally grows.

47. May be happy year after year, and hope that even our most despicable brothers or sisters will not be deprived of the happiness they deserve. - "Dickens Review"

48. No matter where I go, I am looking for happiness. I will never go anywhere to find pain, because I was born to be a happy person. Only when pain is found on my head, I will be painful. - Dickens

49. Joy is the flower of hope, and it can give her strength so that she can face the rough of life without fear. - Balzac

50. Heaven and Earth provide endless pleasures for those who open their minds, so that they can use their feelings and reject them for those who are narrow-minded. - Hugo

51. If life deceives you, don't be depressed, don't be indignant, believe it, the day of happiness will come. - Pushkin

52. Sadness can be cooked by yourself; if the taste of joy is to be fully realized, you must share it. --Mark Twain

53. Don't use pessimism as a buffer to protect your disappointment. Optimism is the flower of hope and can give people strength.

54. You have failed, but you have to think that you have been successful many times. This is fortunate. If you have 10 questions, you have done 5 right, and you have done 5 wrong, then you still have a reason to celebrate, because you have successfully solved 5 problems.

55, laugh, is the sun, it can eliminate the winter color of people's faces. - Hugo

56. The more you are scared, the more you will suffer. Therefore, we must understand the power of positive attitude. Believe that hope and optimism can lead you to victory.

57. No matter how severe the situation is coming to you, you must work hard to find favorable conditions. Soon, you will find that you have some small successes everywhere, so that self-confidence naturally grows.

58. The inner joy is a person who is too healthy.

59. If optimism makes you successful, then you should believe that optimism is the source of success.

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