Classic quotes

Life warnings, good words, life warnings, good words

1. The reason why people are ordinary is that they cannot surpass themselves.

2, do not have the idea of ​​not having a good time, the most unexpected is caused by yourself.

3. There is no good money in the world. Start earning money from small money.

4, the body is not as good as peace of mind, the width of the house is not as wide as the heart.

5, if a person is not dyed by bad habits, happiness is near.

6. Lower your desires to the lowest point and sublimate your rationality to the highest point, which is the saint.

7. Make mistakes and honestly admit your mistakes; sophistry, you will only harm yourself.

8, with a loss is a cheap mind to do things. It can accumulate your work experience, enrich your ability to work, and expand your network.

9. Take failure as a teacher. Instead of learning lessons in failure, it is better to learn from others' failures.

10. Don't talk about your pride in front of the frustrated, this will hurt your relationship.

11. All hardships are useful. This is God is honing you, in order to give you the heavy responsibility.

12, self-recommended, a lot of benefits. Let others see you, know your existence, and know your abilities.

13, do not enter the wrong line. People have a relationship, the entanglement of grievances, and the change is not so easy.

14, don't switch easily. The risk of change is very forest. If you don't have great determination and great strength, it is best not to rash.

15, not only for the sake of life, but also have ambitions. You have to think about: What kind of person I want to be in this industry.

16. Conquering the world is not great. One can conquer oneself and be the greatest person in the world.

17. Don't enjoy glory alone. Exclusive glory, one day will alone suffer.

18, use the patience to sit on the cold bench. The cold bench has been sat, and what are you afraid of?

19, sincerely, the stone is open. Your sincerity will arouse your sympathy and intolerance in the other person's touch.

20, friends should be graded, this is to protect themselves from harm.

21, look at people with time. Time is the inspector who makes the other party unconscious.

22, use inquiries to see people. By gathering the information obtained, you can understand this person.

23. Create a friend profile. In order to avoid people hate when they use it.

24. Expand the circle of friends. Take the initiative to attack, don't wait for someone to come to the door.

25. Keep your friends' flexibility. The enemy can also become friends.

26, the meeting will repair your friends. This kind of friend is the mentor of your life.

27. Good friends should keep their distance. This kind of friendship can last for a long time.

28, be careful to suddenly raise the heat and have friendship. Do not push or greet, cold eyes to view, courtesy.

29. Insufficient ability to make up for diligence. Diligence will make you naturally bright and pay attention.

30, turn the day into forty-eight hours, let each minute and every second play the highest efficiency.

31. Fight a few medals for yourself. Establish status, prestige, let others respect you, courteous you.

32. If you encounter difficulties, you will never retreat. Think of difficulties as a test of yourself.

33, as the second child, do not be the boss. The boss is not good, will become the oldest and fourth.

34. Don't be looked down upon at work. Don't mix your days, don't look at light jobs, don't fish in troubled waters.

35, money chasing people, people chasing health. With health, I am afraid that I can’t make money.

36. If he is long and long, he will be short; if he is short, and short, he will not be long.

37, in the middle of the law, to win respect. Win respect and win trust.

38. Moderate self-lifting. In the job market, people are also a commodity.

39. Use material for profit. Material benefits are temporary, and human interests are long-term.

40. Turn your dedication into a habit. In the short term, it is for the employer, and in the long run it is for yourself.

41. Look for a food and clothing parent. He can save your groping collision.

42. Use the accumulation method to grow assets. Do not seek fast, do not ask for more, do not interrupt.

43, become an expert in your line as soon as possible. As long as you work hard, you can do it quickly.

44. It’s better to live with me than to live and die. This is a win-win situation and is a healthy competition.

45. If you fall, you must climb up. If you don't get up, others will look down on you and you will lose your chance.

46. ​​Don't make excuses for failure. You should face failure and find out the reasons for the failure.

47. Change the environment or change yourself. Instead of changing the environment, it is better to improve yourself.

48. Stretch the front line and avoid the main showdown. There are not a few main battles in life.

49. Don't hit the unsure. Life can't stand the waste.

50, steady and steady, can attack and defend. Success without being caught in your hands is not counted.

51. By strength, don't rely on factions. The faction is not forever, and strength is the best way to live in your life.

52, shine yourself, don't wait for others not to polish. Everyone is for themselves, who is free, and have the heart to understand you.

53. Open the road every mountain, meet the water bridge. After crossing the bridge and going up the mountain, there will always be a new world.

54. Resolve the embarrassment of others with a low attitude. It is a fire that will destroy a person.

55, find an opponent to follow. Follow him and surpass him.

56. Go all out to meet the various tests at work. Don't treat the sudden situation as a whole.

57, forbearance, fight for the future. When the situation is stronger than people, it is necessary to endure.

58. Apply the success model of others. The success model of others is a guide that gives you direction.

59. Think of yourself as your boss or supervisor. Trainee at work and develop the pattern and ability of being a boss or supervisor.

60, do not be satisfied with the small achievements in front of you. You have to ask yourself, is this the only way in my life?

61. Being a man and doing things is not all-inclusive. Because someone will always be dissatisfied with you.

62. Several people you should be careful to deal with. Not everyone is a good person.

63. There are several people who have to keep your attitude. With complete trust, you will be hurt.

64. Proper self-care and the relationship of the villain. Do not rely on the villain, nor sin.

65, it is best not to block people's money. Instead of blocking people's financial roads, it is better to open up another way.

66. Live like a donkey. If people have toughness, what time can they not?

67. Recognize and apply selfishness in human nature. Don't care about the selfishness of others, you should deal with these selfishness.

68, along with the hair touch, he will listen to you. The temper is big, the city is deeper, and the subjective and strong people can't afford this trick.

69, when the time comes, the flower will naturally open. You just have to work hard and you are right. When is the flower blooming, it is God's business.

70, always run in front of the subordinates. Power leadership, emotional leadership is not as good as leadership.

71. Think of yourself as a daily homework. Because you are not perfect, you will make a mistake and you will do something wrong.

72. When you encounter a low tide, encourage yourself. Don't beg, rely on others to encourage you.

73. Borrow the wisdom of others to work. You have to understand that human intelligence is limited.

74. Always have a sense of crisis. Don't think that your life is good luck.

75. Changing yourself is self-help; affecting others is saving people.

76, skillfully use the deadly attraction. Men are gentle, women are spoiled.

77. Face your weaknesses and avoid others' traps. If you are bright and straight, your feet are down to earth, you can avoid stepping into the trap without thinking about it.

78, as long as five cents, do not want a dollar. The chance to take a dollar is only once.

79, put down the body, the road is getting wider and wider. The body will only tie you up. Excerpted from:

80, the protagonist with the Bo can play, the stage is comfortable. This is the elasticity of being able to bend and stretch in the face of real life.

81. Do not do things by doing things. Being temperate will only harm you.

82, the more annoying things, the more you have to be patient. There is nothing wrong with the world.

83. Control your emotions. Don't let others think that you haven't grown up yet.

84. Be a tortoise, don't be a rabbit. People with rabbit qualifications are the easiest to be proud of.

85. Do small things first, and make small money first. This is to accumulate the conditions for making big money by big things.

86. Don't let the failure of the past tie your hands and feet. The environment will change, people will grow up, and once again, they may succeed.

87, don't say too much. It is good to accommodate some accidents so as not to get off the stage.

88. Understand the Chinese style of life. Pay attention to human feelings, different forms, formalism.

89. Make good use of the Chinese psychology of meeting three-parts. You respect each other and the other will respect you.

90, praise others. You don't have to spend money, you can make people happy, why not.

91. Respect the territorial scope of others, and do not cause inconvenience caused by negligence.

92, do not easily reveal your frustration, lest people be considered weak and incompetent.

93. Interpersonal relationship is: there is a house to have it. Take the initiative to attack, first to meet each other's self.

94. Don't ignore the face problem. The act of not giving face is the most likely to cause right and wrong.

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