Classic quotes

Roman Roland famous quotes, Romano Roland classic quotations

1. Happiness is a kind of fragrance of the soul, the harmony of a singing heart. The most beautiful music of the soul is compassion.

2. Faith is not a kind of learning. Faith is an act that only makes sense when it is practiced.

3. Believe in yourself first, then others will believe in you.

4, the future belongs to those who, once decided, will not give up and refuse to give up.

5. I am the Lord of my own pain.

6. A person's personality determines his chances. If you like to keep your character, then you have no right to refuse your chances.

7, as long as there is a pair of sincere eyes to cry with me, it is worth my suffering for life.

8. The higher the goal pursued by one person. His ability develops faster. The more beneficial it is to society.

9. A person who wants to help the weak should become a strong person, not a weak one like them.

10, wisdom, friendship, this is the only light that illuminates our dark night.

11, the heaviest burden is not, but rather boring.

12. The most terrible enemy is that there is no strong belief.

13. The most sensitive barometer of the era of signs is young people.

14. I don't care about politics, but politics always cares about me.

15. A soft attitude is indeed a great comfort to a scorned heart.

16. I know more people, and I like dogs more.

17. People are committed to a goal. An idea... is a manifestation of the need for people to pursue integrity in their lives.

18, all the joy of life is the joy of creation: love genius action depends on creating this group of fires.

19, the real happiness is: to become completely objective, thus reflecting their ambitions.

20, the world is not perfect, the lover is usually not loved, the one who is loved usually does not love people, and the love will be separated sooner or later.

21, an ideal is a power!

22. People who win over others by thought and strength, I don't call them heroes, only people who make themselves greater by the heart, I am called a hero.

23, it is immoral to go through the peace of mind. The person who automatically withdraws from the battle is a coward.

24. Some people feel that it is a pleasure to be able to give up and to express deep and unselfish sympathy to human beings with sacrifice.

25, with the balanced rhythm of light and darkness, with the rhythm of children's life, it shows endless, unpredictable and profound years.

26. With friends, life shows its full value.

27. Some people pursue eternal beauty, and they put infinity into their short life. Others are alive without aspirations.

28, instead of spending a lot of time and energy to cut a lot of shallow wells, it is better to spend the same time and energy to drill a deep well.

29, the trauma is the best thing that life gives you, because it marks a step forward on every wound.

30. Poor one is too addicted to happiness! When selfish happiness becomes the only goal of life, soon life becomes untargeted.

31. See the world and love it.

32. Life is a gamble. Regardless of whether the wealth of life is a loss, as long as there is one pound left in the meat, I will bet it.

33. Even if it doesn't move, time is moving for us. And the demise of the days is to take away the illusions we want to keep.

34. Even knowing half of the truth through your own efforts is much better than knowing all the truths.

35. Suspicion and faith, both are necessary. Suspicion can destroy yesterday’s faith and open the way for tomorrow’s faith.

36. It takes a lot of time and effort to dig a deep well by spending time and energy to cut many shallow wells.

37. Before you can defeat a foreign enemy, you must first defeat your own inner enemy; you do not have to be afraid of indulging and degrading, as long as you continue to extricate yourself and renew yourself.

38. Don't sigh for the past! The best way we can do on the road of life is to look ahead and not to look back.

39. Create, or brew, the creation of the future. This is a necessity: happiness can only exist when this necessity is met.

40. No one has ever studied for reading. He only reads himself in the book, finds himself in the book, or checks himself.

41. It is one thing to talk about theory calmly and unconsciously. Putting ideas into practice, especially when it is necessary to act decisively, is one more thing.

42. The seriousness of peer-to-peer work, a high degree of integrity, forms the balance between freedom and order.

43. For success, 99% of efforts and 1% of genius are not enough! There must also be a 200% morality guarantee.

44, life does not issue round-trip tickets, once you leave, you will never return.

45. Everyone talks about happiness, but there are fewer and fewer people who truly understand happiness.

46. ​​It is clear that the future does not belong to those who are hesitant, but to those who, once decided, will not give up until they are unyielding.

47. Anyone who has no sincere and sincere respect for the truth can never talk about conscience, cannot talk about lofty life, and cannot talk about nobleness.

48. Those who kill their thoughts are the biggest murderers.

49. A serious attitude towards work, a high degree of integrity, formed a balance between freedom and order.

50. The more things you lose, the richer you are: because the mind creates what you lack.

51. Human beings often write a career as a history and look at life from there. In fact, it is only hidden, life is intrinsic.

52. Human life is actually a psychological life.

53. Let the whole life be spent in the pursuit. Then there must be many wonderful moments in this life.

54. Awkward people will send friends to the executioner.

55. I have all the conditions that should be happy, and no matter how distressed my spirit is, I think I should always be happy, as long as I can always convey my inner joy to others.

56, friends see friends are transparent, they exchanged their lives.

57. People cannot stipulate a time for lust.

58. People often feel that the stage of preparation is a waste of time. Only when the real opportunity comes, and they have no ability to grasp it, can they realize that they are not wasting their time.

59. Those of you who are born today, you youth, now it is your turn! Step on our body and move forward. I hope that you are greater and happier than us.

60, your passion and the rudder and sail of the soul of your sailing.

61. Maternal love is a huge flame.

62. Everyone studies themselves from the book. If they find themselves, they control themselves.

63. Life is a vineyard that is used together, cultivated together, and harvested together.

64. Without great character, there will be no great people, no great artists, great actors.

65. Everyone’s life experience is experienced by themselves. If you have the courage, everything will go well.

66. Life is a constant and unrelenting battle. Anyone who is enough to be called a person must fight against the ruthless enemy all the time. The instinct that makes you destroy yourself is this kind of The enemy.

67, life is a bow, bowstring is a dream.

68. The heaviest burden of life is not work, but boring.

69. There is no lack of beauty in life, but lack of discovery.

70. If you want to monopolize the truth, the truth will laugh at you.

71. Life is a never-ending factory, where there is no lazy position. Let's work! Create it!

72. I was born to fight.

73. We only respect the truth, the free, the infinite, the borderless truth, the truth without racial discrimination or prejudice.

74. We must pursue the true merits, pursue a far-reaching understanding of the universe, and pursue more useful things beyond the narrow circle of life.

75. There is only one truth in the world, that is, faithful to life and love it.

76. There are still some countries in the world that are more important. That is the conscience of mankind.

77. Anything in the world, the pursuit of time is always more intense than the enjoyment of time.

78. What is life? It is not like the cold reason and the appearance we see in the naked eye, but the one in our fantasy. The rhythm of life is love.

79. Once the arrow of life is shot, it will never stop. Always chasing the goal of escaping it.

80. The heroes we call are not those who win by thought or strength. The heroes I call them are only those who have noble virtues.

81. I obey reason. When necessary, I can sacrifice my friendship, my hatred, and my life for it.

82. Only the soul can make people noble. All those who pretend to be noble and have no noble mind are like sludge.

83. For the noble goal, I will pay for the price.

84, the ultimate pain is relief. Depressing the soul, attacking the soul, and causing the soul to be in vain, is as mediocre, selfish and wretched.

85. Through your own efforts, even if you know half of the truth, it is much better than knowing all the truths.

86, genius can not avoid obstacles, because obstacles will create genius.

87. The so-called hero is doing what he should do. However, mortals not only do not assess what they can do, but also expect to do things beyond their abilities.

88, a friend after marriage, in any case is not a former friend. The soul of a man now breaks into the soul of some women.

89. Fatalism is an excuse for those who lack the willpower.

90. Whoever has the will to make progress will do what he can.

91. Whoever meets a friendly person in the world and appreciates the realm of the liver and gallbladder is to taste the joy of heaven and earth.

92. Whoever wants to be able to see through the child's life can see the world buried in the shadows, seeing the nebula in the organization, and the universe that is brewing. Children's life is unlimited, it is everything...

93. It is a never-ending factory. There is no lazy place. Let's work! Create it!

94, a rich nature, if you do not take yourself to feed hungry people, you will also wither.

95. Once selfish happiness becomes the only goal of life, life will become without a goal.

96. To spread the sun to the hearts of others, you must have sunshine in your heart.

97. Character is fate. A person's personality determines his chances. If you like to keep your character, then you have no right to refuse your chances.

98. The pain of a person comes from two aspects. One is that there is no personality, and the other is that the personality is too strong.

99. The absolute freedom of a person is crazy, and the absolute freedom of a country is chaos.

100. The whole life is a problem of the day. Only the damn dreamer will put himself in vain, instead of grasping the time flies in front of him.

101. The true hero is not always inferior to the sentiment, but will never be yielded by the humble sentiment. Excerpted from:

102, the age of this girl, it is a person who anesthetizes her age with a happy and proud dream. She always thinks about love, the kind of strong interest and curiosity, if it is not because she is ignorant, she can’t say It is innocent.

103. It is the biggest punishment in the world, the biggest sin, to betray yourself by death, to sell yourself, to deny one's own beliefs. It is better to suffer from the pains and disasters of the world, and never to go to this point.

104. The morality of all moral families and the morality of society that people preach are only good if they lose their self-interest. Only when they sacrifice their sacred thoughts for the dear ones who are too humane, good children or good spouses. It is wonderful!

105. Life is like a seed, hidden in the depths of life, in a mixture of black soil and human clay, where many generations have left their wreckage. A great life, the task is to separate life from the soil. Such fertility needs a whole life.

106. Life is a never-ending, ruthless battle. Anyone who is enough to be called a person must fight against an invisible enemy at all times. The powers of instinct in the instinct, the desires of chaos, the thoughts of sorrow, the thoughts that make you fall and make you destroy yourself are all kinds of enemies.

107. The instinct of youth power is against opposing other youth forces or selectively combining them. Because all kinds of ideas are attractive. They are hesitant to explore and try to smash between two or three goals, then make decisions and choose friends from each other.

108, life is hard. For those who are not willing to be mediocre and ordinary, it is a struggle without day and night. It is often a tragic, unbrilliant, unhappy, struggle in loneliness and silence. ... They can only rely on themselves, but sometimes even the strongest people are inevitably embarrassed in suffering.

109. When a person is young, he needs to have an illusion. He feels that he participates in the great activities of the world. When he reforms the world, his senses will vibrate with all the breath of the universe. He feels so free and relaxed. He is not tired of his family, he has nothing, no fear. Because there is nothing, you can give up everything generously.

110. Most of the people died at the age of twenty or thirty: once they passed this age, they only changed their shadows; the future life is just to imitate oneself, to the era that was really human. Said, what you do, what you think, what you like, the repetition of the day, and the way of repetition is more and more mechanical, and more and more out of the box.

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