Classic quotes

Soros's famous financial quotes, Soros's profile

1. I don't want to spend a lot of time with people in the stock market. I think they hate it, and it's much more comfortable to be with intellectuals than with businessmen.

2. For many years I refused to use it (investment) as my profession. It is the means to an end. Now, I am happy to accept it - in fact, this is my life's career.

3. I have already gotten together with the company. It makes a living for me, and I live with it, day and night. It is my lover. I am afraid to lose it and worry about failure, and try to avoid mistakes. This is a tragic life.

4. I don't think I am a businessman. I invest in a business run by someone else. Therefore, I am a veritable critic. To some extent, you can call me the highest paid critics in the world.

5. I have to change people's perceptions of me because I don't want to be just a rich man. I have something to say. I want the government to hear my voice.

6. Don't flinch when you have a chance to make a profit.

7. Admitting mistakes is something to be proud of. There is nothing to be ashamed of making mistakes. It is a shame to know if you don’t change.

8. People think that I will not go wrong, this is a misunderstanding. My superman is that I can recognize my mistakes. This is the secret of success.

9. Never betray.

10. Life is always on the verge of chaos, so living in a chaotic state is what I am best at.

11. The financial market is not in the moral category. It has its own rules of the game. I am a participant in the financial market. I will play this game according to the established rules. I will not violate these rules, so I don't feel guilty or need to be responsible.

12, stocks are like the forest law of the animal world, specifically attacking the weak, this practice can often be hundreds of ways.

13, when choosing an industry stock, you must choose two, but not just find two, you should choose the best and the worst!

14. The mistake is not shameful. It is shameful that the mistake is already obvious but it is still not corrected!

15. If you are not prepared to endure the pain, then leave, don't expect to be a regular victory general, to be successful, you must be cold!

16. Take risks. Nothing to blame, but at the same time remember to never betray!

17. The market is always wrong.

18. The important thing is not whether your judgment is wrong or right, but to maximize your strength when you are right!

19. I was born to be poor. But when you can’t die, you’re still stumped. ”—Hang on the wall of the office.

20. If you are in a poor business situation, then the first step is to reduce your investment, but don't take back the funds. When you re-enter, the amount of input is small at the beginning.

21. It is not terrible to know what will happen in the future. What is terrible is that you don’t know what to do if something happens.

22. To be successful, you must have plenty of free time.

23. In the stock market, seek mutations that others have not realized.

24. The stock market is usually untrustworthy. Therefore, if you are fashionable in the East China Street area, then your stock trading is destined to be very miserable.

25, in the market, you have to be prepared to endure the pain.

26. If your investment is working well, then follow the feelings and put all your assets into it.

27, hype is like the forest law of the animal world, specifically attacking the weak, this practice can often be hundreds of ways.

28. My fund has become so huge that if I don't spend some money, it doesn't make much sense. And it seems that making money is easier than spending money. I seem to be more talented in making money rather than making the right money decisions.

29. Economic history is composed of episodes of episodes. They are all based on fallacies and lies, not truths. This is the way to make big money. We only need to identify the premise as the wrong trend, follow the trend, and premise that he was dismantled. Get away.

30. Economic history is a series based on falsehoods and lies. The interpretation of economic history is never based on real scripts, but it paves the way for huge wealth accumulation. The practice is to recognize the falsehood, invest in it, and quit the game before the falsehood is known to the public.

31. People think that I will not go wrong. This is completely a misunderstanding. I candidly said that I have made as many mistakes as anyone else about anything. However, my superman is that I can recognize my mistakes. This is the secret of success. The key to my insight lies in recognizing the inherent errors of human thought.

32. Mathematics cannot control financial markets, and psychological factors are the key to controlling the market. Rather, it is only by grasping the instinct of the people that the market can be controlled. It is necessary to know when and how people will gather around a certain stock, currency or commodity, and investors will succeed.

33, Bai Rong, your problem is: you go to work every day, and you think that since I came to work, I should do something. I don't go to work every day. I only go to work when I feel it is necessary... and I really have to do something this day. And you go to work and do something every day, so you don't realize that there is a special day.

34. I am fully engaged in this work, but this is indeed a very painful experience. On the one hand, whenever I make a wrong decision in the market, I have to endure a very great mental torture. On the other hand, I really don't want to make money as a necessary means for success. In order to find the rules that govern my financial decisions, I deny that I have succeeded.

35. I am very happy to have this status because it allows me to get what I want. As a market operator, I have reason to evade this identity because it is harmful; but I am no longer a market operator. My voice has also been heard on political issues. It is this that I found it useful.

36. The financial world is turbulent and chaotic, and it can be followed in an orderly manner. Only by identifying the affair can it be unfavorable. If the financial market's every move is taken as part of a mathematical formula, it will not work. Mathematics can't control financial markets, and psychological factors are the key to controlling the market. Rather, it is only by grasping the instinct of the people that the market can be controlled. It is necessary to know when and how people will gather around a certain stock, currency or commodity, and investors will succeed.

Soros's profile:

George Soros, whose real name is Gyoumlrgy Schwartz, a Hungarian-born American Jewish businessman; a famous currency speculator, stock investor, philanthropist and political activism molecule. He is currently Chairman of the Soros Fund Management Company and the Open Society Institute and a former member of the Board of Directors of the Foreign Affairs Committee. He is known around the world for his role in the Rose Revolution in Georgia, and is known in the United States for raising large sums of money to try to stop George Bush from being re-elected as president. On July 27, 2019, George Soros officially announced that he would end his 40-year career as a hedge fund manager.

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