Classic quotes

a famous saying about the success or failure of the details

1, the details determine success or failure.

2. Success is the son of detail.

3. Pay attention to details and accomplish great things.

4, to be better than others, only in every little thing than hard work.

5, Cheng Daye if cooking small fresh, do big things must be heavy details.

6. Opportunities are often hidden in the details.

7, the mystery is all in the subtle.

8, the workplace rumors: the world's major events, must be done in detail.

9, do not let go of any details.

10, small things accomplish great things, the details are perfect.

11, the details stem from the attitude, the details reflect the quality.

12. The essence of the details is a serious attitude and a scientific spirit.

13. Workplace rumors: Do small things and do fine things.

14. A 1% error will result in a 100% failure.

15. A casual detail can often reflect a person's deep cultivation.

16, do not be greedy, do not count small people.

17. A small step in personal quality and a great step in national quality.

18. What makes people exhausted is not the mountains in the distance, but the sand in the shoes.

19, make small things fine, and thoroughly understand the details.

20, the details stem from the attitude, the details reflect the quality.

21. The essence of the details is a serious attitude and a scientific spirit.

22. The details carry the civilization of society. Excerpted from: famous celebrity quotes

23. Details are tiny things and plots that reflect the inner connections and essence of things.

24. A 1% error will result in a 100% failure; 100-1=0.

25, the details are not "fine details", but the intention, is a serious attitude and the spirit of science. - Wang Zhongqiu

26, the world's major events, must be done in detail. - Laozi

27, Taishan does not let the soil, so it can become its big; the river and the sea do not choose a trickle, so it can be deep. ——Qin Guofan Xiang Li Si

28, small things make great things, the details are perfect. - Hewlett-Packard founder David Pahang

29. I emphasize the importance of detail. If you want to do a good job, you must make every basic job perfect. - McDonald's founder Klock

30. Our success shows that our competitors are because they lack deep attention to detail. -- Fred Turner, President of McDonald's

31, do not let go of the details. A company that ignores the details, its development must be stagnant in the rough gravel. - Matsushita Yusuke, founder of Matsushita, Japan

32. An entrepreneur must have a clear business philosophy and unlimited love for details. - Western "Business Pope" Bruno Titz

33, the mystery is all in the subtle. ——Gotts Werner, President of DM, French supermarket chain

34, the devil is in the details. ——Architect Master Sfan Faro

35. German companies have achieved a large number of world-class enterprise giants with a meticulous, meticulous and rigorous work style, and created a national brand that is synonymous with the quality assurance of “Made in Germany”. - globally recognized

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