Classic quotes

A famous saying about sincere treats

1. Reality and simplicity are the precious qualities of genius. ——(Su) Stanislavsky

2, sincerity is a kind of open mind. ——(法)La Rochefoco

3. Sincerity is the road to honor. ——(法) Zola

4, simple but more intimate words can touch my heart. ——(English) Shakespeare

5. What is money compared to a pure conscience? ——(英) Hardy

6. Honest people never regret their honesty. ——(English) Toll Fuller

7, the truth may be sad, but better than the promise. ——(Su)wa Azayev

8. Whoever wears the clothes of humility, who is the most beautiful and most handsome person. - Montgomery

9. The machine will always fight on the side of the cautious. - Euripides

10. People who act cautiously often get the help of opportunities. - Erides

11, as the beginning of the discretion, there is no defeat. - "Laozi"

12, the first modest for people, the endless period of learning. ——Feng Menglong

13, honesty can best touch people's hearts. ——(English) Shakespeare

14. Honest people must be trustworthy to themselves, and his last patronage is sincerity. ——(United States) Emerson

15. If a person wants to show the highest sincerity, he must do nothing and not speak to others. ——(India) Tagore

16. The pain of those who fall in love with each other will not help you when you are killed. ——(Persian) Sadie

17. Sincerity is the highest virtue in life. ——(英)乔叟

18, a good heart is worthy of gold. ——(English) Shakespeare

19, come out, my heart, with your love to meet with it. ——(India) Tagore

20. Hypocrisy can never be turned into reality by virtue of its growth in power. ——(India) Tagore

21, sincere. Do not deceive people; think pure and fair; speak so. ——(United States) Franklin

22. Only reason can teach us to know good and evil, so that we love and hate. Although conscience does not depend on reason, but without reason, conscience cannot develop. ——(法) Rousseau

23, to let new people like you, willing to know more about you, sincere and honest is the most reliable way, is the "biggest power" you can make. ——(United States) Irene Casera

24, the heart-to-heart talk is the display of the soul. ——(Su) Wen Kavilin

25. Honest and ignorant, it is weak and useless; however, knowledge and dishonesty are dangerous and terrible. ——(English) Jensen

26, the more kind people, the more they are not aware of the bad intentions of others. ——(法)米列

27. When one person is inconsistent with words and deeds, this is completely bad, and this will lead to hypocrisy. ——(Russia) Lenin

28. When a person does not have a deception to others, or even to himself, his characteristic is sincere. ——(Russia) Corolenko

29. The reason why a poet becomes a poet is to try to get his soul out of everything similar to the hypocritical world... He is pure, he is innocent. ——(德) Schiller

30. True ecstasy does not stop spreading real, understandable, and useful things, but makes fake things popular everywhere. ——(Germany) Goethe

31. The greatest trust between people is the trust in speaking. ——(English) Bacon

32. Between people, only sincere treats, is a true friend. Whoever counts a friend is tantamount to deceiving himself. ——(Nigeria) Haji Abu Bakar Imang

33. For those who are kind, the idea of ​​paying the price must be paid is an insult. Virtue is not an ornament, but a manifestation of a beautiful mind. ——(法)Gide

34. I would like to prove that anyone who acts with kindness and nobleness will be able to bear the trouble. ——(Germany) Beethoven

35. Talented people are always kind, frank, straightforward, and never hold on. ——(法) Balzac

36. With sincerity, you will have an open mind. With an open mind, you will be willing to let yourself know others, and you can let go of your false self-esteem to understand yourself. Building is not blindly loved by knowing that you understand the love of others. ——Fu Lei

37. Conscience is the sentry of each of us. It is there to stand on duty and monitor the fact that we don’t make illegal things. It is a spy in the central fortress of the self. ——(English) Maugham

38. We know that there are flaws in the night, and we all know that there is land on the ship, but it is just "knowing", not "real feeling." ——Feng Zikai

39. I ask others to be honest, and I have to be honest. ——(Russia) Dostoevsky

40. It is unsafe and unwise to do things with conscience. ——(Germany) Martin Luther

41. Without simplicity, kindness, and truth, there is no greatness. ——(Russia) Lev Tolstoy

42. The nature of the show is always better than the rhetoric. ——(English) Lessing

43. The sun will neither exaggerate nor shrink. If there is anything, it will shine what it looks like. ——(Su) Gorky

44. There is greatness in the real world and reality in the greatness. ——(法) Hugo

45. In your personal life or work, you may lose something you want because of honesty. However, losing a reward in the long journey of life is nothing. ——(United States) Irene Casera

46. ​​The good behavior has the advantage of making the human soul noble and enabling it to make better behaviors. ——(法) Rousseau

47. Among all moral qualities, the nature of kindness is most needed in the world. ——(English) Russell

48. One or two sincerity is equal to one ton of cleverness. - Dumas (France)

49. Sincerely, the stone is open.

50. Hypocrisy is a tribute to ugliness to virtue. - La Rochefort (France)

51. True love is the scent of the night, the jewel in the dark, the first heartbeat heard by doctors. It is a miracle in the ordinary, a starry sky woven with soft white clouds and scattered in the night sky. - Cairns (France)

52, sympathy, so that the weak people feel the world gentle; make the strong people feel that the world is noble. - Arnold (UK)

53. Honoring people, people are always respectful; lovers, people are always in love. - Mencius

54. If the whole purpose of our life is only the happiness of the individual, and our personal happiness is only in love, then life will become a truly dark wasteland full of ridiculous and ruined souls, turning into a terrible hell. - Belinsky (Russia)

55. See its sincerity and the stone is open. - "Han Shi Wai Chuan"

56. Take love away and our earth becomes a grave. - Bai Langning (UK)

57. A person can remain modest after being blamed rather than praised. That is true modesty. - Rickett

58. A young bud and a bud. This is the most precious virtue. It is the mother of all morality. This is humility; with this virtue we will have fun. - Gardos

59. When I saw that people were really humble and humble, I couldn’t help but think of the teaching that “the crushed reeds will not break, and the broken lights will not blow out”. --"Gospel of Matthew"

60, for not to be embarrassed, not to be jealous. - Pi Rixiu

61. If you give three points on the road of life, you will be wide and wide. - Carnegie

62. Be careful not to have trouble. - Handel

63. People are humble because of erudition, because they are brave enough to sacrifice power. - Kipling

64, under the mantle, the flow of water; people are modest, return to morality. ——Wei Zheng

65. Moderate, humble, and courteous words and deeds can sometimes make people change their minds. - Sadie

66, those who want to pick roses must pay attention to the thorn. - Persian proverb

67, do not see the bottom of the river, do not wading through. - English proverb

68. Those who are truly knowledgeable and supportive will not deliberately show off their own. ——David Hanson

69. The true great man never imagines greatness. - Herzlit

70. A person who truly knows himself cannot be modest. - Anonymous

71, cautious is a good teacher. - Grohhan excerpted from:

72, modesty is the conscience of the body. - Balzac

73. Although I have certain advantages, my own most important advantage is my modesty. - Montesquieu

74, modest heart, grand and small. - Wang Shouren

75. There is one, big enough to keep the world, medium enough to keep the country, small enough to keep his body: modesty is also. ——Liu Xiang

76. Those who know half of the solution are not modest; those who know more and have the skills must be modest. ——Xie Juezhen

77, self-sufficient, loss of people; self-humiliation, people benefit. ——Wei Zhengru

78. With Wang Gong in the emperor, he is small, and Xianda is great in modesty. - Shelley

79. If you are modest and self-reliant, you will be attached to the public; if you are arrogant and arrogant, you will go to the disease. ——Ge Hong

80, the line can be steadfast, and the words can be respected. ——Hu Hong

81. Although there is a thorn in the spear, it is better to be a compliment. ——荀荀

82. Don't be arrogant and arrogant. Don't violate the public by yourself. Don't lose your faith. - Zhuge Liang

83, keep it to be foolish; merit is the world, keep it to let; courage to revitalize the world, keep it by the embarrassment; rich in the four seas, keep it to be modest. ——Confucius

84, the ocean is swallowing, how great the tide! But it is always so modest, always keeping itself low, so it can accommodate the flow of water in the river and absorb the snow and rain of the earth. ——China Jinyan

85. The soil is the mountain, and it is high after the ride. The water is the sea and the depth is deep. Therefore, the sanctuary has accumulated. - 荀子

86. Being open-minded makes people progress, and pride makes people fall behind. We should always remember this truth. - Mao Zedong

87. Self-improvement means that people are more convinced, and boasting is a must. ——Shen Hanguang

88, modesty, virtue also, the humiliation of more deceitful; silent, squatting, too silent or traitor. ——Xu Xueyu

89. Caution and self-control are the source of wisdom. - Ronald Penns

90. When the bee leaves the flower from the girlfriends, the camp is thankful. The boastful butterfly believes that the flower should thank him. - Tagore

91. Be temperate in good times and be cautious in adversity. - Perry Ander

92. Humility is the most valuable harvest of reflection, and it establishes a line of defense against pride. - Winchowski

93. Smart people will not put all their eggs in one basket. - Cervantes

94. People are good, and there are not enough good. ——(Song) Yang Wanli

95, swearing evil, long ten good. - "Song Shi Bi Shian Biography"

96, humbly, scholars should keep this four words. - Zhu Xi

97, the gentleman quits self-deception, seeking self-humiliation. ——Hai Rui

98, the defender is not good, the humility is no dispute. - Lin Biao

99, the big picture, when you are careful. ——Lu Jinxi

100, shallow and incompetent people, more arrogant than anyone else. --proverb

101, modest and four benefits. ——Bangu

102, caution is not delayed. --proverb

103. When people want to develop themselves, they must first humbly ask others for advice. ——-Wuren Xiaolu

104. Silence and modesty are the virtues of social. ——Montaigne

105, inadvertently regret it before, ignorant! Although regrets nothing. - Han Ying

106, modesty makes the heart shrink, like a small stone egg, although small, and extremely strong. Being strong can be honest. - Lao She

107. The establishment of trust requires a long-term accumulation of sincerity; the collapse of trust, a lie is enough. In the process of maintaining and rebuilding trust, can we first ask Chinese cultural people to remain sincere, can we ask our words to be sincere? ——Yang Wei

108, modest gentleman, humble to self-pastoral. - "Easy Modem"

109, think twice and then go. - "The Analects of Confucius

110, the gentleman quits self-deception, seeking self-humiliation. - "Hai Rui Ji"

111, sincerity is not moving, self-cultivation is right, governance is sensible. ——(Song) Yang Shi

112, the world has a good time to see things, there are many good words, but a rare word is rare. ——(清)申居郧

113. In the words of the world, there is no such thing as "singular police" and "ordinary." In a word, it becomes a strange police or becomes ordinary, depending on whether it matches the real content or not. ——Xu Yuyong

114, the gentleman raises the heart and is good at honesty. - "Xunzi·Slim"

115, the true, sincere, also not refined, can not move. - "Zhuangzi Fisherman"

116, two hearts can not get one person, one heart can get a hundred people. - "Huainanzi·缪称训"

117. Since the sincerity, the stone is open. - "Xijing Miscellanies"

118, more virtual than as low. ——(Song) Chen Fu

119. Being careful is the first thing to cultivate yourself. ——《琼琼佩语·修己》

120, stupidity and arrogance are the fruits of a tree. --proverb

121, the virtual arrogance (self) of the big loser of the media, the low-flying use of the winger hits gradually. - Kang Youwei

122, modestly treat others, imaginary to pick things. - Lu Xun

123, the most memorable thing to deal with, the familiar thinking is to have the feelings, the stagnation is the best. The most important thing is that you should be negligent. --anonymous

124, cautious people rarely make mistakes. --proverb

125, fear is thinking, thinking is fine; fear is cautious, caution is unbeaten. ——Zhang Juzheng

126, modest and gentle, do not take things. ——Fang Xuanling

127, sincerity is glass, caution is diamond. ——China Jinyan

128. Humility is the sweet root hidden in the earth, and all the noble virtues sprouted and grew. Socrates is strong with humility, and good self-defense. - Lin Biao

129. Sincerity does not mean blaming others for their shortcomings, but it means that they must not compliment others' shortcomings.

130, the facts are often not so good-looking. - Lu Xun

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