Classic sayings

Quotes about the meaning of life, quotes about why people live

1. The most precious thing in life is life, the most important thing in life is learning, the happiest thing in life is work, and the most important thing in life is friendship. -Stalin

2. Although our lives are short and small, everything that is great is caused by human hands. Life is alive, aware of his noble task, that is his supreme joy. -Turgenev

3, life should be like a candle, from top to bottom, always bright. -Xiao Chunv

4. Life in the world is too bad if you can't make others live better, but make them worse. -Eliot

5. Only such a person deserves life and freedom, if he struggles for it every day. -Goethe

6. The past belongs to the god of death, and the future belongs to you. -Shelley

7. The value of life is based on the work that people do for the contemporary. ——Xu Wei

8. The road comes out by foot, and history is written by people. Every step of man's actions is writing his own history. ——Ji Hongchang

9. Spring silkworms are exhausted until the dead silk is reached, and people will not stop talking. If you are still alive, you must work hard and leave it as a good area for young people. ——Wu Yuzhang

10. I hope I don't feel guilty about life every time I recall—Guo Xiaochuan

11. A person's life may burn or decay, I cannot decay, I am willing to burn! --Ostrovsky

12. If you want to love your own value, you have to create value for the world. -Goethe

13. Society is like a boat, and everyone must be ready to take the helm. -Ibsen

14. Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job. --Leo Tolstoy

15. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. --Leo Tolstoy

16. Life is empty and uninteresting only to those who are bland. -Chernyshevsky

17. The value of a person should depend on what he contributes, not what he achieves. ——Einstein

18. Only by devoting himself to society can one find out the meaning of that short and risky life. ——Einstein

19, all sentient beings, do not love life? Love the extreme, and then love group. ——Qiu Jin

20, life is like this glass of strong wine, without refining three or five times, it will not be so delicious! ——Guo Xiaochuan

21. People full of joy and struggle spirit always bring joy, and welcome Thunder and Sunshine. -Huxley

22. Life is battle. -Korolenko

23. In order to play your role in life, love life. -Rodin

24. Hope is attached to existence. When there is, there is hope, and when there is hope, it is light. ——Lu Xun

25. The heavy night is a prelude to the day. ——Guo Xiaochuan

26. When a person meets the light with work, the light will soon shine on him. ——Feng Xuefeng

27. Winter has arrived, can spring be far behind? -Shelley

28. As for me, I was born to work for the public interest and never wanted to show my achievements. The only comfort was to hope that I could see a drop of honey in our hive. -Krylov

29. Although there are many shortcomings in this world's activities, they are still beautiful. -Rodin

30. The hard-working bee never has time to sorrow. -Black

31. Hope is a faithful sister of doom. -Pushkin

32. When your hopes fail, you must be firm and calm! -Longfellow

33. Believe in yourself first, then others will believe in you. -Turgenev

34. Don't lament the pain of life! --- Sigh is the weak ...---- Gorky

35. Fatalism is an excuse for those who lack the willpower. ——Roman Roland

36. The only disadvantage we don't correct is weakness. -La Rochefoucauld

37. The selfish winner can destroy the public. ——Lin Ye

38. Everyone is good, and the world is peaceful; everyone is private, and the world is chaotic. ——Liu Ye

39. Selfishness is an obstacle for others. ——Lu Kun

40. Ru Yan forgets all the past, and his heart is selfless. ——Tao Zhu

41. Always seek to benefit others, not to benefit yourself. ——Xie Jueyu

42. All self-interested lives are irrational, animal lives. --Leo Tolstoy

43. Human reason shatters superstition, and human feelings will destroy self-interest. -Heine

44. Selflessness is a rare morality, because it is not profitable from it. -Brecht

45, gentleman Yu Yu, villain Yu Yu. -Kong Qiu

46. ​​Don't worry about being poor or poor, but not getting rich. -Tao Yuanming

47. The rich, the rich, the poor, the poor, and the low-joy, the man is heroic. ——Cheng Hao

48. The poverty-stricken, white and plain life is exactly where our revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties! ——Fang Zhimin

49. The three armies can be handsome, and the husband cannot be ambitious. -Kong Qiu

50. Those who are not strong are not wise. ——Mo Di

51, Zhi Zhi An Zhihong's ambition! ——Chen She

52. Aspirations are high. ——Zhu Geliang

53. The old man was fuming and determined to be thousands of miles away; ——Cao Cao

54. Finch plays with Fan Chai and travels in peace. ——Cao Zhi

55. Poor and strong, do not fall into the cloud. ——Wang Bo

56. Dapeng rose on the same day and skyrocketed 90,000 miles. ——Li Bai

57. Those who have established great events in the past must not only have transcendent talents, they must also have perseverance. --Su Shi

58. Life is a hero, and death is also a ghost male. So far, thinking about Xiang Yu, he would not pass Jiangdong. ——Li Qingzhao

59, Zhuangxin has not grown with age, and he can still be a ghost. ——Lu You

60. Therefore, those who are determined to learn are also willing to learn; for scholars, they are also determined to do so. ——Wang Yangming

61. Poverty is not ashamed, but shame is poor and unwilling. ——Lu Kun

62. We judge people's activities based on their purpose. The purpose is great, the activity can be said to be great. -Chekhov

63. There is no ideal but indecision is a sad psychology. ——Bacon

64. The ideal of life is for an ideal life. ——Zhang Wentian

65. People, as long as they have a conviction and pursuit, they can tolerate any hardship and adapt to any environment. ——Ding Ling

66. An ideal character must be expressed not only in the satisfaction of material needs, but also in the satisfaction of spiritual interests. -Hegel

67. A person who can think is really a person with unlimited strength. -Balzac

68. A person who is not inspired by the passion for dedication will never do anything great. -Chernyshevsky

69. Common cause and common struggle can make people have the power to endure everything. --Ostrovsky

70. I never regard ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself-this ethical basis, I call it the ideal of a pigpen. ——Einstein

71. Life is a great treasure. I know that from this treasure, I choose the most precious jewelry. ——Anonymous

72. Even if we are a candle, we should “wax the torch into tears and start to dry”; even if we are only a match, we must shine once at a critical moment; even if our dead bones are rotten after death, we must turn into a phosphorous fire and burn in the wilderness . ——Ai Qing

73. The road comes out by foot, and history is written by people. Every step of man's actions is writing his own history. ——Ji Hongchang

74. Life is not confined to the daily actions of humans in pursuit of their actual goals, but it shows that humans participate in a cosmic rhythm, which proves its existence in various ways. -Tagore

75. People, like nails, lose their value once they lose their direction and start to bend to resistance. ——Landau

76. Only by devoting himself to society can one find out the meaning of life that is actually short and risky. ——Einstein

77. A person's life is precious, but the truth of a generation is even more precious. Life is sacrificed and the truth is obvious to the world. This death is worth it. ——Lu Xun

78. The value of life depends on what he contributes, not what he achieves. ——Einstein

79. The length of life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution. -Petofi

80. Life is not good for the time, death is unheard of, and it is self-abandonment. ——Sima Guang

81. Those who seek a vulgar and boring life for themselves are really poor and small. -Jordan

82. The most essential value of human nature is human independence. ——Burman

83. The true value of a person first depends on to what extent and in what sense he is liberated from himself. ——Einstein

84. We better regard our life as the continuation of our predecessors' life, a part of our common life now, and the beginning of future generations. ——Anonymous

85. Life is impermanent, but most of the loveliness of life is here. ——Li Yanye

86. Our lives are worth as much as we work hard. ——Moliak

87. What is life? It's not the look we see in our cold intellect and our eyes, but the look we imagine. The rhythm of life is love. ——Roman Roland

88. I was born to fight. ——Roman Roland

89. Look for something that makes you worth giving your life. ——The Warrior Xiaodu Shidu

90. In order to explore the meaning of life and realize the value of life, we must pursue life and death, safety and danger, joy and suffering, which are often the yardsticks for testing life values. ——Anonymous

91. A person's life may burn or decay, I cannot decay, I am willing to burn! --Ostrovsky

92. Life is a rich ore, which needs to be mined by itself. ——Cui Hetong

93. Life is only valuable in the struggle. -Herzen

94. As soon as we come to the world, society will set up a huge question mark in front of us. How do you spend your life? I never consider ease and enjoyment as the purpose of life itself. ——Einstein

95, life should be like a candle, from top to bottom, always bright. -Xiao Chunv

96, holding a heart, without half a grass. -Tao Xingzhi

97. Man is an animal seeking meaning. -Plato

98. The value of a person to society first depends on his feelings, thoughts and actions, and how much it contributes to the promotion of human interests. ——Einstein

99. The measure of life is to see if it makes sense; not how long it is. -Plutarch

100. We should be the pioneers of history. Only in this way can we truly be the ones who make a difference. -Aung San

101. Whether life is valuable depends on whether you are alive or yourself. ——Anonymous

102. Everyone's life should leave some noble and beneficial things to future generations. ——Xu Beihong

103. When a battle takes place in a heart, his survival is valuable. ——Blannin

104. The meaning of life lies in this process. You need to appreciate each section of the process, whether it is a section of gold or a section of iron; you must recognize the full value of each section. ——Fu Donghua

105. The real value is not in the stage of life, but in the role we play. -Schiller

106. For me, the meaning of life is to think for others, to worry about others, and to be happy about others. ——Einstein

107. The most glorious day in life is not the day when fame is achieved, but the day when sorrow and despair produce challenges and courage to move towards will. ——Flaubert

108. The strong reminds people of the value of life, but the weak reminds people of skepticism. ——Anonymous

109. The man has to die, as heavy as a hill. ——Qu Dajun

110. If you want to know the value of a person, you have to calculate what is in him, not what is in him. --Bizet

111. A person's inherent death is either heavier than Taishan or lighter than Hongmao. ——Sima Qian

112. The best thing about life is that when you stop living, you can still serve the people with everything you create. --Ostrovsky

113. Life is meaningless without dedication to a great ideal. -Jose Rizal

114. Without struggle, life will be lonely and unbearable. -Lermontov

115. The value of life cannot be confused with the value of commodities. ——Anonymous

116. I think the whole meaning of life lies in the victory of spirit, beauty and kindness ... ——Kuplin

117. There is only one life and one death in life. It is meaningful to live, and death is valuable. ——Deng Zhongxia

118. Human life is limited, but serving the people is unlimited. I will put my limited life into unlimited service to the people. ——Lei Feng

119. What is our life? It's just an infinite flight of facts or events with wings. -Emerson

120. The main tragedy of life is to stop fighting. --Ostrovsky

121. The design and creation of the world should be centered on people, not to seek money. People do not live on money. People are often people. -Pushkin

122. There is only one success-to spend your life in your own way of life. -Christopher Morley

123. History does not recognize those who are dedicated to public welfare and thus noble themselves. Experience proves that the person who can make most people happy is himself the happiest. ——Marx

124. I have only one criterion for assessing a person's true value, that is: to what extent he has gotten rid of "self", he got rid of "self" and why. ——Einstein

125. Life as usual is a worthy struggle, but its prize is fighting. -Ralph Jan

126, happiness lies in living for others. --Leo Tolstoy

127, go out, go out, momentary lights. Life is nothing but walking shadow. ——Shakespeare

128, grass is also a little embellished with the value of spring. ——Anonymous

129, life can not be carried out with a mind, although a hundred years of life, it is still heaven. ——He Liangjun

130, his mind is full of himself, this kind of person is the kind of the most empty person. -Lehitov

131. The greatest satisfaction in life is to be aware of your obligations. -Gazlitt

132. The meaning of a person lies not in his achievements, but in what he seeks to achieve. -Gibran

133, life, always full of fighting passion. -Whitman

134, life is alive, no good talk, no good career, full of warm clothes all day long, no care, why is it different from animals. -Su Zhe

135. There can be no life without real life. Real life is probably the life itself. -Kafka

136. Everyone should be their master. ——Anonymous

137. Responsible hardships must be known in life before we can know that there is fun to be responsible. -Liang Qichao

138. A life of trial and error is not only more glorious, but also meaningful. -Bernard Shaw

139. We live in the world not to ask for life for ourselves, but to try to make others live happier lives. ——Osb

140. There is no merit without struggle, no reward without merit, and no life without action. -Belinsky

141. No matter how unfortunate life is, smart people always get a little benefit from it; no matter how happy life is, stupid people always feel infinite sadness. -La Rochefouc

142. My so-called survival is not living, the so-called food and clothing is not extravagance, and the so-called development is not indulgence. ——Lu Xun

143. A real person should exhaust his wisdom, expertise and energy for the people before leaving the world. Otherwise, he will always feel regret and waste limited life. -Cao Yong

144. The struggle for happiness, no matter how difficult it is, it is not a pain, but a joy, but a comedy. -Chernyshevsky

145. The so-called alive are those who are constantly challenging and who are constantly climbing the peaks of fate. ——Hugo

146. The value of life is determined by yourself. -Rousseau

147. There is nothing more precious than life. Life is unimaginably short. -Dugal

148. The ultimate value of life lies in the ability to awaken and think, not just to survive. -Aristotle

149. Reducing the value of people to the benefits of consumption is undoubtedly the annihilation of creative value; turning life into a commodity for sale is undoubtedly the loss of human nature. ——Anonymous

150. The value of life lies in creation. -Gorky

151. The most precious thing in life is life, the most important thing in life is learning, the most enjoyable thing in life is work, and the most important thing in life is friendship. -Stalin

152. Although our lives are short and small, everything that is great is caused by human hands. Life is alive, aware of his noble task, that is his supreme joy. -Turgenev

153. As for me, I was born to work for the public interest and never wanted to show my achievements. The only comfort was to hope that I could see my own drop of honey in our hive. -Krylov

154. Life in the world is too bad if you can't make others live better, but make them worse. -Eliot

155. Only such a person deserves life and freedom, if he struggles for it every day. -Goethe

156. If a person works only for himself, he may become a famous scholar, a brilliant wise man, and a great poet, but he will never be a perfect and great man. ——Marx

157. In order for the nation to stand on its own feet in the world, it is necessary to look down upon itself. ——Ji Hongchang

158. The glory of life is not to never fail, but to be able to flutter again and again. ——Napoleon

159. People who have never done a career are not enough to be a good consultant. ——Napoleon

160. They regard their love as the ultimate goal. With a lover, they don't need anything. They can't contribute to society and have the least value in life. ——To the police

161. White life equals early death. -Goethe

162. If a person can only live alone and only consider himself, his pain will be intolerable. -Pascal

163. Although we often talk about the joys of life, we all know that hard days are just as difficult as good ones, and are full of difficulties and dangers. ... Once anyone falls into this situation, his only option is to work hard. -Erskine

164. Thirty achievements in dust and soil, eight thousand miles, clouds and moon. ——Yue Fei

165. The purpose of the only theory of life is to build a paradise on earth. ——Hiltai

166. The value of life is based on the work that people have done for the time. ——Xu Wei

167. The value of a person depends entirely on himself. -Gorky

168, I often live a lifetime before I know how to live, this is the difficulty of life. ——Anonymous

169. Natural talents will be useful. ———— Li Bai

170, the world of men, and Zhuang Dangfenghou. -Cen Shen

171. The vulgar goals people strive for-property, vanity, extravagant life-I always feel contemptible. ——Einstein

172. To live, you must have your own value and exist in this world as a strong person. ——Xia Ning

173. Whoever serves the great goals of the times and devotes his life to the human brothers, is immortal. -Nekrasov

174. The rich and the foal in life have a gap, only the honorable life. ——Gu Yanwu

175. Life is a long-lasting desire. The desire is constantly rising, becoming greater and noble. -Dugal

176. The value of life lies in creating a valuable life. ——Anonymous

177. Infer sufficient conclusions from inadequate premises, this art is life. -Butler

178. Life, if connected with the noble responsibility of the times, you will feel it immortal. -Chernyshevsky

179. The most important thing in life is not to increase your status, but to make good use of your talents to the highest limit. ——Anonymous

180. If you want to love your own value, you have to create value for the world. -Goethe

181. It's not a bit cold, how can plum plum smell. ——Feng Menglong

182. I never know what it means to be distressed. If I fail, come back. The future is created by myself. ——Xu Teli

183. In order to save one's life, but betrayed the cause of liberation of millions of people and was spurned by millions, what's the point of living? ——Wang Ruofei

184. Germany can be regarded as a means to achieve a certain purpose. As long as that end is valuable, the means to that end are valuable. -Hume

185, I hope that the late festival in the cold. -Yang Wanli

186. The greatest happiness in life is the result of your labor. ——Xie Dangyu

187. The value of life lies in creation. A life without creation can only be kept alive. ——Anonymous

188. Infinite career. ——Han Yu

189, who can enrich each moment with profound content, who is extending his life indefinitely. -Kurtz

190. The so-called wicked man, no matter how kind a past he has been, has slipped to the fallen path and lost his goodness; the so-called good man, even if he has had a morally unfortunate past, he is still a man who is moving towards goodness. ——Dewey

191. A person came to this world lightly, and finally left the world lightly, remembering that fame and fortune are all foreign objects, and only one person's heart and soul can make him more benefit from your work in the society. The happiest thing in life. ——Zou Taofen

192. Spring silkworms are exhausted to the dead, and people will not stop talking. ——Wu Yuzhang

193. The purpose of life is to develop your own life, but there are times when you must sacrifice your life for the development of life. ——Li Dazhao

194, I hope that every time I recall, I do not feel guilty about life. ——Guo Xiaochuan

195. Human life is like a novel. Its value lies in its contribution, not its shortness. ——Anonymous

196. The meaning of life lies in the beauty and the power to yearn for the goal. Every moment of the journey should have a lofty purpose. The lives of the great Soviet Gorky people show us that we can make our lives admirable; when we sue others, we leave our footprints on the beach of time. ——Langaro

197. Whoever lives in games will have nothing to do, and whoever cannot dominate himself will always be a slave. -Goethe

198. On the way of life, drop the blood drop by drop in order to feed others. Although I am consciously getting thinner, I also think that I am happy. ——Lu Xun

199. A person's life should be measured by his career and not by his life. -Seneca

200. The value of life is based on the contribution of people to society. ——To the police

201. I live for the better of others. ——Lei Feng

202. The length of life is not measured by time, but by thought and behavior. ——Anonymous

203, life is alive, career is the most important. ——Wu Yuzhang

204. A person should arrange his life well and make every moment meaningful. -Turgenev

205. If the balance is used to measure the value of life, the contribution should be the heaviest law. ——Anonymous

206. In pursuit of light and heat, people would rather give up their lives. life is cute. But a cold, lonely life is worse than a vigorous death. -Ba Jin

207. I can't tell if life is alive or not, is it an easy task. -Galsworthy

208. It is work that makes life interesting. -Aiol

209. The value of life is reflected in running this milestone. Although human life is limited, the value created by human life can last forever. ——Anonymous

210. The value of life lies in its use. ——Thai Proverb

211, man should not live like a beast, but should pursue knowledge and virtue. ——Anonymous

212. Vitality is just as ordinary as human nature; however, vitality is sometimes the same as genius like human nature ...—— Shaw Burner

213. The value of a person does not depend on whether he has the truth or believes that the truth is in his grasp; what determines the value of a person is the tireless spirit of pursuing truth. -Lessing

214. The meaning of life does not care about the changes of the outside world, but the inner experience. ——Anonymous

215. The value of man has its season just like fruit. -La Rochefoucauld

216. A glorious hour in a glorious life is better than a life of meaningless life. -Scott

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