Classic quotes

Shi Tiesheng's famous sayings, Shi Tiesheng's classic quotations

1. Love is an ideal or a dream, not just a reality. In this way, when the reality of love is not perfect, the Chinese people who like the real world will not fall back to reality in an all-round way, but will abandon the dream of love that is ethereal in the heart.

2, if love is your wish, love has benefited you, no matter how you can't use it.

3. Writers should contribute their own lost.

4. When all the wise and the obstacles of the day are dissipated, the night wants you to see the world with another eye.

5. The most effective way to eliminate humanity is to eliminate desire.

6, because people want to live, in the end it is such a thing, the real name of people is: desire.

7, child, this is nothing else, this is your sin and well-being.

8. Hell and heaven are in the world, that is, disability and love, that is, original sin and salvation.

9. Constant suffering is the reason for the constant need for confidence. This is the principle of confidence and cannot be changed a little.

10. Love is a moment of weakness, a feeling of recourse to the other, not to the help of the other, to the help of the other.

11, thorough and complete is nothing but a complete nowhere to go.

12, to excuse yourself and torment yourself in a big way of life.

13. The universe refines a song and dance to eternity with its unchanging desire. This desire has a human name that can be neglected.

14. Only the way in which talents live is more important than living itself. Only people are stubbornly questioning and demanding the meaning of survival.

15. Confidence, since there is no need for prior promises, naturally there is no need to compliment afterwards. Its grace can only be received when it comes to suffering.

16. I suspect that the expansion of the universe is because I thought about it accidentally.

17. The custom or way of commemoration can be varied, but always there must be.

18. In fact, more things can be deleted but not allowed to be deleted.

19, elusive, subtle and unpredictable, this is the night.

20, not happy, that is the time when wisdom and conviction are needed.

21. God does not promise glory and happiness, but God bless your hopes.

22, open the eyes of the night, only to find that everyone is actually struggling with weakness, only love each other.

23, people are like a fictional art in the rigid real life, dreaming of a pure land, a perfect time in this helpless reality.

24, should not be dissatisfied with the reality, then angered the ancient dream, saying that it did not.

25, I can now clearly see that once I have to leave it for a long time, how will I miss it, how will I miss it and dream about it, how can I dream and dream because I dare not miss it? Go to it.

26. After a long time, I feel that we all have the desire to get acquainted, but I don’t seem to know how to open it. So I look at each other and then I look away from it. When I have more than one, I don’t know how to open it. It is.

27. If a thought is unique, it opens up the possible place of life. Without the stage, it is already art.

28. There are many people in the world. The world of each person is actually very small. Each small world is only relevant when it is pragmatic. Once it is retired, it is very likely that it will be difficult to understand.

29, people can not, that is, restrictions, that is, disability.

30. The God who forsooks philosophy and forsakes is not the same God as the God who is versed in philosophy.

31. If religion is a blind worship of people who do not know what they are when they are ignorant, their stubborn desire from the source of life has forged the spirit of religion.

32. Don't let the brain control the soul, but let the soul operate the brain.

33. Everyone's behavior or psychology in my writings is something that I have. Some of them have already appeared, and some are squatting in the possibility of waiting.

34. Finding the ugliness of others is tantamount to discovering the ugly possibility of yourself.

35. This shore will always be incomplete, otherwise the other shore will collapse.

36. Time limits us. Habits limit us. The rumored public opinion makes us fall into reality. Let us shut down in the magic of daylight.

37, the brain can not do everything the heart can do. The mind is much wider, farther, and much more complicated than the brain.

38. There is no sorrow for suffering to eliminate nature, but it will be destroyed if suffering is eliminated.

39. Love, not in the reach or where it is not available, is the hope that it will be born, the words will make it exist, and the faith will make it not die.

40. If there is no suffering in the world, can the world still exist?

41. Everyone is a message to convey and continue. All the messages are connected, it is history, and it is the enthusiasm of the universe.

42. For the soul, people struggle for a lifetime, and if they can finally earn a happy day, they have realized the greatest value of life.

43. Some people are very happy, but they look very annoyed; some people should be troubled and look very happy.

44. In fact, we are fortunate every moment, because any disaster may be preceded by a "more".

45. Any life is more complicated than you think.

46. ​​In fact, I really didn't think about her. At that time, her son was too young to think for her mother. He was stunned by his fate and thought that he was the most unfortunate one in the world. He did not know that his son’s misfortune would always be doubled in his mother.

47. For the first time in many years, I realized that there are not only my ruts in this park, but also the footprints of my mother in places where my ruts have been.

48. A person, born, is no longer a question that can be debated, but a fact that God has given him. When God gave us this fact, it has already guaranteed its results by the way, so death is A thing that does not have to be eager for success, death is a festival that will surely come.

49. When I came, I was a child. He had so many childish thoughts, so he cried and cried and wanted to come. When he saw the world, he immediately became a lifeless lover, and for a lover, No matter how long the time is fleeting, then he understands that every step of every step is actually on the way back.

50, the sun, it is a sunset at every moment. As it went out to go down the mountain to collect the desolation, it was on the other side when it burned up the mountain and spread it.

51, smiling, to sing the songs of life. Don't complain that life has given too much suffering, and you don't have to complain about too many twists and turns in your life. If the sea loses the tumbling of huge waves, it will lose its majesty. If the desert loses the mad dance of flying sand, it will lose its grandeur. If life only seeks two-point and one-line smooth sailing, life will lose its charm.

52, if there are some things I did not say, the altar, you do not think I forgot, I have not forgotten anything, but some things are only suitable for collection. Can't say, can't think, but can't forget. They cannot become languages, they cannot become languages, and once they become languages ​​they are no longer they. They are a kind of warmth and loneliness, a mature hope and despair, and they have only two places: heart and grave. For example, stamps, some are used to send letters, and some are just for collection.

53. The past, or the old man, like the fallen leaves, drifted from the darkness into the brightness in the autumn wind of my life, and escaped from the brightness into the darkness. In the bright, I saw them. In the dark, I only imagined them, relying on those who drifted into the bright to imagine those who fled into the darkness. I can't see their truth in the dark, I can only see what they are like in the imagination - as I imagined they drifted into another kind of brightness.

54. But the sun, every moment he is a sunset is also a rising sun. When he went out to go down the mountain to collect the desolation, it was when he burned on the other side and climbed up the mountain to spread the fire. On that day, I will also calm down and go down the mountain, holding my crutches. One day, in a mountainous area, it is bound to run up a happy child and hold his toy.

55. I can devote my friendship to the brilliance of watercolor paintings. Maybe one day, when time passes, I have already accidentally fallen into the forgotten heart lake. The memory of the lake dilutes the beautiful colors, but it faints the irony and timidity of the year, and laughs at the rivers and lakes. The painting has changed a lot, but it has to be deeply regretted.

56. Perhaps the son-in-law has created sweet paintings for human beings. I am afraid that human beings will not cherish them, add some traces of the gods, and hope to bring colorful pictures to human beings, and forge the human spirit in the rough.

57. The room of the soul will be dusty without cleaning. The dusty heart will become gray and confused. We have to go through many things every day, happy, unhappy, and settle down in our hearts. When there are more things in my heart, it will become messy and disordered, and then my heart will follow. Some painful emotions and unpleasant memories, if filled in the heart, can make people embarrassed. Therefore, sweeping the dust and removing dust can make the awe-inspiring heart brighter; to clear the matter clearly, to bid farewell to the troubles; to throw away some unnecessary pain, happiness has more and more space.

58. People who live a confused life are easy to be happy; people who live awake are prone to troubles. This is because the awake people look too real, and when they are more real, they are troubled everywhere in life; and the confused people are less concerned, although they live simple and rough, they have won the realm of life.

59. The bitterness is judged by itself. This is not necessarily directly related to the objective environment. Just as a woman who does not love jewelry, even if she is placed in an environment that attaches great importance to vanity, she does not hurt her self-esteem. Poor scholars with thousands of books do not want to exchange diamonds or stocks with millionaires. Those who are satisfied with the pastoral life are not envious of the honorary title of any scholar, or the high official.

60, life is like a dream. Life is from nothing, and from nowhere to no, life and death constitute the society and the world. From the point of view of impermanence in life, life is like a dream. Therefore, a person can only live in this world if he lives alive and has a taste. "Life is a dream", "Life geometry", from the moment of life, life is indeed a dream. Therefore, how to improve the quality of life and how to live meaningful makes it a permanent topic for people; "Aoyama is still there, a few sunsets red", compared with eternal nature, life is just a dream.

61. Life is picturesque, life itself is a painting, but when it is not deep, we are all readers of reading paintings. After the storm, we have discerned things, and we have become the protagonists in the book. The translation is wonderful. Happiness is a feeling. Happiness is a scent of flowers. When the flowers are open in the depths of the heart, you can exude a long, intoxicating fragrance with a gentle breeze. we! Have a responsibility!

62, bear happiness. Happiness needs to be enjoyed, but sometimes happiness can easily defeat a person. When happiness suddenly comes, people are often overwhelmed by the whirlpool of happiness and fall from the peak of happiness. To bear happiness is to cherish happiness rather than blindly precipitating it. Just like facing an old wine, you will often get drunk and unconscious when you drink it. Only when you are slow and slow, you will taste the true sweetness. .

63. Happiness is to find out for yourself. No matter where you are in the corner of the space, you can enjoy happiness at any moment in time. Even if you are experiencing a big catastrophe, you should be happy because You can see the dawn in the catastrophe. You can learn from the catastrophe that many things that others may not learn in a lifetime. When you have something that others have not owned, you are the only one.

64. Don't rub each other in people and me. Some words are not heavy, but if they are not careful, they will be heavily pressed into others' hearts; of course, train yourself and not be easily injured by others. You can't decide the length of life, but you can extend its width; you can't change the natural appearance, but you can always show a smile; you can't control others, but you can take control of yourself; you can't fully predict tomorrow, but you can make full use of it. Today; you can't ask everything to go well, but you can do everything.

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