Classic quotes

Li Kaifu's famous sayings, Li Kaifu's classic quotations

1. Opportunity is far more important than stability. Career is far more important than money. The future is far more important than today.

2, time is a lot of debris, each must be actively used.

3, doing things, affinity is very important.

4. I understand that Apple's equality, freedom, and democracy are good. However, the company still needs a strategic visionary decision-maker who needs a core person to maintain the company's culture.

5. Choose a standard for work, that is growth, interest, and influence.

6. The reason why the sea can hold so much water is because it has the lowest position - it is necessary to keep a low profile.

7. Every setback is not a punishment, but a way for me to learn to grow.

8. Whenever I think of a step I will take, I will remember the famous saying of Apple founder Jobs: "The most important thing is to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Your inner feelings and intuitions already know you. What kind of person you really want to be. Anything else is secondary."

9. Three steps to gain self-confidence: (1) Don't underestimate yourself and give yourself more energy; (2) Use perseverance, courage, and self-confidence from success; (3) Use your own consciously to determine your goals, and listen to others' assessments with humility. .

10. Use the moderate to reject the extreme; use the rational to analyze the situation; use the pragmatic to exert influence; use calm to grasp the choice; use the conscious attitude; use learning to accumulate experience; use courage to abandon the burden; follow the wisdom with the true heart.

11. To succeed in the 21st century, it is necessary to integrate the advantages of Chinese and Western thoughts, and to strike a balance between modesty and self-confidence, perseverance and self-criticism, courage and calm.

12. Chinese entrepreneurs still have many more naive parts. They often think that entrepreneurship is very glamorous. If you go to a famous school, you can become Li Yanhong, and if you don’t study well, you will become Ma Yun. Too many role models give them the illusion that success is easier.

13. It is not necessary to develop revolutionary products, but it must meet the needs of Chinese users. We do not intend to repeat the work.

14. At the age of 40, Gates realized that the value of life in the world is not how much it is but how much it is left. There are not many people in the world who think of this, let alone do it.

15. Entrepreneurship is a difficult road. It is impossible to examine opportunities and luck, but more importantly, experience.

16. Some companies are very luxuriously arranged, and the boss's office is much more luxurious than the employees. It can be guessed that its hierarchical concept may be very deep. In our research institute, visitors can feel its distinctive academic style when they see those whiteboards.

17. We must establish our goals in life so that we can understand the course of life and understand life and new pursuits. But what is more important than setting goals is to use actions to achieve the so-called goals. Only by making up your mind, learning, fighting, and growing these actions will be qualified to take the sweet fruits of success.

18, the three principles of doing things: use courage to change things that can be changed, accept things that cannot be changed with your heart, and use wisdom to distinguish the difference between the two.

19. Everyone, in an environment of urgency and enthusiasm, can make things that contribute to the company in a passionate environment. If you are in an old institution, bureaucracy, and no passionate institution, you are sorry for yourself, and you are sorry for the company, because you can't do things that are passionate, it is better to go to a place that is more suitable for you.

20, my motto: "There is the courage to change things that can be changed, to accept unchangeable things, to have wisdom to distinguish the difference between the two."

21. Everyone must have a balance between work and private life. Work too hard, exhaust yourself, and break family relationships. This is very unworthy. I will work fine if the company needs it.

22. For me, having influence on the world is the meaning of life. This influence is not to say fame or rights, but to makeadifference, which is because the world is better because of me.

23. Don't attach anything to others, ask your own opinions, and disagree with others. But when you propose it, use a constructive approach. Don't let others think that you are attacking him.

24, to embark on the road to success, you should have your own ideals, understand your interests, and know what kind of people you want to be. If you are not sure, look for it. The best way to find out is to try and learn more, and the university is the best place to try.

25. If you want to be a successful leader, the most important thing is not your IQ, but your emotional intelligence. The most important thing is not to be a charismatic, convincing leader, but to be a leader with modesty, persistence and courage.

26. Only those who work tirelessly and are good at grasping themselves and meeting the challenges can achieve real success.

27. Only proactive people can succeed in a rapidly changing competitive environment. Only those who are good at showing themselves can get real opportunities at work.

28. In the information age, a very good person will produce more than an ordinary person, so we must cherish everyone and give everyone a good environment to realize his potential. These are some very common people. Recognition.

29, the value of the enterprise will ultimately be reflected in the behavior of individual employees. Therefore, any honest enterprise, the requirements of employees will inevitably include the integrity, and must choose the person he can fully trust.

30. Successful people will be more confident because they experience the joy of success. Those who fail will feel more inferior because they experience the pain of failure.

31. Only those who have the courage to face the reality and have the courage to meet the challenge can truly achieve the goal of surpassing themselves and reach the realm of excellence.

32. Everyone should understand their interests, passions and abilities, and give full play to their potential in areas they love.

33. Whether it is to sorrow or to be happy, we need to get positive incentives from confiding and communicating.

34. If you have a heart, you will have success, because your mind will be able to accommodate, and you will be able to gather together and gather together to develop your business.

35. People do not have ideals because they are great, but because they have ideals.

36. Teamwork is a process in which a group of capable and convinced people work together in a specific team to support each other for a common goal.

37. A person with imperfect personality cannot be a person who truly makes a difference.

38. You should not only live in a person's world, but should try to learn to communicate and communicate with people from all walks of life and actively express your opinions and opinions on various things.

39. A first-rate person and a general person may behave the same on general issues, but the performance on top-level issues will be vastly different.

40. Only proactive people can succeed in a rapidly changing competitive environment. Only those who are good at showing themselves can get real opportunities in their work.

41. Have the courage to change things that can be changed, have the heart to accept unchangeable things, and have the wisdom to distinguish the difference between the two.

42. The university is a key stage in life. This is because this is the last time you have had the opportunity to receive a systematic education in your life. This is the last time you can build your knowledge base with all your heart. This may be the last stage of your life that you can spend a lot of time on learning, or the last time you can have a high level of plasticity and focus on self-growth. This may be the ideal environment for your last time to be relatively tolerant and to be able to learn how to behave.

43. Some students study English only in the university in order to pass the fourth and sixth grades. Some students only use English as a necessary skill for job hunting. Some people even think that learning and using English is equal to worshipping foreigners. In fact, the fundamental purpose of learning English is to master an important learning and communication tool.

44. No matter what kind of majors or courses are studied, if we can practice and learn in the process of learning, we can understand the knowledge system more deeply and can firmly remember the knowledge we have learned. When you go out to work or do projects, don't just pay attention to remuneration (unless you have difficulties in life). Sometimes, even if you are not satisfied with the treatment, there are many opportunities for training and practice. We are also worth a try.

45. Don't treat things that are recognized and valued by society, family, or friends as your own hobbies; don't think that the interesting thing is your own interests, but you should experience it yourself and make judgments with your own mind; don't think that you are interested. Things can become your own profession.

46. ​​I believe that honesty and integrity, initiative awareness, communication and communication, and hard work for life are some of the personal qualities that Chinese students need most.

47. If you want to be a successful leader, the most important thing is not your IQ (IQ), but your emotional intelligence (EQ). The most important thing is not to be a convincing leader with charisma, but to be a leader with "modesty," "permanence," and "courage."

48. Only proactive people can succeed in a rapidly changing competitive environment. Only those who are good at showing themselves can get real opportunities in their work.

49. It is best to continue to compete with yourself – don't always think about surpassing others, but strive to surpass yourself and continue to make progress at your own level.

50. Consciousness, empathy, self-discipline and interpersonal relationship are the four key factors that play a decisive role in the success or failure of modern people's career.

51. Only those who work tirelessly, are good at grasping themselves, and are brave enough to meet the challenge can achieve real success.

52, success is to be the best of yourself.

53. Those who dare to try must be smart people. Only those who dare not try are absolute losers.

54. Self-confidence is self-consciousness rather than pride. Use perseverance and courage to gain self-confidence from success and increase self-awareness from failure.

55. Living for yourself is to work hard for your own happiness, interest and life goals, not to live in the values ​​of others.

56. The power of optimism and positive thinking is endless. You have not tried it, how do you know that you can't.

57. Have the courage to change things that can be changed, to measure and accept things that cannot be changed, and to have wisdom to distinguish the difference between the two.

58. Seven things students should learn: learn the way of self-study, basic knowledge, practice, interest development, initiative, control time, and do things for others.

59. As long as you have a proactive attitude, there is no goal that cannot be achieved.

60. A person is defeated not because of the obstacles of the external environment, but because of how he reacts to the environment.

61. Passiveness is a waiver. If you don't solve it, it is also a solution. It is also a decision not to make a decision. Negative solutions and decisions will make you lose your chances.

62. Every door of opportunity has a gatekeeper, but it does not mean that it is in vain.

63, do not be confused by the creed, blindly from the creed is living in the lives of others. Don't let anyone's opinions drown out your inner voice.

64. Proactive steps: Have a positive attitude, optimistically face life → stay away from passive habits, start from small things (do not blindly listen to people, calmly analyze and actively seek evidence; don't let things find you, you should take the initiative Do not habitually agree or follow others, you should learn to "have opinions"; don't say "I can't do it", you should actively try) → Responsible for yourself, grasp your own destiny → Actively try, fully prepare Actively strive for and create opportunities → actively promote yourself.

65. When encountering opportunities, I can only reach out and grasp. Roman Roland once said: "If someone misses the opportunity, most of the time is not because the opportunity has not come, but because the waiting person does not see the opportunity, and when the opportunity comes, there is no I grab it in one hand. I think, if I didn't take the initiative to grasp the hidden opportunities, it is very likely that I will miss my ideals.

66. I finally realized that losing courage means losing the opportunity to face challenges. Not only does it not help, but it may also make me regret for life. Life is alive. We must use courage to change things that can be changed. Change things and use wisdom to distinguish the difference between the two.

67. Value is not how much you have, but how much you leave.

68. Use your dreams and ideals to lead your life. Lead your life with a grateful, sincere, and helpful dream. Lead your life with perseverance, fearlessness, and optimism. If you do this, cause will Give you everything you deserve.

69. Don't be tempted by the creed. Blind creed is to live in the result of others' thinking. Don't let other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. Most importantly, with the courage to follow your heart and intuition, your inner heart and intuition know how much you really want to be, and everything else is secondary.

70, life is very short when you live, if you always dare not do what you want to do, then your life has passed, you only have regrets, only annoyed, I often say follow my heart, of course, follow my heart must be in Under the premise of being responsible, trustworthy, and law-abiding, it is worthwhile to take some risks under this premise. Although the days of experiencing risks may be difficult, if I don’t do it, then ten or twenty years later we May regret it for life.

71. Everything is like a convex lens, reflecting the various aspects of life. Some people support you unswervingly. Some people risk their own injuries to help you, while others retreat after experiencing psychological needles. People also made the decision to hurt you at this time. The lawsuit, like a touchstone, inadvertently, looks at the human world for a moment.

72. I think that I can completely face the past with ease. I have fully understood what is said in the book. The general idea is that "forgiveness is a kind of salvation. He saves everyone from the shadow of the past disaster. Only in this way can we reconcile with history. I think, I have reconciled with history.

73. The richest person is not the one with the most people, but the one with the least demand.

74, I step into the jungle, because I want to live meaningful, I hope to live profoundly, and learn all the essence of life, and then learn from it, so as not to let me at the end of my life, I found that I have never lived.

75. At that moment, the excitement and pride of the mother's face could not be concealed. Even after a few decades, I would not forget. I realized then that my little success would make my mother so proud.

76. In China, parents are particularly caring for their children. They are afraid that their children will be hurt a little. They are not willing to let their children venture to try something different. In fact, children need independence, responsibility, choice and judgment from an early age. Fortunately, as early as forty years ago, my parents gave me the choice and made me the master.

77. “The book is not a gift. How many books do you want to buy? If you are a Chinese and foreign masterpiece, you can buy it at any time.”

78. The mother is like a jade jade, carefully polishing and educating me. She taught me what is rigorous and pragmatic, what is character and etiquette, what is happiness and warmth, what is loyalty and integrity.

79. Some time I made a serious mistake, so that my father’s calm made me feel surprised. He just called me to him and said, “I hope you will not let yourself be so disappointed in the future!” This sentence is full of voice, its power Let me get to the extreme, the sudden inferiority and remorse that made me feel so lost. From then on, I always remember this sentence, which made me have a watchman in my inner castle. Let me not let myself down again in the future.

80. The creativity and imagination of American children are all exercised daily in these bizarre topics. The difference in education is: 1. From different perspectives, there is no correct answer; 2. After participation and practice Real understanding; 3. Teamwork, avoiding zero and thinking.

81. Have the courage to choose, have a brave heart, this is the first step towards success.

82. Until today, I still remember what an old professor of philosophy said: "Do you know what makeadifference? Think about two worlds, one in the world, one in the world, the biggest difference between the two, Maximize your influence, this is the meaning of your life." This sentence can be said to have affected my life. After that, whenever I want to make important decisions, I will think of the phrase "make the world different". So I am more determined when I make my choices.

83, interest is talent, talent is interest.

84. The most valuable thing you take away from school is not this paper, but the ability to analyze and think independently, the experience of researching and discovering truth, and the mind of scientists, when you no longer study this field one day. You can still do your best in any new field.

85. Professor Reddy said: "I don't agree with you, but I support you." This is the spirit of a true scientist. His belief that "everyone is equal before science" has deeply affected me. The greatness of speechlessness, which benefits me for life, also allows me to treat different opinions of others with this conviction.

86. The so-called success does not mean how much wealth there is, how high the position is, but because of a state of mind. A happy person is often considered a wealthy person. Li Kaifu is such a successful person. His success comes from his good educational background. His brilliant career experience comes from his spirit of perseverance and rationality. He always follows his ideals. From a calm and happy life in his heart. His life is far from being as smooth as people think, but this happiness allows him to grasp the most essential things of success under any circumstances.

87. Success does not have absolute meaning. Success is to be the best self and present the best of you.

88. Grab everything to explore the meaning of life. One day, the world will be different for you.

89. People who can only think but not express are no different from those who do not think. Resist the idea of ​​asking everything for yourself, fully trusting employees, and giving employees a certain range of freedom. I am convinced that this is truly artistic management, and as a manager, when the values ​​of employees are not in line with the company, You have to make bold decisions.

90. Developing and sharing a good vision with employees can fully motivate employees' participation and enthusiasm. It can keep the whole team in a passionate and determined direction. This is an important part of leadership art. I must admit that this is my most. A wonderful experience.

91. Do Chinese youth need “idol” or “life tutor”? In the process of growing up, it is valuable to refer to those who are trustworthy, such as reading celebrity biographies or listening to speeches. However, everyone should take their own path, avoid blind idol worship, or accept anyone's words without thinking. Therefore: refer to the path of others, but keep objective and conscious, listen to your own heart, step out of your own path, and be the best yourself.

92. Four realms of learning: 1) Practice makes perfect: After practicing the content of the textbook, you can know the answer to the question. 2) Take the opposite: Have the ability to think, master the methods of learning, know what it is, and know why. 3) No teacher self-taught: mastered the method of self-study and self-study, and can learn actively without a teacher. 4) Integration: You can apply the learned knowledge to life and work practice, and understand the truth of doing things and being human.

93. You have failed many times, although you may not remember. The first time you tried to walk, you fell. The first time you talked, you made a mistake. The first time you swim, you are drowning. You made your first shot and you didn't make it. Don't worry about failure; what needs to be worried is that if you fear failure, you will lose your chance.

94. Suggestions for entrepreneurs: 1. The mobile Internet era is coming, product capabilities are the most important, 2. It is more important to look at future trends than ideas; 3. It is necessary to seize the opportunity to start a business, and each business opportunity has a time window. Will not wait for you; 4. The core team is particularly important, recruiting people should be complementary, options should be generous; 5. Fully use the platform to promote, avoid competition with the platform; 6. Make available products in the shortest time, and then based on user data stack Generation improvement.

95. Misconceptions about angel investment: 1. Some believe that angels are doing good deeds. In fact, the best angel failure rate is very low, the purchase price is low, and the long-term return is very good. 2. Some think that angels are giving money. In fact, the biggest help must not be money, but the value that is not easy to replace, such as knowledge, connections, direction, strategy, and recruitment. The greatest happiness of being an angel is to see that entrepreneurs have greatly increased their chances of success because of the help of angels.

96. Don't let anyone tell you: your dreams are not practical. The purpose of dreams is not to be practical, but to bring meaning and happiness to your life.

97. See which company is more sincere in cultivating employees, not just watching its training budget. More importantly: which companies will provide opportunities for employees to hone and learn in an environment that allows for errors and growth.

98. The true role of the leader is to be able to combine different people and different elements. Outstanding leaders consciously construct their own lives. They are not just actors, but writers. Everyone has transformed their surroundings in their own way.

99, know yourself, is to figure out who you are, what kind of person do you want to be? It is especially important to distinguish: it doesn't matter to anyone who thinks you are who they want you to be.

100. How do leaders get the trust of the team: 1) firm and reliable: no matter how challenging the challenge is, at the critical moment, the leader is holding back the pressure, always at all, paying for the team, 2) integrity: the leaders fulfill their promises and Agreement; consistent words and deeds, never set a set, 3) trust the team: trust and decentralize to the team to gain the trust of the team.

101. Someone asked me what kind of person I want my daughter to be? My answer: 1) A happy, trustworthy person. 2) A good person with integrity values. 3) A person who is not tempted by the secular creed and has the courage to follow his heart and intuition. 4) A person who finds his own voice and does what he loves to do. 5) A person who has the ability to think independently and challenge his or her potential.

102, how to manage time: 1) doing things that you are really interested will make you cherish time, 2) analyze how to spend every day, 3) activate time fragmentation and dead time, 4) do things first, don't become urgent Effort, 5) discipline, no excuses, 6) efficient time to do things that need to be focused, 7) balance family needs: words must be done, busy sneak, focus on quality time.

103. The Chinese always regard "乖" and "obedient" as the advantages of a child. But I hope that my children don't just be obedient children, I want them to be reasonable children. Obedient children may only be blindly obedient, and they may not understand the truth, and how such blindly enrolled people will enter the society in the future. A reasonable child “obeys” because he feels that you are reasonable, rather than “obeying” when you are afraid of you. Isn't that better?

104. There are thousands of kinds of understanding of happiness. Each person's interpretation is different, but the greatest happiness in life is to be yourself. Believe in yourself, follow your own mind and intuition, don't blindly follow the creed, don't blindly compare, you will be the happiest.

105. Is it that Internet companies cannot succeed when they enter China? In fact, my opinion on this is no, although the companies in the past have encountered problems, but we have carefully analyzed that their problems come from three aspects. The first one is eager to make a profit. When I enter China, I want to make money in the first year. I want to increase my traffic and want to make a profit. The method of speculation does not make the foundation. Second, the headquarters did not decentralize and lacked flexible operations, which led to failure. Third, not enough understanding of the market. If you don't understand the market and don't try to understand the market with humility, you may bring the American platform to China and make things that the Chinese do not apply, understand, or dislike. In this way, failure is the natural result.

106. There is a common problem in Chinese society. It is hoped that everyone will develop according to a model. It is also the standard of unity to measure whether each person is “successful”: to see achievements in schools and to enter the society to see fame and fortune. Real success should be diversified. Success may be that you have created new wealth or technology. Maybe you have brought happiness to others. Maybe you have gained the trust of others in your job, or you may find a life that is returning to yourself and living in the world. the way. Everyone's success is unique.

107. As a manager of technology origin, there are both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the technician can see the development trend of a product and predict its future. The drawback is that the technicians like to pursue the truth and ignore the overall operation, paying attention to IQ, while ignoring the emotional intelligence needed in management, and as a manager, emotional intelligence is much more important than IQ.

108, all options can be divided into three. The first is the problem you can directly control; the second is that you can influence the decision indirectly; the third is the problem of powerlessness. Don't waste time on issues that you can't do, focus on what you can influence. There is a saying that although we can't change the wind, we can change the sails.

109. (The reason for the failure of the innovation workshop incubator project) First, it is not enough to concentrate, think too much, smart people want to do anything; second, it is too technical, the technology is already very powerful, and the need to find users is reversed. Third, the entrepreneurs are not able to withstand the setbacks enough, the trust and cognition of the teams are not enough, causing the entrepreneurs to break up; the fourth is that the entrepreneurs' mentality is not mature enough, and they are overconfident when they get a little success.

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