Classic quotes

Lenin's famous sayings, Lenin's quotation

1. Whoever does not rest will not work.

2, suffering from friends.

3. Learn, learn, and learn! Learn, then know enough.

4. Judging a person is not based on his own confession or his own opinion, but on his actions.

5, to achieve a big cause, we must start small things.

6. As long as millions of laborers unite as one person, and follow the outstanding figures of this class, victory will be guaranteed.

7. The organization, discipline, perseverance of the workers and the solidarity with the workers of the world are the guarantee for the final victory. Marx believes that the theory of reality is the only criterion of theory.

8. Must have the courage to face the ruthless truth.

9. Patriotism is the deepest feeling that has been fixed for thousands of years to its own country.

10. The current task is to mine ore, refine pig iron, and cast a Marxist worldview and a pure steel of the superstructure that fits this worldview, even under the most difficult conditions.

11. As long as you take a small step, as if you are taking a small step in the same direction, the truth will become a mistake.

12. The purpose of science is to provide the true picture of the universe.

13. We don't need to read hard words. We need to use basic knowledge to develop and enhance the thinking of each learner.

14. At the critical juncture of history, often even advanced political parties will not be able to understand the new situation and renew the old slogan for quite some time. These slogans were correct yesterday, but they have lost any meaning today.

15. The time to waste someone else is equal to murdering money, and wasting time is tantamount to chronic suicide.

16. Poor peasants eat especially without cultural losses, and in particular need to be educated.

17. We must propose such tasks to ourselves: first, learning, second is learning, and third is learning.

18, as long as you are willing to learn, you will be able to learn.

19. The tasks of the general youth, especially the tasks of the Communist Youth League and all other organizations, can be expressed in one sentence, that is, to learn.

20. In any school, the most important thing is the ideological and political direction of the course, which is entirely determined by the teaching staff.

21, you should have your own head on your shoulders.

22. Friendship is built up in comrades, consolidated in the true meaning, developed in criticism, and squandered in flattery.

23, deceitful friendship is a painful trauma, hypocritical sympathy is a sharp poison arrow.

24, without considerable independence, no matter which serious problem can not find the truth; who is afraid of hard work, who can not find the truth.

25, as long as you take a small step, as if it is a small step in the same direction, the truth will become a mistake.

26. If you miss the opportunity or lose your mind, you will lose everything.

27, won the time is to win everything.

28. As long as millions of workers are united as one person, following the advancement of the outstanding figures of this class, victory will be guaranteed.

29. The party's task is to give overall leadership to the work of all state organs, rather than being too frequent as it is today...often interfering with details.

30. The task of truly establishing a communist society is precisely the responsibility of the youth.

31. Speak less words and do more everyday things...

32. Only when all the residents participate in the management work can the anti-bureaucratic struggle be thoroughly carried out and the bureaucracy can be completely defeated. Morality can help human society rise to a higher level and free human society from labor exploitation.

33. I would rather have a pear, not a basket of rotten pears. Even if there are only two or three people who are willing and loyal, they are stronger than ten people who are full of vitality.

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