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Good-selling education, good sentences, and slang sentences for parenting education

1. If parents want to develop a healthy personality for their children, they must create a relaxed and harmonious family.

2. It is best for parents to learn and teach before they take up their own parent education.

3, preschool education should pay more attention to the development of children's good habits.

4, an act repeatedly develops habits, habits repeatedly form quality, quality changes fate.

5, a mother's educational role for children is comparable to a hundred teachers.

6. Believe that every child can be a talent.

7. Think of your child as a good child.

8. A democratic, harmonious and hard-working family is the basic condition for a child to become an adult.

9. There are no bad crops, only farmers who cannot grow land. Children who don't teach badly, only parents who don't teach.

10. A good habit is the capital that the child stores, which will continue to add value, and the person's life will enjoy its interest.

11. Only parents and teachers develop good educational habits, and your child or student can form good habits.

12. 80% of children's bad habits are formed at home.

13. Parents must remember that emotional education is always greater than logical education when they are in parent education.

14. What kind of person to develop a child in the future is always more important than the child's current performance.

15. Parents should give children the space to grow freely, guide the wrong direction, and encourage the right direction.

16. Love with children does not mean that you must understand your child. To be friends with your child, education can make a difference.

17. At home, parents and children try to maintain an equal status. If they are involved, they should seek the opinions of their children.

18. Parents should prepare a notebook to record what happened with the child, or the confusion of the problem found. The process of recording frequently is actually a simple process of reflecting on oneself.

19. Parents should not do everything for themselves, and deprive their children of their ability to take care of themselves.

20, snoring can not solve the child's education problems, can only vent their parents' urgency.

21. Parents should not place all their education on schools and teachers. Because children spend half of their time at home, parenting education is as important and even more important as school education.

22, the child picky eaters is from the parents to talk about which one is not good to eat.

23. When parents are confused about their children's education problems, they can try to ask their neighbors or education experts.

24. Young Chinese parents will spend thousands of dollars to learn to drive or send their children to training institutions, but rarely participate in parenting education.

25, if you have done the above 20 parenting education idioms, you will be able to achieve outstanding children.

26, good personality is better than excellent intelligence.

27, the baby's emotions are a reflection of the world.

28, talent is like natural flowers and trees, to be used for pruning.

29. For children, life is a school, and all the grass and trees can be the object of research and exploration.

30, the learning of young children is all-round, not limited to reading and writing calculations and various skills.

31. Excessive and slow lag in education will destroy the normal psychological development of children.

32. In any industry, the first step toward success is to generate interest in it, especially for early childhood learning.

33. Education must begin with a psychological exploration of children's interests and habits.

34. Parents are also educating themselves while educating their children.

35. Parents are natural teachers who have the greatest impact on children, especially young children.

36. Inspiring young children's desire for knowledge and learning is far more meaningful than the limited knowledge of the church.

37. Parents should gradually train their children to think independently about the habit of solving problems independently, and thus build their children's confidence.

38. The main skill of teaching children is to turn what children should do into a game.

39. One's success = 1% IQ (IQ) + 99% EQ (EQ).

40. Maternal love is the most sacred feeling in the world, and it should be the most incompetent for this kind of feeling.

41. Children have unlimited possibilities in their children and need parents to explore and guide them.

42. As long as the teachers and parents coordinate, the synergy of education can be formed.

43. What parents do children least like? (1) Parents who have too much control (arranged); (2) Parents who are too strict (monitoring); (3) Parents who are over-regulated (唠叨); (4) Parents (overbearing).

44. There are several methods for parenting education: (1) Persuasion education. (2), praise and encouragement. (3) Model demonstration. (4) Create an atmosphere. (5), psychological counseling. (6) Behavioral training. (7) Criticism and punishment.

45. Parents cannot accompany their children for a lifetime, so they must cultivate their children's social awareness and independent consciousness.

46. ​​Before reaching the age of reason, the child cannot accept the idea, but can only accept the image.

47. The process of parents educating their children is also a process of continuous understanding and learning.

48. The art of education is not about imparting skills, but by waking up and inspiring.

49. The way to make a person's best ability is to appreciate and encourage.

50. Parents are the earliest enlightenment teachers for their children's behavior in life.

51. The child's rationality is constantly growing. Don't feed them, but guide them.

52. As long as parents are good at using, every detail in life can be used to educate children.

53. Learning in life is the most effective way for young children to learn.

54. Character formation begins in infancy.

55. If you really love your child, you should send him "going through the sea".

56. Imagination and display make it easy for children to integrate into the story and be educated.

57. Guide children to tell stories at the right time. This is a wonderful way to keep their thoughts active.

58. Combining the meaning of fairy tales, guiding children to think and explore is more profound than simply saying.

59. Simple and concise fairy tales often contain rich knowledge and profound truth.

60. Rich imagination is more important than book knowledge.

61. In the world of children, everything is like people, and they all have thoughts and feelings.

62. The education of children should not only focus on intelligence and scores, because it is often not the level of learning that determines the generation or loss of happiness or suffering, but the health level of personality. Behavioral habits are just one of the key factors affecting personality development.

63, sports are expensive, and the diet is expensive.

64, tube eating tube sleep is suitable for domestication of pets, not suitable for educating children.

65. The work of the nanny should be respected and the workforce is sacred, but the responsibility of educating the child should not be shirked to the nanny.

66. Poverty is an important educational resource, and children of the poor are headed home.

67. Parents who make a living must let their children experience the hardships and bitterness of their parents' work.

68. The child makes small toys by himself. Although it is rough, it is far more joyful than the exquisite toys that come out.

69. Without understanding and trust, there is no friendship.

70. All education begins with our understanding of the nature of children.

71. Parents are the first school where children know the world to gain knowledge.

72. In addition to patience, educating young children must pay attention to methods and techniques.

73. Children's humor is the most natural and candid human language, which requires parents to discover and experience.

74. There are hardships and joys in the childcare process.

75. No friend can compare with health. No enemy can compare with disease.

76. The right medicine can cure the disease.

77. The task of parent education is first and foremost, parents educate their parents to learn.

78. Academic achievement is the tip of the iceberg of human growth. Below the iceberg is the character and body of the person. Character and body are the two fulcrums of academic achievement.

79. The main factor affecting children's performance is not the school, but the family. Parent education is the root and foundation of human growth. It is "Bacon Education."

80. No matter how great the parents are, the child’s education fails and the whole life fails.

81. Calling for peace in the mouth, but there must be a big stick in your hand. Successful parenting education always has one or a few favorite and most awesome people around the child.

82. Parents who can make a living can not feel guilty about their children because they go out to work, and they should not be disturbed by their children.

83. A career parent must have a person to accompany the child at home or to hire a tutor for the child.

84. Understand and appreciate the child's specialty, let the child have a sense of accomplishment because of their own strengths. Let the children feel eager for their sense of accomplishment and eagerness and enthusiasm.

85. If both business parents are unable to accompany their children, they must find suitable professionally trained tutors for their children, rather than simply handing them over to their grandparents or nannies.

86. The child's grandparents may have only limited educational experience, and these limited educational experiences are not useful because of the love and indulgence of grandparents.

87, good parents watch the children, let the children grow up on their own initiative; bad parents do things for the children, let the children grow up passively.

88. A good mother regards her son as a friend, and a bad mother treats her son as a lover.

89. If there is a problem with parent education, the child may have a hard time at school and the child is likely to become a “problem child” in the school.

90. A good standard of character is “the spirit of civilization”. The standard of good health is “barbarism and its body”. The standard of learning is “self-study”.

91. Poverty is an educational resource, and prosperity is another, more advanced educational resource. More advanced educational resources require more advanced educational skills. If there is no advanced educational skills, wealthy families will bring disaster to their children's growth.

92. Children have the right to life, education and rights.

93. To see how the children will be in the future, it depends on the quality of the parents.

94. The family is the first school of the child and the parents are the first teacher of the child.

95. Parents are natural teachers who have the greatest impact on children, especially young children.

96. Tell your child that no matter how many points you have, you will always believe that you can take a hundred percent.

97. Every child wants to be a good child.

98. Only when the family, society, and school work together can the child grow up healthily.

99. Support and cooperate with the teacher's work, establish the prestige of the teacher in front of the child, please parents must do it.

100. Experts have pointed out that modern education should teach students three major skills: First, they will learn by themselves. The second is to work with different people. The third is to survive in different environments.

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