Classic quotes

Parents educate their children's idioms, educate their children's famous sayings

1. A good personality is better than a brilliant one.

2. Excessive and slow lag in education will destroy the normal psychological development of the child.

3. Parents are also educating themselves while educating their children.

4. The process of parents educating their children is also the process of continuous understanding and learning.

5, to give people a fish, it is better to teach people to fish.

6. The children of the poor are headed home early, but they must be wary of "people are short-sighted."

7. Answer all questions raised by the child patiently and honestly.

8. Seriously treat the serious problems and opinions put forward by the children.

9. Build a display rack and let the children fully display their work on it.

10. Don't scold him for being confused in the child's room or on the desktop, as long as it is related to his creative activities.

11. Give the child a room or part of the room, mainly for children to play.

12. Explain to the child that he is already very cute and does not need to express himself.

13. Let the child do what he can.

14. Help your child develop his personal plan and how to complete the project.

15. If you really love your child, you should send him "going through the sea".

16. Inspiring a child's desire for knowledge and learning is far more meaningful than the limited knowledge of the church.

17. Combine the meaning of fairy tales and guide children to think and explore, which is more profound than simply saying.

18. Help the child modify his homework.

19. Help children to interact normally with children from different social and cultural levels.

20, parents develop reasonable behavior habits and pay attention to make children learn to do.

21, never said to the child, he is worse than other children.

22. Allow children to participate in the planning of the painter and travel.

23. Provide books and materials to your children and let them do what they love.

24. Teach children to interact freely with adults of all ages.

25. Read something for your child regularly.

26, let the children develop the habit of reading from childhood.

27. Encourage children to make stories and fantasize.

28. Seriously treat your child's personal requirements.

29, take time out every day and the child alone.

30, do not insult to punish the child.

31. Human success = 1% IQ (IQ) + 99% EQ (EQ)

32. The child's rationality is constantly growing. Don't feed them, but guide them.

33. Teaching children to learn to walk and learn to speak is the best way to educate children in the world.

34. Appreciation makes the child successful, complaining that the child fails. Prohibition means temptation, but suppression is strengthening.

35, can not tease him because the child made a mistake. Praise children for poetry, storytelling and singing.

36. Let the child think about the problem independently.

37. Develop a detailed experimental plan to help children understand more things.

38. Allow children to play various wastes.

39. Give the child the ability to actively recognize his talents.

40. Take the child to the place he is interested in to play.

41. Children want to be respected, appreciated, applauded and recognized.

42. Don't look down on the child's failure and say to the child: "I will not do this."

43. Encourage your child to be as independent as possible.

44. Parents should gradually develop the habit of independent thinking and independent problem solving, and establish the child's confidence.

45. Parents cannot accompany their children for a lifetime, so they must cultivate their children's social awareness and independence.

46. ​​The art of education is not about imparting skills, but about inspiring, awakening and inspiring.

47. Don't praise children in an empty and insincere manner.

48. Encourage your child to discover problems and then resolve them.

49. In the work of the children, constantly look for places worthy of praise.

50. Honestly evaluate your feelings for your child.

51. There is no topic that parents can't discuss with their children at all.

52. Give the child a chance to make a real decision.

53. Help your child become a person with personality.

54. Help your child find notable TV shows.

55. Believe in the child's reason and trust him.

56. Let the child complete the basic part of the work he is doing, even if there is no positive result.

57. The way to make a person's best ability is to appreciate and encourage.

58. Simple and concise fairy tales often contain rich knowledge and profound truth.

59, sports are expensive, and the diet is expensive.

60. The child makes small toys by himself. Although it is rough, it is far more joyful than the exquisite toys that come out.

61. Without understanding and trust, there is no friendship.

62. The task of parent education is first of all parent education and parental learning.

63. Parents should learn with their children, grow together, and make progress together.

64. The child is progressing in the process of constantly correcting mistakes.

65. If you are poor, you can't teach poorly. If you are rich again, you can't be rich.

66, loyal to your family, don't wait until you lose forever, and then look for it!

67. Admit that our children are making progress every day. But their progress and progress are different.

68, teaching is not to teach; tube is to leave.

69. If the child's progress is not obvious, it is because the educational method is not suitable for their children, and it is not difficult for children to educate.

70. We can only “carve” children, but not “reform”.

71. How to make friends with children? (1) Listen to the child's statement. (2) Appreciate the child's work. (3), and the child's psychological transposition. (4) Discuss issues with your child.

72. Our education should make children's moral, intellectual, and artistic development, harmonious development, and scientific development.

73. Everything is bad and never begins.

74. Quality Education Requirements: Learn to be knowledgeable, learn to be a person, learn to live, and learn to create.

75, the child has no good or bad points, only the progress is different.

76. Parents are the earliest enlightenment teachers for their children's behavior in life.

77. For children, the family environment is similar to the mother's womb. The mother's womb is the child's first palace, and the family environment is the child's second palace.

78. Your child is very cute.

79. Only when parents and teachers actively cooperate can the child succeed.

80, good children are boasted, "bad children" is forced out.

81. To build a harmonious society, we must start from building a harmonious family.

82. Raising and educating your children is the best contribution to the country.

83, we are always too anxious, not willing to give children time to wait. We always turn our anxiety into the anxiety of our children.

84. The date of the insect is early red, and the sick child is precocious. Intellectual prodigies often come at the expense of deprivation of character and physical growth.

85. All the deaf children are rich children, although not all the rich children are deaf children. Since ancient times, there have been many hardships in heroes.

86. Who can make the child "moving like a rabbit, as quiet as a virgin", whoever masters the secret of education.

87. Who can let the child have the opinion and understand the compromise, and if he dares to understand and obey, who will hold the key to education.

88. Let the child play the game of “self-sufficiency”, let the child leave the parents, and go to the place of suffering: if he does not work, he will starve to death. The only way to change the bad things that a child can get for nothing is to let the child leave the parents temporarily.

89. Let the child experience the suffering of others in a difficult place, let him provide help to others as much as he can, and thus gain a sense of accomplishment and self-identity. The only way to change the child's self-destructive bad habits is to let him face the suffering of others and let him provide help to the victims.

90. Let the child experience the helplessness and pain of helping others. Let the child want to help others and can't do anything about it, thus stimulating his "self-improvement desire", making himself stronger and growing responsibly so that he can help more people in the future.

91. There are two key periods for the child's growth. The first key period is around 3 years old. Around 3 years old is the key period for children's intellectual and character development; the second key period is around 13 years old, and around 13 years old is the key period for children's youth development and independent life. If parents are taking advantage of their children's "critical period of growth," the education will be smoother in the future. If you miss the "critical period of growth," you will endlessly suffer.

92. People's growth follows the “law of diminishing potential”. A child born with a potential of 100 degrees, if he is ideally educated from the age of 0, then he may grow into a person with 100 degrees of ability; if you start education from the age of 5, even if the education is very good, only Can have 80 degrees of ability; if you start education from the age of 10, you can only have 60 degrees of capacity at best. This means that the later the education begins, the less the child's ability will be realized. (木村久一语)

93. A well-trained parent has always begun to patiently seek the advice of the child when the child is very young. A well-trained parent is a “Voltist”: “I disagree with your point of view, but I swear to defend your right to speak.”

94. The successful education is “the tiger father has no dogs” and the failed education is “the mother is weak”. Self-cultivating parents always regard the cultivation of self-care ability and self-learning ability as the top priority for educating children.

95. The secret to letting children “self-sufficiency” is to give children the freedom to choose. Free choice leads to responsibility. If the child loses the right to free choice, if the things he does are completely forced and directed by others, then the child learns to "cope" and "perfuse."

96. Working parents must let their children develop their self-care ability and self-learning ability as early as possible due to their parents' watch. The most watchful parents are the parents of Sun Wukong. A well-educated parent is like a parent of Sun Wukong: let the child remove the obstacles themselves, let the children experience the hardships themselves, let the children experience the difficulties themselves, and only land the children when they can't solve the difficulties after the children work hard.

97. Every parent has two opportunities to shape his child's life. The genetics is once, it determines the upper limit of all aspects of a person's body, and the acquired parental education determines whether a person can use his own conditions to go very far.

98. A child who has grown up from a healthy family, it is not so easy for a school to ruin him. A child who is made up of an unhealthy family, it is very difficult for the school to help him.

99. The most important thing in education is to improve culture. The core culture in the family is that the family lives together. Parents accompany the children to grow up. In places where there is love, encouragement and help, even if life is very difficult, life is still the same. It can be very healthy and healthy.

100, iron is iron, steel is steel, this iron can not be turned into steel, and iron has the value of iron, you do not want to turn it into steel, maybe iron is not easy to become steel is also scrap. There are many tragedies in education that are caused by "hate the iron and not become steel."

101. The parent's responsibility is to provide the child with two “genetics”: one is congenital. One is acquired the day after tomorrow. Educators can be optimistic about education, but don't be optimistic about not considering the degree of heredity. The ugly duckling turned into a white swan, mainly not the result of hard work by the ugly duckling, but the mother of the ugly duckling gave birth to a goose egg instead of a duck egg.

102. After the child is born, the parent's responsibility is to let the child accept the good "inherited genetics" as much as possible. Paying attention to “infertility” is to provide a family environment suitable for growth, and to mention the importance of the family environment to a level similar to “genetic”.

103. The first mission of parents is to provide a good family environment for their children. Parents don't have much to do, just provide and maintain a good family environment for their children. To be a good parent is to become a family environmentalist. The family environment is good, the children are good; if the family environment is out of order, the child becomes a problem child. Sometimes, the child is ill, and it is not the child but the parent who needs to take the medicine.

104, do not let the child prematurely, and do not let the child enter school prematurely. The child cannot be born prematurely, because the child needs to be adequately protected in the mother's womb, so that the fetus has sufficient resistance before going out to interact with others outside. Children should not enter school prematurely because they need to have adequate protection in the family, and have enough self-care and self-learning skills to go out and interact with others outside. The saying of Chinese medicine is: "Competing memory, evil can't do it."

105. Effective learning is edge learning, and ineffective learning is focus learning. The child’s learning has gone wrong, but the cause is in the child’s emotion or body. Parents directly instruct the child to learn, similar to the gardener to throw water and nutrients directly to the "wild leaves."

106, 3 years old and strict management, to be the child's parents; 13 years old before and after gradually let go, be a child's friend. Effective education is first and foremost, and ineffective education is first and foremost strict. The effective incentive is five to nine, and the ineffective incentive is nine to five.

107. The child's growth requires a companion. Only the child can understand the child, and only the child's companion can accompany the child to grow up. Children never expect adults who are giants to understand themselves, and children never treat condescending adults as their friends. Parents can be born alone, but they cannot let their children stand alone. If there are no brothers and sisters and no partners, the "only child" children will fall into double loneliness: not only the only one, but also the long.

108. Mencius’ mother moved three times, and Rousseau brought “Emile” to the country. Before the child does not form mature rationality and judgment, the child is not allowed to have too many partners, and the child is wary of the bad habits of the companion.

109, "To be physically safe, three points of hunger and cold." It is forbidden to eat snacks before meals, so that children have enough hunger. People who can't drink nectar from rough wooden barrels are unfortunate. Let the children eat sweets such as chocolates as much as possible. A child who eats sweets and is not temperate will have a bad body and a bad personality. You don't have to wear too heavy clothes for your child. Children are not as chilly as adults.

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