Classic quotes

a famous saying about action, a small language about action

1. Action is the unique fruit of knowledge. - Toll Fuller

2, action to develop habits, habits to form a character, character determines fate. --United Kingdom

3, hands-on action, reaching out.

4. The simplest answer is action. --Europe

5. Thinking about action rather than creed in your mind will help meet our greatest needs. - Longfellow

6, the paper has come to the end, I know that this matter must be carried out. - Lu You

7. Action does not necessarily reflect the essence of a person; we find that doing good is not necessarily good. - Pope

8. Action is better than language.

9. Action is louder than language.

10, we should remember our career, what is needed is the hand, not the mouth. - Tong Zhou

11. Everything must go to work in a down-to-earth manner, not to be imaginary, not to be humming, but to work hard with a realistic attitude. If you study at this attitude, then the truth can be seen. If you work with this attitude, you can do it. ——Li Dazhao

12. Anyone who relies on one mouth to do it and does not do anything in his own right is hypocritical and false. - Democritus

13. When I am silent, I feel full; I will speak and feel empty.

14. The reality is this shore, the ideal is the other side, with a rushing river in between, but the action is a bridge over the river.

15. Once the dream is put into action, it will become sacred. (A. Ann Proctor)

16. Everyone instinctively feels that all the beautiful emotions together are not as good as an admirable move. - Jan La Lowell

17, thirty merits of dust and earth, eight thousand miles of road and moon. ——Song Yuefei

18, do not suffer from the difficulty of practicing. ——Yuan·Su Tianjue

19, three-year-old children said that eighty old people can not.

20. Let me point out the truth of twenty people being human, but it is easy; but I want to do this twenty.

21, aromatic flowers are not necessarily good-looking, people who can speak may not be able to do it.

22, Taishan is not a pile, credit is not blowing.

23, can not be a good phase, but can be a good doctor.

24, why not borrow wind and thunder, one heaven and earth.

25, the road is opened by people, the tree is planted by people.

26, when the husband gave birth to the world, Aneng squatted.

27. Serve as an official and benefit one party.

28, Tian Hao relies on people to do, the boat is fast depends on people.

29, the play is sung in people, and the land is in race.

30. Any fireworks that can be rushed up and can be emitted are beautiful. - Andersen

31. Beinghave is the "highest realm of life." - Engels

32. The gentleman looks at his whereabouts and the peacock sees his own flowerbed. --Mongolia

33. Don't look at the ram to call it so powerful. It depends on its ability to cross the river.

34. Watch the eagle to see the flight and see the people watching the behavior.

35, the horse wants to see its front chest, people want to see his actions. --Uighur

36. People seem to be a watch, and their value is determined by action. --Europe

37. If we really want to know our own state of mind, we should first look at our actions. ——T. Wilson

38. Our actions are the only mirrors that reflect our spiritual outlook. ——Carlisle

39. Our actions are our final judges. - O. Meredith

40. If you don't do more than others, your value will not be higher than others. - Sevans

41. What do you do? --Spain

42. Judging a person is not to look at his statement, but to see his actions, not to see how he claims to be, but to see what he does and what he actually is. - Engels

43. We live in action, not in the years; we live in our minds, not in our breathing. ——Philippine Bailey

44. In life, the real problem is not what we get, but what we do. ——T. Carlele

45. A person who has a career pursuit can make the "dream" higher. Although it is a dream at the beginning, as long as you keep doing it, you don't give up easily, and your dreams come true. ——虞有澄【美】

46. ​​Great thoughts can only be feats if they are put into action. ——Wei Herzlit

47. I have heard a message to a young man: "Do what you dare not do forever." ——Love dedication

48, life is to act, just like the fire always rises, the stone always falls. For a person, if there is no action, it means that he does not exist. - Voltaire

49, for those who are often, the walker often arrives. ——晏子春秋

50. The reality is this shore. The ideal is the other side. There is a rushing river in between, and the action is a bridge over the river. - Krylov

51. One, two, and three are lost, and one wants to succeed.

52. No work is protracted, except for the work you don't dare to do with your hands. - Baudelaire

53. Only ponder on the river beach, you will never get pearls.

54. As long as you open your feet, even if you are a thousand miles away.

55. Those who are blindly expecting and never acting are breeding grounds for plague. - Black

56, the road does not go, the clock does not ring.

57, the road can't be done, things can't be done.

58. One foot is not enough, the same is not the case.

59. Only those who have hope but no action can only gain income by dreaming.

60, do it all, half finished. --Spain

61. Actions are dangerous, but they can be glorified. - Wei Ayton

62. Action does not necessarily bring happiness, but without action, there is certainly no happiness. --United Kingdom

63. Excessively cherish your feathers, you will lose two wings. --United Kingdom

64. Actions are forgotten by people, but the results will last forever. - Ovid

65, language does not replace action, hard work is always the most resounding language.

66, leather is not blowing, the train is not pushed.

67. Well said, it is better to do well.

68. It is better to say less than words, and less to say less.

69, empty talk, the bubble of water; implementation, the gold bit by bit.

70. Those who speak big talkers will never be big implementers. --Germany

71. People who have language and no action are like weedy gardens. --Europe

72. Oral and generous people, the action must be embarrassing. --France

73. To say no, it is equal to deceiving yourself. --Myanmar

74. The less you do, the more you talk.

75, the language of the giant, the dwarf of action.

76. Action is a necessity, and speculation is a luxury. - Bergson

77. More and more strong.

78, can say that it is better.

79, rather than ant legs, do not learn sparrow mouth.

80, honestly, don't be a clever mouth.

81. People are complacent about making beautiful things for themselves, but the success of things is often due to luck, not pre-designed. - La Roche Fuco

82. Who has acted without becoming a victim and slave to action? ——Love dedication

83. If I stop still, I will "rust". --Germany

84, a thousand mouth-style, can not top a handle.

85. Ten empty talkers can't match a hard-working person. - Khmer

86. If you say it, don't count it.

87. Say goodbye to good deeds and do good deeds.

88. People who are unspeakable are always the ones who act the least. --Europe

89. Fortunately, the person who is determined to act, when he starts to be lazy, is lucky to say goodbye. --India

90. Do what you should do, and what results can be followed. - Herbert

91. The biggest danger is that there is no action. - Gan Judi

92, think twice and then go.

93. The most likely mistakes are those who act only according to their own ideas.

94. The man’s responsibility is to do everything in his power to do what can be done. ——Love dedication

95, put it right, get it.

96. Praising the commandments is one thing, and obeying it is another matter. - Cervantes

97. Few people are able to make the master of the language they have spoken or written for him. - John Selden

98, things can be done, that is, things can be done in a timely manner. - Di Barth

99. Before the action, it must be fully brewed; once you have made up your mind, you should act boldly. - Salust

100. What we have to do should be done as soon as we think of it; because people's ideas will change, how many tongues, how many hands, how many accidents, how much hesitation and how much delay. - Shakespeare

101, slowly, discretion, act quickly. --Greece

102. If you can't do what you want to do, you should hope to do what you can. --Europe

103. Don't rush and believe and admire moral education teachers: they talk like angels, but life is like mortal. - Sey Johnson

104. Everyone knows that turning language into action is much more difficult than turning action into language. - Gorky

105, it is difficult to say it, it is difficult. ——Salt and iron theory

106. The only way to revitalize the world is for everyone to do a good job. Don't be too high and far, just ask for great merit. - Cha Jinsley

107. Those who have great ambitions cannot ignore the work at hand. - Euripides

108. Since you can't do everything you want, you should do everything you can. - Telendius

109. The best plan for the future is to be good at handling the current task and completing the most recent tasks. - McDonald

110. One step of actual exercise is more important than a one-on-one program. - Marx

111, say one foot is not as good as one inch.

112. Powerful reasons for strong action. - Shakespeare

113, thinking is action. ——Love dedication

114, the line is in thought, destroyed in the follow.

115, always in the judgment, this is the characteristics of a fool. - Toll Fuller

116, think, be a top-notch Lingyun; dry, be down to earth. --Myanmar

117. Trust those who are talking but agile. --United States

118, words must be done, the line must be fruit.

119. When people say it, I will do it again. If people say it, they don’t necessarily do it. I don’t necessarily say it. - Wen Yiduo

120, the language is the foliage, if the behavior is true.

121, the mouth is not as good as hand.

122, the gentleman to the words, the villain to the tongue. - Confucius family language

123. Sitting down, it is better to start.

124. Where to say much, and where to do less. --Japan

125, before the person said, after falling.

126. Care should be taken to understand; it should be understood with difficulty, in order to act. -Roman Roland

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