Classic quotes

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1. Although human life is limited, there are still many people who are making unremitting efforts to move toward an established goal, just to leave something to the world, because they believe that struggle can create everything.

2, our life will become a beautiful art gallery, or a dark lacquered living tomb, which is chosen by each of us.

3, a person's energy is limited, it is impossible to cover everything, if you do a lot of things at the same time, it is bound to be arrogant, achievement is awkward, it is better to choose a direction, the next determination, adhere to the end, will have a hope of success.

4. When you are born, you have all the potential of human beings. To play these potentials is the work of mankind. To do everything in your power is the philosophy of human life.

5. A person who falls down to make a comeback, his life is only "lost" and will never be "losed."

6, temper is not born, is good or bad, all by yourself, the peace of mind, you must cultivate your own temper, let the violent gas invisible, you will not smell the pain, insulted.

7. Those who know how to speak must be good at observing their words, never licking their tongues, and seriously hurting others' self-esteem. This kind of cultivation is easy, and it is not easy to start.

8. The outspoken preaching words are either retreating from others, or making people rise up to resist. If they can be blamed for self-blame, as long as the words are sincere, the other party is often easy to accept.

9. "It's hard to say that three winters are warm, and bad words hurt people in June." If you say a few words, you can make the listener more pleasant to accept, so you must have wisdom and talk. art.

10, for people should be too quiet, can not speak insincere, can not be arrogant, but can not talk nonsense, because more words will be lost, will hurt people.

11. Instead of complaining that the creator is in the rose leaf, attach a spike; it is better to thank the creator on the spike and add the rose.

12. You must grab every chance to fly to your eyes like a rugby player, and then immediately rush to the other side's goal.

13. Our life is beautiful and beautiful. It is ordinary and excellent. It depends on our own attitude. As long as we are willing, each of us can create our own life.

14. Intentional life is to plan and design your own life and strive to achieve it; it is to go forward and challenge the seemingly impossible thing; to use love, to find the bright future in this short period of time.

15. Happiness is a feeling. The root of happiness is our mind, not the things hidden in our pockets. Therefore, happiness and misfortune, happiness and unhappiness are only between one thought.

16. Those who believe in life will not judge themselves, nor will they give themselves to others to judge, and will not devalue themselves. They believe that they can create something that others cannot imagine, and believe that they can be a A happier person.

17. He is a manifestation of inferiority. He is a kind of hatred for others because he suspects that he is inferior to others in all aspects. In fact, others can neither reduce the achievements of others nor add glory to themselves. They will only make themselves Why is it trapped?

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