Classic quotes

A famous sentence on the book, a famous sentence about the book

1. Books are the ladder of human progress. - Gorky

2. I rushed to the book, as if the hungry man was on the bread. - Gorky

3. Books are a huge force. - Lenin

4, read a good book, like a friend. ——臧克家

5. Books are the legacy of great genius for humanity. - Edison

6, all kinds of stupid things, under the influence of reading a good book every day, as if roasting on the fire, gradually melting. - Hugo

7. There are no books in life, just like there is no sunshine; there is no book in wisdom, just like a bird has no wings. - Shakespeare

8. Living in our world, it is impossible to understand people without reading. - Gorky

9. The more you read the book without thinking, you will feel that you know a lot; but when you study and think more, you will clearly see that you know very little. - Voltaire

10. Reading is my only entertainment. I don't waste time on hotels, gambling, or any kind of bad game; and my hard work for my career is still as necessary and tireless. - Franklin

11, the book - the most beautiful voice of humanity. - Levin

12. The essence of all times in the past is in the book. ——Carlisle

13. Reading enriches people; talks make people agile; writing and notes make people precise. History is wise; poetry makes people smart; mathematics makes people fine; museums make people deep; ethics make people solemn; logic and rhetoric make people eloquent. - Bacon

14, books - the contemporary real university. - Thomas Carlisle

15. There are no books in life, just like there is no sunshine; there are no books in wisdom, just like birds have no wings. - Shakespeare

16. Living in our world, it is impossible to understand people without reading. - Gorky

17. Book - the most wonderful sound of humanity. - Levin

18, read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles. ——Liu Wei

19, reading a hundred times, its righteousness. - Three Kingdoms

20. The essence of all the past era is in the book. ——Carlisle

21. Books make people feel unrestrained. - Glatov

22. Books make people the masters of the universe. - Bayu Lianke

23, no books a day, Pepsi is ridiculous. - Chen Shou

24, reading a million volumes, the pen is like a god. - Du Fu

25, books such as medicine, good reading can be medical fools. ——Liu Xiang

26, reading in the mind, like sports to the body. - Edison

27, read a good book, like a friend. ——臧克家

28, black hair does not know how to learn early, white first regrets reading late. ——Yan Zhenqing

29, there are three readings, that is, the heart is coming, the eyes are coming, the mouth is coming. - Zhu Xi

30. Books are inseparable life partners and mentors for young people. - Gorky

31. Reading a good book is to talk to many noble people. - Descartes

32. The more you read, the more you feel empty. - Shelley

33. Each book is a soul printed in black on a white paper. As long as my eyes and my reason touch it, it will live. - Gorky

34, time gives us experience, reading gives us knowledge. --Ostrovsky

35. Love books - this is the source of knowledge! - Gorky

36. The ideal book is the key to wisdom. --Leo Tolstoy

37. Living with books, you will never sigh. -Roman Roland

38. When you are eager, it comes to give detailed advice, but never entangles. - than cut

39. I feel that when the book tells me about unheard-of-people, unseen characters, feelings, thoughts, and attitudes, it seems that every book opens a window in front of me, allowing me to see an incredible new world. - Gorky

40, reading a million volumes, the pen is like a god. - Du Fu

41, the law of reading, in a gradual and progressive, familiar and thoughtful. - Zhu Xi

42. The book is a good medicine. ——Liu Xiang

43. Books are the world's nutritional products. There are no books in life, just like there is no sunshine; there is no book in wisdom, just like a bird has no wings. - Shakespeare

44. An experienced person reads two eyes, one eye sees the words on the paper, and the other eye sees the back of the paper. - Goethe

45. Everyone with knowledge should read 8-10 books in their own life. Which books should I read? If you want to know this, you must read at least 15,000 copies. - Barbida

46. ​​Just browse through the letters, texts, and pages—this is not reading. Reading and memorizing - not reading. You must have a feeling when you study, you must have an aesthetic sense, and you should be able to integrate and make the realization of the good words of others. - Ba Jin

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