Classic quotes

a famous saying about sports, a proverb about sports

1. Life is in motion. - Voltaire

2. Exercise is the source of all life. - Da Vinci

3. Only exercise can remove all kinds of doubts. - Goethe

4. Life is exercise, and human life is exercise. --Leo Tolstoy

5. Life lies in contradiction and lies in movement. Once the contradiction is eliminated, the movement stops and life is over. - Goethe

6. Strive to develop sports and make our nationals a healthy and healthy person. - Zhu De

7. A nation, there are many people who are strong and strong, and that nation must be strong; a nation, there are many people who are premature, and that nation must be weak. - Pierre Coubertin

8, the role of exercise can replace drugs, but all drugs can not replace exercise. ——French medical scientist

9, the body is weak, it will never fully cultivate a dynamic soul and wisdom. - German poet Rousseau

10. The essence of life lies in sports. Peace and tranquility are death. - Pascal

11. My life likes to walk, and sports bring me endless fun. - Einstein

12. There are no more beautiful clothes in the world than strong muscles and fresh skin. - Mayakovsky

13. Rest is death. Only exercise can open the door to eternal life. - Tagore

14. The health of the body is destroyed by being stationary, and it is maintained for a long time due to exercise exercises. - Socrates

15, too much exercise and too little, the same physical damage; too much and too little diet, the same damage to health; only moderate can produce, promote, maintain physical strength and health. - Aristotle

16, exercise should be regular, to insist, people and machines, regular exercise can not rust. - Zhu De

17. Walking is an excellent sport, and people should develop the habit of taking a long road.

18, life lies in exercise, but also in rest. Health and vitality should be moved, the heart should be calm, the movement should be appropriate, the form and spirit should be raised together, and the Yuan Yuan can be strengthened to make the body and mind healthy.

19. The benefits of sports, besides strengthening, are the best way to keep one's spirit fresh.

20, the essence of sports is not fun and continue to last, develop habits.

21, the health of people, not only rely on diet, especially on sports.

22, health is the main factor of happiness, exercise is an important guarantee of health.

23, do not rely on medical care, do not rely on medicine, exercise every day is most effective. --proverb

24, exercise is better than Ganoderma lucidum, why bother to find the fairy. --proverb

25, get up early and live alive, a good day. --proverb

26, daily frequency, must be light and clear, the blood of the tendons is smooth, the diet is easy to eliminate, no stagnation. - "Health Recording"

27, after a meal, walk a hundred steps, live to ninety-nine. --proverb

28, people are afraid of not moving, the brain is afraid of not using. --proverb

29, summer swimming, winter long run, all year round broadcast exercise. --proverb

30. Jumping rope kicking, half of the disease. --proverb

31. The wall is strong by foundation and strong by exercise. --proverb

32. The water stops for a hundred days and is poisonous. People stop for a hundred days and grow glass.

33, the elderly blood stagnation, worship the limbs flexion and extension, blood flow, can be life without hand and foot disease. &127; - "Ancient and Modern Book Integration"

34, the movement is coming out, and the disease is coming out. --proverb

35, the winter moves, less trouble a disease; winter lazy lazy, drink a bowl of medicine. --proverb

36, practicing a sweat, a small illness does not need to see. --proverb

37, practice long-distance running every day, old and young. --proverb

38, health is a wonderful medicine, exercise is Jin Dan. --proverb

39, the immortal medicine Ganoderma lucidum, it is better to practice long-distance running every day. --proverb

40, exercise is better than Ganoderma lucidum, why bother to find the fairy. People are afraid of not moving, and the brain is afraid of not using it.

41. Practice and strength, shrinking and sickness. Get up early in the morning and get a good morning.

42. After a meal, walk a hundred steps and live to ninety-nine; three hundred steps after a meal, without going to the medicine shop.

43. Not relying on medical care, not relying on medicine, daily labor is most effective.

44, the movement is not bad, the use is not refundable. Life is movement.

45, running and jumping, light body, do not walk the fleshy pine.

46. ​​If you want to be healthy, exercise every day.

47. Dance a few days a day and live to ninety-five.

48, quiet and less moving, frail and sick; there is static and moving, no disease and no pain.

49. The water stops for a hundred days and is poisonous. People are sick for a hundred days.

50, long-term injury, long standing stomach, sedentary injury, long-term injury.

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