Classic quotes

Classic quotations from the age of naked marriage, classic lines in the age of naked marriage, classic dialogue in the age of naked marriage

1. You are Robinson on the desert island. You are the Sun Wukong of the 72nd. You are the three-headed and six-armed! - Classic quotations from the age of naked marriage

2. When Xiaosan is not her fault, it is not right to destroy us.

3, simple, unique, and selling point is the most basic condition of an advertisement.

4, here is not to stay in the Lord, have their own place!

5, the most important thing to come out of work is a good mood, if you are like you, you will not feel bad when you come out to work later than to go to the grave.

6, baby, no, daughter-in-law, no, stinky girl, you listen to me, grandma, ancestors...

7. Where there is Tong Jiaqian, it is my home!

8. Don't be sad alone, isn't my shoulders here?

9, magic, nothing, witness the miracle moment, flowers! ! !

10, get up, let me communicate with the rich second generation, baby, I tell you, from your birth you must be rich second generation, because your father will soon become a rich man.

11, those companies who did not have the first time to hold high salaries in front of you, all have to close down, because they have no vision.

12, what I need now is coffee, sunshine, rest.

13. You are the embodiment of justice and wise leadership.

14, like you are full of heaven, the cabinet is round, a blessing, who does not like you.

15. This fully proves that I am strong and strong, and I am wearing Yang.

16, I feel that I am quite a failure, let my wife and children worry about money, not very good.

17. Liu: "Is there nothing for me?" Tong; "Where are you, do you think you are a bank, your father is Li Gang?"

18. I tell you, as long as it is from the belly of your Tong Jiaqian, this meat, even if it exceeds the choice you gave me, I like it.

19, Liu Yiyang is miserable (Tong Jiaqian returned to her family for a few days): Wife, I miss you very much, you see here is empty, I can only put your photos here, sleeping with your photos.

20, come to a pizza, whole meat!

21, I have been a well-tested comrade for so many years, right?

22, my favorite is the sweet and sour pork ribs, the key is that the ribs are too stuffy~

23, you think that your mother in the four seas, everything has to get used to you!

24, Liu Yiyang: A red heart is facing you!

25. I promise Chairman Mao that I care about you!

26, my heart is broken, I have to have a knife to escape to show you, broken with dumplings stuffing.

27. I don't have any conditions superior to you except that I love you more than you love me. I am Liu Yiyang, I have been maintaining the dignity of my love.

28, now this little goblin, the flies saw the honey like a go up, go forward and go forward. After death.

29, I am nothing great, I rely on my work to eat, I take the reward I deserve, I am not like you rich second generation, brother-in-law, do not do it, do not do it, pass home!

30. The bottom of the family is the second generation, but people can really be true to you. Isn't that a generation?

31, happiness is that you eat fish, I eat meat, watching others licking bones.

32. What do men have to be handsome? Can I be a card when I put it in the bank? What is the use of good character? Can you eat it when you put it on the table?

33. To do our sales, we must have the same endurance as the scorpion, the same skillful mouth of the starling, the smell of the dog, and the enthusiasm of the pig.

34. In the past, my buddy always felt that he was a cloud. He said that the woman wanted to leave me with me. It was impossible. Who is the Lord? The more I come, the more I don’t know what kind of evil. Suddenly I felt that I couldn’t move.

35, Liu Yiyang's charming tone: "winter melon, pour glass of water ~" Winter melon: "Look for yourself!" Liu Yiyang: "Hmm ~ melon, melon".

36, your unit's little goblin, she licked her ass, I know that she is not a good fart!

37. Your boundaries between men and women are very vague, the bottom line is not clear, don't forget, you are a married person, you must be self-disciplined and self-respecting.

38, you really treat me as a fragrant, you think that all women in the world are as rare as you.

39. I don’t want anyone to look at it. You think I’m blind.

40, I haven't seen you for a long time, I want to die.

41. Some people have a background, so there is only a back.

42. In the near future, I am a young woman Tong Jiaqian. I must make overall plans for our future small days, plan ahead, think deeply, and look far!

43. I have to work hard to make money, let you eat well, live well, use good, in the future, the money will be yours, you kneel, hold, sleep, you are lying on it.

44, winter melon: my mother is a menopause, all three years have not expired. My dad saw my mom and met the little monster like Altman.

45, do not pout, one or two face!

46, Niangzi, you are so good to me, niche is not rewarded, only with the body.

47, the wife is always right; second, the wife is wrong, follow the first implementation.

48, Liu Yiyang, his father took the wine glass: "Come on the kid!" Liu Yiyang: "Come, Lao Tzu!"

49, Tong Jiaqian, I beg you to marry me, although I have no money, no car, no room, no diamond ring, but I have a heart to accompany you to the old, waiting for you old, I still carry you, I give You are a crutches, waiting for you to have no teeth, I will chew and feed you, I will wait until you die, I will die again, or leave you in this world, no one cares, I am not at ease. Tong Jiaqian, I love you, marry me!

50, Liu Yiyang smells Tong Jiaqian's ankles, fainted ~ "香香不香?" "香香".

51, wife, I have already washed incense!

52, Tong Jiaqian: "I especially admire you, your dad is doing big inside, you actually wash your face inside." Liu Yiyang: "Get used to it, our family is like your family, three people, two toilets, bourgeois life, Corruption."

53. Your grandmother and grandmother, the heavens are full, the people are straight, and you will be given a big fat boy.

54. Brother, I have always thanked you very much. Really, you said that from the beginning of college, the two are all together, you have been taking care of me, are you doing my homework, the exam helps me to play cheat sheet, help I am chasing my girlfriend.

55, Li Dong, identity, serious, Tongda Group 驸 Ma Ye Shaodong.

56, this is the first suv of mini, our company attaches great importance to this car, I believe that every person who sits will have such a moment, want to unload everything, stay away from reality, and leave what you have to play in life. The role, even the occasional opening of a short time.

57, your brain has bubbles!

58. Liu Yiyang: Money is hard to earn, it is difficult to eat, you can't just see the thief eating meat, don't see the thief beaten!

59, there is no disease, no money, no money.

60, clothing is not as good as new, people are not as good.

61, vacate one percent of your eyes to see others, maybe you will gain.

62. From the very beginning, the only feeling you felt about me was that there was no feeling. I mistakenly thought that you were the irreplaceable person I was looking for in my life. In this year, the Qin Xianglian-style woman has no sympathy, and the girl like Lin Daiyu Cried and looked at Cheng Xianglin, as for Wang Baozhen, suffering from the cold kiln for 18 years, occasionally waiting for the luck of the rabbit to wait until the husband Rong returned to his hometown, and not forget the old grace but the probability is almost zero.

63, there is such a person in your room to be with me, those who can not enter my eyes, the wife must have confidence in themselves.

64, Liu: "I praised my two sentences, I am resourceful." Tong: "Hus husband is a sly pig."

65, talk to your little comrades to pay attention!

66, winter melon: How much do you intend to borrow? Liu: "Fifty thousand." Winter melon: "Five thousand, you can afford me, you lick my body worth not worth 50,000. Let's sell it."

67, money, this thing is not clean. - Classic quotations from the age of naked marriage, classic lines in the age of naked marriage, classic dialogue in the age of naked marriage

68, don't shoot, then shoot again. - Classic dialogue in the age of naked marriage

69, Jiaojiao Huanghuang: Why do you like the flowers and plants, you open the garden, you are the gardener! - Classic dialogue in the age of naked marriage

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