Classic quotes

A famous saying about doing things, a good saying about doing things for people

1. Be a good person, but don't take too much attention to it; do things with interest, but don't be too afraid of right and wrong. For people, think about the benefits and look at the strengths; for things, think about the distance and look at the big places.

2, be a man: First, be strict with self-discipline, be patient with others. Second, we must be modest and beautiful, and let more disputes. Third, we must be good with others and avoid arrogance. Fourth, we must save money and help the poor. Five must treat people with integrity and stay away from right and wrong.

3, to be a person to be inside and outside, to behave in a way that knows what to do; to speak in words and deeds, to behave in the same way; to be consistent, to do things to be old and young.

4, the game, there are wins and losses; status, there are up and down; chances, there are good and bad; life, there are gains and losses. Be a good person and do your best!

5, people are rude, they are not born, things are rude, they are not, and the country is rude. To be a man, you must understand etiquette, know how to respect people, and know how to be a deaf person.

6, sweet words, three warm winter, bad words hurt people in June cold. The words of the time are too much to lose faith, and the words of anger are more rude. The knower is not Bo, the blogger does not say, the whisper is fine, not much expensive!

7, moving with emotion, waiting for the ceremony, standing in the virtues, Shizhong with justice. To be honest, to be strict with others, to behave in a perseverance, to help others with love. A person must understand that the heart is easy to serve, and it is difficult to serve!

8. The waves of the sea are blown by the wind, and the waves of life depend on people to swell. Being a person should be aggressive, challenge life, make personality perfect, and make the truth last forever!

9. People wait for right and wrong, I treat people right or wrong; people have benefited as grievances, I use people as a choice; people gain and lose as gains and losses, I use good and evil as good and evil; I am far and near with feelings and true and false.

10. The heart of the people is unfathomable. My heart is crystal clear and the heart is changing. My heart is always in a constant state. People give me a cross-brow, I give him a smile; people give me a bad word, I give him a song of praise; heart to heart, love for love; to complain with morality, to report evil!

11, to be smart, to be kind. Broad-mindedness, loyalty and grievances are the true feelings of jade, it is kind; heart is kind, people are me, I am not a person, it is kind; heart is beautiful, less planting more flowers is kind!

12, if a person lacks kindness, there will be a banquet, there is no need to have. If a person lacks kindness, he lacks trust, lacks harmony, and lacks harmony. The land is not thick, and it cannot bear the mountains and rivers; the people are not thick, and they cannot get moral friendship.

13. Both knowledge and morality are equal, both theory and practice are equal, static and dynamic are equal, intelligence and ability are equal, humanity and technology are equal, love and majesty are equal, and both work and life are equal!

14, good words, can cause others to be kind; bad words will arouse others' bad thoughts. Say a good word and add more points. For people, you must have a good heart, say good things, do good things, and get along.

15. Being a person and doing things is a subject that needs to be studied and practiced with life. Only when the end of life research and practice activities can be ended can we evaluate a person's research and practical results. In order to make research and practice less detours, we should learn from the research and practical achievements of predecessors.

16, people give me comfort, I still give him enthusiasm; people give me kindness, I still respect him; people give me tolerance, I still he is sincere; people give me self-esteem, I am still happy!

17, to be a person in advance, this is the principle of doing things; to establish a career first, this is the principle of being a man. Do things without being a person, never do things; be a person who is not moral, always do not adult!

18, the principle of doing things six: one must keep the duty. Second, we must abide by the rules. Third, we must keep time limits. Fourth, we must keep our promises. Five must be heavy methods. Six must be heavy!

19. It is better to be slower, not too anxious and wrong; to be a person rather stupid, not too clever and ruin. Doing things can fail, being a man can't fail; the past can fail, the future can't fail!

20, the subordinates of a person must be as earthy, can be humble and low; the head of the person must be like the sea, can not pick the thickness. Intercourse with friends should be like Lin, good for all kinds of things; to get along with the public like water, can flex and stretch.

21, remember to remember three: do not punish yourself with your own mistakes; second, do not punish yourself with the mistakes of others; three do not punish others with their own mistakes!

22, big things are not confused, small things do not leak, you have to pick up when you pick up, you have to put down and put down. It is a kind of courage to be able to afford to be a man, and to be a kind of wisdom when you put it down!

23, the person is innocent, the work is expensive, and the study is expensive. Be a man, be knowledgeable, knowledgeable, consistent, and confident. Do things or not, do more things!

24, remember to remember three points: First, take a telescope to see others, take a magnifying glass to see yourself; Second, accept praise to lower your head, accept criticism to raise your head; Third, do not regard goodness as stupid, do not regard modesty as weak !

25. In life, we must firmly grasp the three lines: first, the lifeline (policy strategy); second, the warning line (party discipline); third, the high-voltage line (laws and regulations)!

26, do things, do good things, do things well, do useful things; be a person, be a good person, be a good person, be a good person. Do things, work diligently, and strive for excellence; be a man, be noble in faith, and be self-disciplined in behavior.

27. Be a smart person who is a good person, a happy person who is happy, a devotional love person, a strong patience person, a harmonious and generous person, and a symbiotic earth person!

28, to be a third person: one must be clear-cut, dare to dare, dare to fight. Second, we must have a broad vision, open mind and peace of mind. Third, we must give people joy, give hope, give confidence, and give people convenience!

29. Be respectful to your parents, be kind to your children, be generous to your relatives and friends, and be polite to the public. Treat your family with a thoughtful heart; treat your friendship with a heart!

30. Being arrogant is not long, arrogance is indispensable, greed is indispensable, and love is indispensable. Only by respecting others will you be solemn!

31. Sitting posture like a clock must be stable; if standing like a pine, it must be straight; if it looks like a mirror, it must be clear; if it is like a law, it must be ceremonial; if it is like teaching, it will benefit; if thoughts flow, it will be clear.

32. Do things specially, be a person. You can work part-time and you can only work full-time. Be honest, do things with your heart, don't seek perfect people, just ask for perfect things!

33. Instead of being a person with a price, it is better to be a valuable person; rather than being a busy person, it is better to be an efficient person. People can't just live in the past, but live happily in the future.

34. A person should be self-reliant and self-reliant, and should not shake the original intention because of the words and deeds of others; he should be self-respecting and not be discouraged by difficulties. Be confident in the face of setbacks and be proud of your failures!

35, to be a person in the field of study to be better; in the business community to exchange vertical and horizontal; in the interpersonal space to talk about laughing business; in loneliness and loneliness to peace of mind!

36. If you don't move, you will have a way; if you don't talk, you will have reason; if you don't plead, you will have righteousness; if you don't do it, you will have something right. Be a man: knowing, knowing, knowing, knowing!

37, behave ten taboos: avoid vain, avoid laziness, avoid arrogance, avoid violent, avoid greed, avoid selfishness, avoid unbelief, avoid evil, avoid infidelity, avoid lying.

38. Honesty wins, hard-working wins, modest wins, benevolent wins, big men win, honest wins, loyalists win, credit winners, round winners win.

39. There is a foresight, it is a kind of wisdom. Self-knowledge is a kind of maturity. It is a kind of literacy to know people!

40. Being a person must be aware, interested, and contented. Knowing reason is to know how to be humane and to grasp the duty of being a human being; to be interested in things, to grasp the measure and to relax; to be content, that is, not to be captured by the material, to satisfy nothing!

41. Complacency, arrogance, and credulity are the three major reefs of life. Pride, jealousy, and greed are three Mars in life. Speaking bad things, telling lies, and power is the three major dislikes in life!

42. To be a man depends on the "two rituals" to rule the world, and the "three laws" are determined. The so-called "two rituals" are: polite and polite, and the so-called "three laws" are: ideas, opinions, and practices.

43. The most important thing to be a human being is personality. Personality includes knowledge, affection and meaning. Knowledge is perception, knowledge, wisdom; love is emotion, emotion, sentiment; meaning is idea, consciousness, will.

44, bone should be just, gas should be soft, Zhiyi big, daring should be small, heart should be empty, words should be true, Hui Yizeng, Fu Yiwei. To be a person, to be sympathetic, to be honest and self-discipline!

45. Self-esteem, self-knowledge, and self-control are the highest realm of being a man. Respecting yourself, respecting others, maintaining dignity, and being responsible for your actions are the basic qualities of being a man!

46. ​​Snooze, drowsiness, fear, anger, laziness, and procrastination are six scourges in human nature. Moderation, silence, order, decision, simplicity, hard work, sincerity, integrity, conservation, neatness, tranquility, chastity, humility, prudence, and agility are the three-cross policy of being a man.

47. There are five people to behave: have a strong body; have a legitimate career; have superb skills; have rich knowledge; have the enthusiasm of a reasonable lover!

48, honesty and trustworthiness, is the foundation of the rule of law; knowing oneself and self-discipline is the important way to stand up; to help others, is the good life of the world!

49. Do not panic, do not waste when you are idle, have words to believe, no desire is just, and if the spring breeze, if the autumn frost, take the image of money, the inside of the outer circle.

50, look at the property should be like running water, take it right, use it to do, do not be a slave to money; behave like a rod, pursue integrity, beyond mediocrity, with a conscience!

51. Understand self-esteem and self-cultivation, respect tolerance and generosity, and maintain dignity to reflect noble personality. Respecting yourself, respecting others, and maintaining dignity are three important fulcrums in the balance of life!

52, lively and not debauchery, enthusiasm is not impulsive, open is not crazy, can not learn, not strong, not smart, not arrogant, outstanding not publicity!

53. Be cautious and not convinced, goodness is not weak, practice is not sloppy, steady is not arbitrarily, honesty is not hypocritical, loyalty is not stupid, self-importance is not inferior, self-confidence is not conceited, resoluteness is not stubborn, decisive is not rash!

54, gentle and not weak, quiet and not artificial, beautiful is not glamorous, seeking no difference, no blame, no timid, enthusiasm is not frivolous, self-love is not narcissistic, alert is not suspicious!

55, handsome is not frivolous, usually not domineering, arrogant not entangled, can not say much things, cautious not shrinking, brave not rude, meticulous not small, savvy not care, love is not self-interested, lost love is not lost!

56. With the ambition of Mingzhi, to act as a servant, to confuse with wisdom, to make friends with no desire, to study diligently, to be cautious, to live with diligence, to be determined by diligence, to be determined by ambition, to be an enthusiastic person!

57. Be a person like a mirror, always look at yourself; be a person like a box, feel free to move at any time; be a person like this, keep recording merits; be a person like a candle, always illuminate others; be a person like a clock, cherish life in seconds.

58. In poverty, we must have a sense of loyalty; in times of crisis, we must have confidence and courage; in wealth, we must have a sense of loyalty; in being a man, we must have a good spirit.

59, do things, can not demand perfection, but at least to be able to complete, only to fulfill their responsibilities; to be a person, can not ask for omnipotence, but at least possible, in order to be able to bear the burden of life.

60, the speech should be implicit, should not be too exposed; attitude should be euphemistic, avoid too straight; work should be harmonious, should not be too true; be a person to be deep, not too harsh.

61. Be binding on the self, have affinity for others, have tolerance for the world, have the power to seek knowledge, be patient with the predicament, and have a driving force for success!

62. With compassion, we can benefit people; with understanding, we can accommodate people; with tolerance, we can love people; with patience, we can be human!

63. On the matter, this is the principle of employing people; it is the principle of living truth; it is the principle of making friends; it is the principle of making friends; it is the principle of being a man.

64. Active and enterprising attitude towards life, healthy and uplifting life, open-minded and optimistic life, and self-interested thinking. Personality is good, life will be quality!

65, the person must know how to report the four graces: one report the grace of all things to raise; the second report to the parents to support the care of the grace; three newspapers to enhance the wisdom of the teacher; four newspapers to take care of each other!

66, proud of frustration, do not care; good times adversity, do not stop. Be kind to yourself, be extremely happy; be kind to others, be very happy; be kind to life and be very healthy.

67, introverted is not inferior, courtesy is not vulgar, barely not arrogant, strong not overbearing, persistent not stubborn, easy to follow the wave, humility, not tolerate, tolerance, tolerance, not to be reluctant, cautious not to flinch, active not frivolous, steady not arrogant.

68, frustrated not to lose heart, smug not forgetting; frustration is not discouraged, failure is not discouraged; brave not reckless, self-improvement not self-deception; criticism is not hurt, praise does not flatter; self-confidence is not proud, corrective but positive!

69. Flowers are colored, fragrant, and fragrant; people are talented, affectionate, and interesting. Health, faith, and material foundation are the three pillars of life. A person must have three things: healthy, professional, and normal!

70. Birds have trees to live, trees fall to fly; fishes have water to live, and water scorpions die; flowers have springs to open, springs to go to Xie; people have faith to stand, and believers to lose. Integrity is the foundation of being a man!

71. There are four kinds of people in the world: scum, manpower, talent, and characters. We must despise the scum, not willing to be a man, envy the talents, and strive to be a character!

72. Being a person does not mean nothing, and sarcasm disappears; people do more things, and honors come unexpectedly. Be a free, self-reliant, self-reliant person, be a self, be arrogant, conceited!

73. To accommodate and help others is the good thing to get along with each other; knowing grace and repaying grace are the virtues of personality pursuit; generosity and honesty are the foundation of being a person.

74, the matter is one step, there is room for self; the wealth is relaxed, one has its own aftertaste. You can't have only a pair of beautiful eyes, but you must have a smart eye!

75. Failure to do things can be repeated, and failure to be a man is difficult to recover. Do things as you like, and be strict and careful. One's wisdom is his friend, and one's fallacy is his enemy.

76. If a person fails, he may immediately resume standing; if a person loses his trust, it will never be recovered. Credibility is more important than property. There is more property for one person, and it will never wash away the conscience stain caused by the loss of contract!

77. If the heart is loose, then everything can't be done; if the heart is negligent, then everything can't be concentrated; if the heart is stubborn, everything can't be true. Everything must be in the heart, and having a sense of responsibility is the noblest sentiment of being a man!

78. Treat people with peace and principle, be clear and decisive, and be honest and concise. If there is no prejudice in the heart, it will be fair, and if there is no self in the heart, it will be bright and fair.

79. Things must be used, they are valuable things; people must be able to be used, is a useful person. Be sure to do the work when you do things, and you must do your part!

80. Forgive others for their faults, improve their own shortcomings, stay in love, and pursue a better life. Forgive others is to be kind to yourself, to condemn others is to treat yourself!

81, moving is a temporary, the real touch is a lifetime; the use is temporary, the real use is a lifetime. Do things in detail, and go deep into the solution; be a man to look at the benefits, think far away!

82. All good deeds start from myself; all good words are spoken from my mouth; all good deeds are developed from within me; all friends, from me to sincere respect.

83, behavior, every move must be self-respect; speech, words and deeds must be self-respecting; life, one thing and one thing must be self-respect; be a person, one hour and one moment to be self-respect!

84. Treat parents with filial piety, treat teachers with respect, treat themselves with self-discipline, treat others with care. Do things in a down-to-earth manner, be honest and trustworthy!

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