Classic quotes

Sentences about life philosophy, philosophical sentences, words of life philosophy

1. The face is given by others, but the face is earned by oneself.

2, with the potential of the communicator, the potential is absolute; to benefit the communicator, the poor and the poor.

3. Once you are born, you have boarded a train that is going to death. The only meaningful thing is to be kind to someone who is with you.

4. Believe that the present day is meaningful, and every moment we move toward the unknown.

5. Narcissism stems from the extreme love of life, the constant pursuit of detail and hedonism.

6. People who love you always care about you in the way you hate the most.

7. The sun outside is bigger, but it also reveals the dark clouds you left in my heart.

8. Listening does not mean silence. Sometimes silence is also a kind of power.

9. Know what you want, and half know what you have to give up before you get it.

10. As long as you say it, I believe that as long as it is your decision, I will support it. As long as it is what you need, I am willing to do it.

11. What advantage do you use to win life, you will lose your life for the same reason.

12. Today, you fill your heart with the copper plate in your purse. Tomorrow, your heart can fill your purse with gold.

13. All self-interested lives are irrational, animal life.

14, don't say it forever, because you don't know how far it will always be.

15. The heart is like a Buddha, and there is no boundless Buddha.

16, think and get, there are two words in the middle - that is to do.

17, I would rather run and be mixed up countless times, and I don't want to follow the rules for a lifetime. smile proudly even if you failed.

18, do not be angry to fight for anger, do not look at breaking through to break through, do not want to appreciate, do not delay to be active, do not mind to act.

19, there is no vow not to be old, there is no constant commitment, embark on the journey, no turning back!

20, attitude determines everything, strength to defend dignity! People must stand the temptation to endure loneliness!

21, life is beautiful for some people, these people have struggled for a lifetime.

22, keep in mind what you get, forget what you have paid.

23, laughter often open, good color naturally come!

24. Do you know that I am single now? Because there is a saying that rabbits don't eat grass, not because I am a rabbit, but because I am grass.

25, people in the workplace should be a lentils, how anyone step on, the result is still the same, flat.

26, people who are taller sometimes need to be lame, and even short people sometimes need to bend.

27, marriage is like picking up shells, don't be the biggest and most beautiful, you want to know what you like best, and when you get there, don't go to the beach again.

28. The hunter chasing the deer can't see the mountain under his feet.

29. If you have praised the dawn, then please embrace the darkness.

30. I would rather forgive others, and let others forgive you.

31. The three most delicious bowls in life: the face of human face.

32. Silence is the best answer to slanders.

33. There are no friends in life, just like there is no sunshine in life; if you want to have perfect friendship, you may not find friends for a lifetime.

34. It is very happy to have money before the age of the year. It is more pleasing to spend money after the age. It is very hard to struggle before the age, and it is harder to struggle after the age.

35. Even if the whole world says that I am beautiful, but you say that I am not beautiful, then I am not beautiful.

36. When you advise others, if you don't care about other people's self-esteem, then no matter how good the words are.

37. Don't be mixed with arrogance in your wisdom. Don't make your modest heart lack wisdom.

38. I don’t have to go back and see who is cursing you? If there is a mad dog biting you, do you have to kneel down and bite him?

39, taboo others, will not add any benefits to themselves. Taboo others, it is impossible to reduce the achievements of others.

40. People are always tolerant of strangers and very picky about familiar people.

41, you will always forgive all beings, no matter how bad he is, even if he hurts you, you must let go, in order to get real happiness.

42. This world is inherently painful, with no exceptions.

43. When you are happy, you have to think that this happiness is not eternal. When you are suffering, you have to think that this pain is not eternal.

44. Know yourself, surrender yourself, change yourself, and change others.

45. An optimistic and splendid smile not only delights oneself but also everyone around you.

46. ​​Saying that money is sin, all are fishing; saying that beauty is a disaster, all want it; saying that the heights are not cold, they are climbing; that heaven is the best, not going.

47. Trouble is a kind of spirit that you create yourself.

48, life is like a race, don't care if you are the first to reach the end, and care if you have run the full course.

49. The so-called unfamiliarity in love is: Jun hates me for being born late, I hate Junsheng early, Junsheng is not born, I am born old.

50, bargaining like the poor, paying like a gentleman.

51. The mind is a commodity, not an ornament.

52. Learning to forgive is to learn to obey your own heart. The word "forgiveness" is "like the heart".

53. People who are filled with their own opinions and ideas will never hear the voices of others.

54. When many people want to leave this world, they will say the same sentence. This world is really helpless and desolate!

55, love is not a charity, can not be alms. There is no formula, no principle, no reason to follow. But people are still obsessed and pursued to death.

56. Please use your compassion and gentle attitude to say your dissatisfaction and grievances, others will be easy to accept.

57. We do have the same advantages, but we also need to hide a few points. This is called conservation.

58. Destroying people only needs one sentence, but it takes thousands of words to cultivate a person. Please ask for more.

59. Never waste your minute and minute, think about anyone you don't like.

60. The reason why people are suffering is to pursue the wrong things.

61. It is not so much that others make you suffer, it is better to say that your cultivation is not enough.

62. If you don't bother yourself, others will never bother you. You can not let go because of your heart.

63, teach yourself well, regardless of others.

64. Do not forgive all beings, do not forgive all beings, and suffer from yourself.

65. Don't say that others are pitiful, and that you are more pitiful. How about your own practice? How much do you know how to live?

66. If you care about your heart, you will complain everywhere; if your heart is relaxed, it will always be sunny.

67. It is not someone who bothers me, but I am troubled by someone’s words and deeds.

68. There are two kinds of lonely people. One is to understand everything, and the other is to understand nothing.

69, there is no rehearsal in life, live broadcast every day.

70. Those who are not enough to report well will often hear right and wrong; those who have enough for the good news have never heard of right and wrong.

71, you will always be grateful to the sentient beings who give you adversity.

72. If you have owned it, don't forget it. If you have already got it, you should cherish it. If you have it, don't give up. If you have lost it, keep your memories. If you want to get it, you must work hard. But the most important thing is to love yourself.

73. Desire does not satisfy the pain; once the desire is satisfied, it is boring, and life is swaying between pain and boredom.

74. The farthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death, but the second time I just went online, but you are offline.

75. Youth is a book that can't be closed when it is opened. Life is the way to go back when you step on it. Love is a bet that can't be returned if it is thrown out.

76, take out the complaints every day to bask in the sun, the mood will not be calcium deficiency.

77, love like the pi, unlimited loops.

78. The world is a big stage, the company is a small stage, the family is the backstage, life is a series, we are the protagonists.

79, do not have to work hard, no effort is merit; for people do not have to feel the virtues, no complaints are virtue.

80. If you really love him, then you must tolerate some of his shortcomings.

81. If you can scream every day "I don't need to worry about this little thing", you will find that there is an incredible power in your heart. Try it, it works.

82. Live with a normal heart, treat people with heart, mind to do things, and use Bodhicitta to understand the Buddha.

83. When do you let go, when will you have no troubles?

84. Every kind of trauma is a kind of maturity.

85. When you know the confusion, it is not pitiful. When you don't know the confusion, it is the most pitiful.

86. The arrogant people are saved, and the inferior people are not saved.

87, you should not always be dissatisfied with others, you should always review yourself. Dissatisfied people are suffering yourself.

88. To admit your greatness is to identify your own suspicion.

89. It is helpless to give up the waiver. It is incompetence to give up what should not be given up. It is ignorance that does not give up the waiver. It is attachment that does not give up.

90, to lose to lose to pursue, to marry to marry happiness.

91. The onlookers are clear, but the speculators’ own guesses.

92. The so-called bone gas, "qi" is determined by "bone." Those with hard bones are awe-inspiring; those with soft bones are suffocating; those without bones, without gas.

93. There is no reason for love. It is necessary to make love last long.

94. The real let go is not to let go of others, but to let go of yourself.

95, meet, the heart is like a white cloud fluttering; own, the heart is like a rain and rain; miss, the heart is like a quicksand. Looking back, the mood is as clear as the blue night.

96. If you are going to get married, tell you a very important philosophy. "You must be patient and tolerate each other's shortcomings. There is no absolute happy marriage in the world. Happiness comes from infinite tolerance and mutual respect."

97. When you advise others, if you don't care about other people's self-esteem, then even the best words are useless.

98. If a person cannot forgive others from the heart, he will never feel at ease. ——Sentences about life philosophy

99. Half of the fate is in the hands of God, and the other half is in your own hands. Success is to use half of your hands to win the other half of God's hands. - philosophical sentences

100. Thank you for your regret. Thank you for your gift of life. Thank you for your regret. The road ahead will be more solid. Thanks for the regret, there will be no regrets in the future. ——Including the philosophy of life

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