Classic quotes

Short philosophical sentence excerpts, life philosophy short sentences

1. The road is at your feet. You can't change the end, but you can decide the direction of your foot.

2, the body is less natural and less bitter; the words in the mouth are less natural disasters; less food in the abdomen is less natural; less desire in the heart is less natural.

3, you can stick to your own ideals, but do not need to stubborn your own ideas.

4, maturity is not because the mentality is old, but when the eyes are hanging with tears, but still can smile.

5, people make mistakes, and most of them are too brainy when using the truth, but when using the brain, it is too emotional.

6, hard city, no soft love, life is not Lin Daiyu, not because of sadness can be temperament.

7. Conscience is the most impartial judge of every person. You deceive others, but you can never deceive your own conscience.

8. Don't waste your life in a place where you will regret it.

9. A wise person always puts his mouth in his heart, and a foolish person puts his heart in his mouth.

10. Please put the sun on your heart and let the spring water lie in your heart.

11, beautiful women are pleasing to the eye, mature women are pleasing.

12, taboo others, will not add any benefits to themselves. Taboo others, it is impossible to reduce the achievements of others.

13. Use your heart to listen to what others are saying, and don't rush to express your own opinions.

14. Only your future can squander my present; only my favorite, give me the most deadly damage.

15. Forgive others is to leave space in your heart for a roundabout.

16, swearing at others, like bloody people, first polluted their mouths.

17. The wise man seeks in time, and the fool moves against the clock.

18. If everything goes with her, it is a free person in the world.

19. Love is like a delicious cup of coffee; marriage is the coffee cup with the remaining coffee grounds.

20, the reason why people live tired, is not able to put on the shelf, can not open the face, can not solve the complex.

21. Standing on your own stand, not everyone is in line with your appetite; standing on other positions, why do you have the appetite for everyone?

22. People who can simplify complex problems are talents. It is stupid to be able to complicate simple problems.

23, loss is just a posture, getting is not the same as happiness.

24, a woman is a book, men are most concerned about copyright issues, if it is a pirated book, he must first ask the lowest to give a few fold.

25. Opportunity is equal for everyone. You can have no chance to shoot, but when the opportunity comes, you can't have no bullets.

26. When you climb up, be sure to keep the ladder clean, otherwise you may slip when you come down.

27, respectful to people, is to solemn yourself.

28. If a person is faced with a choice and cannot choose, he should choose the one he has not experienced before.

29, wealth is not much more, but less expensive.

30. When the mother gave her son something, the son smiled; when the son gave the mother something, the mother cried.

31. It seems that there is no beginning of desire, and it always ends with a shock.

32. The purpose of living is not to live forever, but to live forever.

33. We have misread the world, but we say that the world has deceived us.

34. When people realize that they are self-conscious, people are not human.

35, the mouth of the long, is also a cloud of people, why bother to remind me of old feelings.

36, hands and hands even if there is air between the grip, mouth and mouth even if there is a kiss, there is still breath, heart and heart even if there is a distance.

37. Simple post-summary summaries are useless. The key is some rules that can be expected beforehand.

38. All real problems are never solved, but are forgotten.

39. Everyone's love story is a Bible that records the generation and future of the world.

40. The experience of life is like a pencil... It starts to be sharp... It has become more sleek after experiencing it... If it can’t bear it, it will break.

41, calm is a kind of life, pure is a character.

42. People must be honest with themselves, love has no traffic lights, will not tell you when to go, when to stop, can only go on instinct and courage.

43. It doesn't matter how others evaluate you. The most important thing is that you have to look at yourself.

14. Our life today is chosen three years ago. Our life three years later is what we choose today.

45. Our people are not the model of others in this life, that is, the borrowing of others.

46. ​​People come to this world to hold their hands, because he wants a lot of things; when he dies, his hands are loose, because he wants to open.

47. I heard that the frog only eats something, and concludes that if the swan does not move, the frog will not hit her idea.

48. I woke up and started to love, and love just happened to be a strange dream.

49. The unlikely event may be realized today, and the impossible thing may be realized tomorrow.

50. Success is not doing what you like to do, but doing what you should do.

51. The era when the left is king, and those who can survive have become the leaders of the industry.

52, youth is like smoking. The smoke is flying. The ash is falling.

53. The butterfly becomes a flower. It is no longer necessary to keep flying to show that it is free. The quiet and quiet stay is also a happy sorrow.

54. Being alone is not born, but the moment you fall in love with someone.

55, the prince likes the princess, the frog prince is the same, Cinderella is just accidental.

56. It is best not to miss two things, the last one to go home and a person who loves you deeply.

57. Everyone starts with a cup of turbid water, and then someone will continue to help you clarify. When you become clear, don't forget the people who drank the sand.

58. In addition to love, you must find something that will allow you to stand on the ground with your feet strong.

59. Those romances that cannot be copied can only fade slowly in memories.

60, time is the best teacher, but unfortunately - in the end he killed all the students!

61. Everyone has five balls that keep spinning: working healthy family friends and souls. The work is a rubber ball, and it will bounce off when it falls; the other four are glass balls, and it will be broken-----

62. Anything, as long as it is willing, can always be simple.

63. Believe is the starting point for success, and persistence is the end of success.

64. We must not be third-class citizens: wait for work, wait for salary, and wait for retirement.

65. A person with a watch knows what time it is. People with two watches cannot determine the time.

66. What people are searching for is just a perfect dream. When it comes close, it means broken.

67. Our motherland is a zoo, and the animals in the zoo are really guilty.

68. Scars should obviously not be the reason for making another group of wounds.

69. Man must be like the stars in the sky, and the fire of all hopes and desires will always be clearly seen, and the fire will never burn out on the ground.

70. The reason why the waterfall is spectacular is because it has no retreat.

71. A dream is a road, and the end point is a deep unpredictable subconscious. The dream is also a mirror, always reflecting the original self of life.

72, the biggest shortcoming of people is that the memory is too good.

73, like a person, will humble to the dust, and then open the flowers.

74, the ugly woman is like a star, the beauty is like a cloud. Looking up at the stars, there is no cloud.

75. Intense words are a weak reason.

76, whoever said no after the end of no regrets, cold moon clear dreams back, knowing that the body is in love, the pre-dust is not a total of clouds.

77. When a person knows what he wants, the whole world will make way for it.

78. Friends are true because of the same world outlook, and they are hypothetical because of the same view of interests.

79. Wealth is like water. If it is a glass of water, you can enjoy it alone; if it is a bucket of water, you can put it at home; but if it is a river, you must learn to share it with others.

80, money can not pass the gods, pass people enough. (The experience of people who climb up) The man is not willing to quarrel with a woman. He never knows what is the reason for the quarrel?

81. Happiness is not killed by fatal mistakes, but is broken down by small mistakes that are repeated repeatedly. Fault is a temporary regret, and miss is a regret forever.

82, others say that we are not good, do not have to be angry and sad. Say that we are not happy, this is not good, good or bad, depends on whether you will use it?

83. Love is like a smallpox. Every one of us has to experience it once, and just like a smallpox, we will only get it once in a lifetime. You never have to worry about getting a second time.

84. Everyone has life, but not everyone understands life and even cherishes life. For those who do not understand life, life is a punishment for him.

85. I don’t have to go back and see who is cursing you? If there is a mad dog biting you, do you have to kneel down and bite him?

86. If you are not willing to make a moment of hard work to succeed, then you may have to endure the failure with the patience of a lifetime. ——Life philosophy short sentences

87. You can earn wealth in ways you don't like, or you can cure diseases with drugs you don't believe, but you can't get happiness from people you don't love. - short philosophical sentence excerpt

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