Classic quotes

A famous saying about youth, a sentence about youth

1, the day is not idle, youth is no longer coming. - Lin Kuan

2, youth must be early, you can grow a teenager. - Mengjiao

3, black hair does not know how to work early, white hair regrets reading late. ——Yan Zhenqing

4, the title poems are not unintentional, do not take the youth to take advantage of. - Yu Qian

5, youth can not stay, white hair naturally born. ——Du Mu

6, 100 gold to buy horses, thousands of dollars to buy beauty; Wan Jin to buy Gao Jue, where to buy youth? - Qu Yuan

7, youthfulness is nothing, the white title is sad! - Quan Deyu

8, young people, the king of life, the spring of life, the life of life also. ——Li Dazhao

9. Youth is a short-lived dream. When you wake up, this has disappeared without a trace. - Shakespeare

10. Youth does not refer to a certain period of life, but refers to a state of mind. - Seyman

11, the fantasy of youth is both fanatical and cute. - About Shorthouse

12, youth will never return, career will never succeed. - Bai Langning

13, youth is wonderful, squandering youth is a crime. - Shaw

14. Youth is wonderful. I saw that girls are wasting their youth and they are sad for them. - Shaw

15. When people are young, no one knows that they are young. - Chesterton

16. Youth is a constant intoxication, a sensible fanatic. - La Roche Fuco

17. The young age is a time to cultivate habits, hopes, and beliefs. - Rosskin

18, youth time is fleeting. - Horace

19. Youth is not a period of life, but a state of mind. - Seneca

20. No one will feel that youth is dying, but anyone will feel that youth has passed away. - Small Seneca

21. The important thing is not to waste your youth and vitality. - Chekhov

22. Youth is our future and our hope. ——Stalin

23, youth, once you shake hands with it, you can gain the motivation to open up new ways, and have the spirituality of creative life. - Golden Horse

24. There is no such significant loss as the loss of youth. - Engler

25, with money, there are many things that can be done in this world, that is, you cannot use money to buy youth. - Raymond

26. On the neck of a young man, nothing is more fascinating than the brilliant orb of the career heart. - Emerson

27, remember: wasting this life and the world, people will never get anything to come to life. - Anonymous

28. If youth also has shortcomings, it is that it has disappeared too fast. - La Lowell

29, spring is a new season in the natural world, and the new season of life, only one degree of youth in life. - Cicero

30, youth, like the spring of praise. - Botler

31. Youth is a period of open-mindedness, and you should use this period to develop your own open-minded character. - Russell

32. To achieve a great cause, we must smash the youth. - Goethe

33, young only once, youth can not come back. ——Fire Youth

34. Youth is the morning of life, the dawn of the day, full of purity, fantasy and harmony. ——Sid Brang

35, youth is on you, you have the most precious things in life. - Dreiser

36. Whoever can maintain eternal youth is a great person. - Guo Mowei

37. No sowing in spring, no growth in summer, no harvest in autumn, no taste in winter. - Hyde

38. Hope will make you young, because hope and youth are brothers. - Shelley

39. Youth is a book that is too hasty. ——Xi Murong

40. Youth is the most attractive when it is about to die. - Seneca

41. Self-confidence and hope are the privilege of youth. - Wilde

42. Young people are full of energy and as rich as spring water. - Byron

43. Adolescence is a great time to search. - Stevenson

44. What to plant when you are young, what to gain when you are old. - Ibsen

45. The main task of youth is to learn. - Zhu De

46. ​​When a person is young, nothing can screw him up. - O'Neill

47. The reason why youth is happy is because it has a future. - Gogol

48. I have enjoyed the joy of the world. The joy of youth has long passed away. The spring of life is very far away from me. ——Haisai

49. If the youthful vigor and the curiosity of advancing disappear, life will be meaningless - Muller

50. Youth is limited, wisdom is endless, and short youth is going to learn endless wisdom. - Gorky

51. People's youth is short-lived, but if you spend this short-lived youth in a despicable way, it seems too much. - Shakespeare

52. Youth is the youth of one year, and youth is the spring of life. - Hugo

53. The most beautiful decoration of youth should be courage. - Ray Mark

54. Youth, always good, but true youth belongs only to those who always strive for the upper reaches, those who forever forget the labor, and those who are always humble. - Lei Feng

55. The spirit of an era is the spirit of youth representation; the character of an era is the character represented by youth. - Marx

56, how beautiful the youth! Glowing and glowing, full of color and dreams, youth is the first chapter of the book, a story that never ends. - Longfellow

57. I would rather fall a hundred times and climb up once and for all; as long as I get up, I have to go back and forth. ——Zhang Haidi

58. The greatest comfort in old age is to realize that the power of all youth has been dedicated to the never-ending cause. ——Schopenhauer

59, ah, youth, youth! Perhaps the whole mystery of your beauty is not to be able to do everything, but to hope to do everything. - Turgenev

60. If your youth can't shine, anything will lose its charm. - Huo Walpuer

61. The destiny of modernity depends on the lofty and unrestrained passion of young people. - Engels

62. No matter what you do, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is no unsuccessful. - Newton

63. The sacred and hearty spirit of creating all extraordinary things is always associated with youthful age and creativity. - Goethe

64. Youth is the flower of life and the natural expression of life. - Ikeda Daisaku

65. There is no word of failure in the dictionary of youth. - Litton

66, the water flow East China Sea does not look back, mistaken youth and hair.

67. Youth is limited, wisdom is an infinite treasure; 趁 short-lived youth, to learn infinite wisdom.

68. Youth is a classic, that is, never redeem.

69. With money, you can do a lot of things. Only youth can't buy with money.

70, gold has price, youth is priceless.

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