Classic quotes

Gorky's famous sayings, Gorky's famous sayings

1. I rushed on the books, just like a hungry person slammed on the bread.

2, love books - this is the source of knowledge!

3. The book is the ladder of human progress.

4. Books are inseparable life partners and mentors for young people.

5. Learning - never too late.

6. Let the storm come even harder!

7, the more people's knowledge, the more perfect the person itself.

8. The meaning of life lies in the self-improvement of people.

9. The value of life lies in creation.

10. Don't sigh the pain of life! Lament is weak.

11, genius is diligent.

12. The higher the goal pursued by a person, the faster his ability develops and the more beneficial it is to society.

13. If you don't want to spend a lifetime in the world, it is to learn for a lifetime.

14. Let the whole life be spent in the pursuit, and there will be many beautiful moments in this life.

15. Labor and science are the two greatest forces in the world.

16. People need truth, just as the blind man needs a bright guide.

17. There is nothing unrecognizable. We can only say that there are still things that have not yet been recognized.

18. Turning language into action is much more difficult than turning action into language.

19. I have always hated people who plan for their own food and clothing. People are higher than food and clothing.

20, the value of a person, all depends on himself.

21, the true and rational friendship is the most invaluable treasure of life.

22. Reason is higher than the mind, and thought is more reliable than feelings.

23. Only human labor is sacred.

24. The harder the situation in life, the more I feel stronger and even smarter.

25. Poverty can make people sink, and it can also make people sublimate.

26. The most beautiful things in our world are created by labor and by the intelligent hands of human beings.

27. I know what labor is: it is the source of all joy and good things in the world.

28. Be a good person and be happy for the people.

29. The higher the goal pursued by a person, the faster his talent develops and the more beneficial it is to society. I am sure that this is also a truth.

30. People should decorate the soul, not the flesh.

31. I know what labor is: labor is the source of all joy and all good things in the world.

32. Labor enables people to build confidence in their intellectual power.

33. The more you read, the stronger and brave the spirit will be.

34. Books are life partners and mentors that young people cannot separate.

35. Only those who are confident can immerse themselves in life everywhere and realize their will.

36. Books have made me a happy person, making my life a relaxed and comfortable poem.

37. No power is stronger than knowledge, and people armed with knowledge are invincible.

38. Science should be loved because human beings have no power that is stronger and more invincible than science.

39. Youth is limited, wisdom is infinite, short youth, and learning infinite wisdom.

40. There are so many instructors in life, but there are very few students, and there are many doctrines, but the truth?

41. The earth is so crowded to a ridiculous degree that people are taking the same path.

42. There is only one result in everything: walking will die, lying down will die!

43. Be strong in hard days and be cautious in happy days.

44. Reason is the most powerful force of all power, and the only force in the world that consciously moves.

45. For people with culture, reading is a noble enjoyment. I value reading, it is a precious habit for me.

46. ​​Living in our world, it is impossible to understand people without reading.

47. The more you read, the stronger and brave the spirit will be.

48. The fastest and slowest in the world, the longest and shortest, the most ordinary and the most precious, the most easily overlooked and most regrettable is time.

49. The civilian population is a god-creating person! There are countless people in the world! They are great victims than all the Orthodox church members in the church. They are God!

50, life is easy to die, but his career can sometimes be permanent.

51. A person who wants to win in the struggle for survival must either have wisdom or have the heart of a beast.

52. If you are alive and able to accept your life, you will be calm and steady and live quietly. Don't stand in the wind, there are many things that will blow with the wind.

53. For people, the world is a dark night, and everyone must illuminate the road for themselves.

54. People can never know exactly who they are... You should ask him what he thinks he is.

55. Sometimes a person can only be understood after he dies, just like reading a good book. Only after reading the last line can you understand.

56. Time can heal all wounds because it can make everything die, including the so-called love and compassion.

57. Reason is higher than the mind, and thought is more reliable than feelings.

58. It is unfortunate that people who don’t know what to do tomorrow.

59. Introspection is a clear mirror, he can see the stain on the soul.

60. Yes, life is a person who has the ability to punish those who are unwilling to serve it...

61. The birth of a person is always accompanied by maternal pain and bleeding.

62. Everyone has a fool and a liar: a fool is a person's emotion. A liar is a person's wisdom. The reason why a fool is because he is straightforward and true, will not pretend, but how can he live without pretending?

63. If you add some copper to the children's food, the child's bones will grow bad and become a dwarf. Similarly, if the adult is poisoned with gold, his soul will become small, dead, dark, just like a value. Five cents of the ball...

64. Genius is developed because of the love of the cause. It can be said that genius - as far as its essence is concerned - is only a love for the cause and work.

65. The meaning of life lies in the beauty and the power to pursue life goals. Moreover, every hour of life should have a lofty purpose.

66. Maybe all lies are good, or vice versa, all good things are lies. There is nothing rare in the world that is more noteworthy than people's delusions, dreams and fantasies.

67. Each book is a small step. Every time I climb a level, I will rise to the human beings and become closer to the human life. I am more interested in books.

68, love labor. No power can be a great and intelligent person like labor, the power of collective, friendly, and free labor.

69. The fastest and slowest in the world, the longest and shortest, the most ordinary and the most precious, the most easily overlooked and most regrettable is time.

70. We learn to think in our labor process, the result of labor, we know the mystery of the world, so we really change our lives.

71, genius is labor, human talent is like a spark, it can be extinguished, it can also burn, and there is only one way to force it to burn into a raging fire, that is, labor and labor.

72. Genius is developed because of the love of the cause. It can be said that genius - as far as its essence is concerned - is only a love for the cause and work.

73. A person's talent is like a spark. It can be extinguished or burned. There is only one way to force it to burn into a raging fire, that is, labor and labor.

74. Books have inspired my wisdom and my heart. It has helped me to get out of the rancid muddy. Without them, I will die there and be stupid and stupid.

75. Genius is labor. The talent of a person is like a spark. It can be extinguished or burned. There is only one way to force it to burn into a raging fire, that is, labor and labor.

76. To love books, it will make your life easier: it will help you to understand the complex emotions and events: it will teach you to respect others and yourself: it is inspired by the love of the world and the love of human beings. Wisdom and mind.

77. Time is the most open and reasonable. It never gives one more person. The industrious person can call time to leave the fruits of the string. The lazy time gives them a white hair and both hands are empty.

78, lazy thinking, not willing to delve into and deep understanding, complacency or satisfaction with negligible knowledge, are the reasons for the lack of intelligence. This kind of poverty is usually referred to by a word, which is "stupid."

79. Creation depends on wisdom, and it depends on common sense; there is common sense and no wisdom, it is mediocrity, wisdom and no common sense, it is awkward. Wisdom is the most powerful force of all power, and the only conscious force in the world.

80. Love books - this is the source of knowledge! Only knowledge can be useful. Only it can make us spiritually strong, loyal and rational, become the uninterrupted person who can truly love human beings, respect human labor, and sincerely appreciate human beings.

81. If a person is alone, if he is placed outside the collective relationship and outside the scope of any great idea of ​​uniting the people, he will become a lazy, conservative, and hostile to life.

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