Classic quotes

Famous sayings about overcoming difficulties

There is no danger in front of the Warriors.

Difficulty like a spring, seeing you strong or not; if you are strong, he will be weak, if you are weak, he will be strong.

The seedlings can't grow into big trees without the wind and rain.

The difficulty is the reef, and the sea dares to attack to inspire beautiful waves.

Ascend to the top of the mountain, it may be scarred, but it is infinite scenery.

Going upstream, you can find the source of water.

Not afraid of high mountains, I am afraid that the legs are soft.

There is no difficulty in the world, I am afraid that there are people.

There are mountains and roads, and there are rivers to cross.

Those who are soaked with tears will surely have a smile.

There are only unhappy axes, no firewood that can't be opened.

Those who dare to struggle are not afraid of difficulties in their hearts.

Bao Jianfeng smashed out, plum blossoms came from bitter cold.

The misty morning does not mean a hazy day.

Life is real, life is sincere, and the grave is not his end.

Each flower can only be opened once and can only enjoy the warm or gentle life of a season.

The virtues of good times are temperate, the virtues of adversity are tenacity, and the latter is a greater virtue.

Everyone is eager for spring March, but they are tempted to stay in the spring. Advise Jun to take the wrong three spring scenes, one inch of time and one inch of gold.

When God gives people a difficult time, it also gives people a wisdom.

Difficulties and torture For a person, it is a hammer that hits the blank. The broken iron scraps should be broken, and the forged steel knife will be sharp.

Dear friends, all theories are grey, and the precious tree of life is evergreen.

There is life, there is hope there.

Time is like the water in a sponge. As long as it is too crowded, there is always something.

Everything is bitter before it matures.

There is a long time between today and tomorrow; when you are still in spirit, learn to do things quickly.

The trauma is the best thing that life gives you, because every step of the wound is marked with a step forward.

The meaning of life is to live a full life, not to live long.

If there are no obstacles in the way of life, what else can people do?

The misty morning does not mean a hazy day.

Fortunately, there is no fear or worry; bad luck is not without comfort and hope.

Difficulties are bad things and good things. Difficulties can force people to think of ways. The difficult environment can train talents.

On the road of life, everyone will encounter difficulties and setbacks, depending on whether you can overcome it. Conquered, you are the hero, the strong man of life.

Of all the shortcomings we have, the most rude is to despise our existence.

Life is a one-way road. No matter how you change it, you won't go back. Once you understand and accept this. Life is much simpler.

Everyone should have two lights in their hearts, one is the light of hope; the light is the light of courage. With these two lights, we are not afraid of the sinister darkness and winds of the sea.

Imagine the difficult response, not to escape or circumvent them, but to face them, deal with them, and fight with them in an aggressive and sensible way.

Life is a voyage. In the voyage, you must encounter the wind from all aspects, but every gust will speed up your speed. As long as you stabilize the rudder, even if it is a storm, it will not make you deviate from the course.

When people are in adversity, their ability to adapt to the environment is amazing. People can endure misfortunes, but they can also overcome misfortunes. Because people have amazing potential, as long as they are determined to play it, they will be able to weather the storm.

Difficulties arise from efforts to overcome difficulties. ——Smyers

Suffering from suffering is the highest school of tempering personality. ——Liang Qichao

Only when it is painful, can there be joy. - Beethoven

Life in the world will not always be smooth and beautiful. - Suhomlinski

People are stronger and more unyielding in adversity than in their circumstances. It is easier to protect themselves when they are bad luck than when they are lucky. - Hugo

Human life is like a flood in the rushing, not encountering islands, reefs, it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves. - Osterloski

When people reach the point where the mountains are running out of water, and they are able to extricate themselves, they are not weak!——Xu Beihong

God is completely trying to strengthen your will, and set up obstacles on the road. - Tagore

It is determined that the green hills are not relaxed, and the roots are in the rock. Millions of blows are still strong, and the wind is northeast and southeast. —— Zheng Banqiao

Make up your mind, not afraid of sacrifice, eliminate all difficulties, and strive for victory. - Mao Zedong

There is no difficulty in the world, as long as Kenden climbs. - Mao Zedong

Those who can overcome difficulties can turn difficulties into opportunities. - Churchill

The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory. - Cicero

There is no flat road in science. Only those who are not afraid of hard work and climb along steep mountain roads can hope to reach the culmination of glory - Marx

When God gives people a difficult time, it also gives people a wisdom. - Rain chestnut

The good fortune in good times is for people's hopes; the good fortune in adversity is surprising. - Bacon

Mountain darkly, vista. - Lu You

If you don't know the pain, you are not a hero. - Hugo

Difficulties are a strict mentor. - Baker

Susceptibility stimulates genius. - Horace

Nature traps people in the dark, forcing people to always look forward to the light. - Goethe

Danger is the touchstone of life. - Hirokov

Although there are dark clouds in the sky, the sun will shine on the top of the clouds. ——Miura Scorpion

Difficulties are bad things and good things. Difficulties can force people to think of ways. The difficult environment can train talents. ——Xu Teli

Adversity shows the Wizards, and the good times are hidden. - Horace

Adversity can defeat the weak and create the strong. - Nixon

Only through hellish tempering can we refine the power to create heaven. Only the fingers that flow through the blood can play the swan song of the world. - Tagore

Only in suffering can you know yourself. - Hilti

Suffering can test a person's character, and a very situational situation can show a very good condition. - Shakespeare

Suffering is a stepping stone for genius. - Balzac

The most difficult time, that is, not far from success. - Napoleon

Hardships can nurture the power of soul and spirit. - Hugo

The difficulty of being overcome is the chance of victory. - Horace

Things that are helpful to you are not always at your fingertips. - Ferguson

The most difficult time is not far from success. - Napoleon

If there are no obstacles in the way of life, what else can people do? - Bismarck

Everything is bitter before it matures. - Cyrus

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