Classic quotes

a famous saying that is not afraid of difficulties

1. Without great difficulties, there will be no great cause. - Voltaire

2. People who can overcome difficulties can turn difficulties into opportunities. - Churchill

3. The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory. - Cicero

4. Difficulties are bad things and good things. Difficulties will force people to find ways. The difficult environment can train talents. ——Xu Teli

5. The most difficult time, that is, not far from success. - Napoleon

6. Suffering for us has become a kind of homework, an education, and you have used this suffering well, that is, smart. - San Mao

7. Difficulties are serious teachers. - Burke

8. Suffering is the teacher of life. - Balzac

9. Take your own path and let others talk about it. - Dante

10, suffering and hardship, is the highest school to temper personality. - Socrates

11, the most difficult time, that is, not far from success. - Napoleon

12. The most terrible enemy is that there is no strong belief. -Roman Roland

13. Difficulties are people's textbooks. --Korea

14. Suffering is a stepping stone for genius. - Balzac

15. There is no difficulty in the world, as long as Kenden climbs. - Mao Zedong

16. The difficulty of being overcome is an opportunity for victory. - Horace

17. Any problem has a solution. There is nothing that can't be imagined. - Edison

18. As long as the spine is not bent, there is no mountain to look down on. ——Ten major touched Chinese characters Hong Zhanhui

19. Although there are dark clouds in the sky, there will always be a sun shining on the top of the dark clouds. ——Miura Scorpion

20, God is completely to strengthen your will, and set up obstacles on the road. - Tagore

21, good luck in good times, hope for people; good luck in adversity, people are amazed. - Bacon

22, everything left by pain, please add aftertaste! As soon as the suffering passes, the suffering becomes sweet. - Goethe

23, the virtues of good times are temperate, the virtues of adversity are tenacity, and the latter is a relatively great virtue. - Bacon

24. Adversity can test a person's character, and a very situational situation can show a very good condition. - Shakespeare

25. Adversity has a scientific value. A good scholar will not give up this opportunity to learn. - Emerson

26, biting the green hills do not relax, the roots are in the rock. Millions of blows are still strong, and the wind is northeast and southeast. —— Zheng Banqiao

27, must strive for survival and development in the struggle. - Mao Dun

28, I want to hold the throat of fate. - Beethoven

29, Lu Yao knows horsepower, and sees people for a long time. --proverb

30. Adversity can defeat the weak and create the strong. - Nixon

31. Winter has arrived, will spring be far behind? --United States

32. Adversity shows the Wizards, and the good times are hidden. - Horace

33. Struggling to improve life is a respectable act. -- Mao Dun

34. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and every science is like this. - Marx

35, life is fighting. - Corroenko

36. Where is the world not rock? -- Su Shi

37, the road is boundless, each side. - Sayings

38. Only when it is painful, can there be joy. - Beethoven

39, I want to hold the throat of fate. - Beethoven

40. The disaster itself is a good medicine. - Cooper

41, you are not afraid of difficulties, the difficulties are afraid of you. --United Kingdom

42. There is no road in the world. If there are more people, it will become a road. - Lu Xun

43. Don't sigh at the end of life! Lament is weak. - Gorky

44. Human beings must survive in competition and struggle. - Sun Yat-sen

45. The most difficult time is the day we are not far from success. --Germany

46. ​​The only shortcoming we will not correct is weakness. - La Rochefoco

47. When God gives people a difficulty, it also gives people a wisdom. - Hugo

48. The only shortcoming we will not correct is weakness. —— La Rochefoco

49. Fatalism is an excuse for those who lack the willpower. -Roman Roland

50. Make up your mind, not afraid of sacrifice, eliminate all difficulties, and strive for victory. - Mao Zedong

51. Only through the tempering of hell can we refine the power to create heaven. Only the fingers that flow through the blood can play the swan song of the world. - Tagore

52. When your hopes are lost, you must be firm and calm! - Longfellow

53. Lucky is not without fear and trouble; bad luck is not without comfort and hope. - Bacon

54. Nature traps people in the dark, forcing people to always look forward to the light. - Goethe

55. When people reach the point where the mountains are running out of water, they are able to extricate themselves. ——Xu Beihong

56. People are stronger and more unyielding in adversity than in their circumstances. It is easier to protect themselves when they are bad luck than when they are lucky. - Hugo

57. People's lives are like floods running. It is difficult to stir up beautiful waves without encountering island reefs. --Ostrovsky

58. Every bit of progress is slow and arduous, and one can only solve a limited goal at a time. - Beferic

59. "Not shameful." Even if you are slow, you will not be able to relax, you will fall behind, and you will fail, but you will be able to achieve the goal you are aiming for. - Lu Xun

60. The tired wound is the best thing that life gives you, because every step of the wound is marked with a step forward. -Roman Roland

61. People who sail farther than a certain destination, the pointers in the middle, always point in this direction, I am afraid that the days will never be reached. --Li Dazhao

62. There is no flat road in science. Only those who are not afraid of hard work and climb along steep mountain roads can hope to reach the culmination of glory. - Marx

63. Difficulties and torture For a person, it is a hammer that hits the blank. The broken iron scraps should be broken, and the forged steel knife will be sharp. - Chekhov

64. On the road of life, everyone will encounter difficulties and setbacks, depending on whether you can overcome it. Conquered, you are the hero, the strong man of life. ——Zhang Haidi

65. Hope does not matter, it does not matter. This is like the road on the ground. In fact, there is no road on the ground. If there are more people, it will become a road. - Lu Xun

66. In the storms of life, we often learn the captain's appearance and throw away the bulky goods under the storm to reduce the weight of the ship. - Balzac

67. When people are in adversity, their ability to adapt to the environment is amazing. People can endure misfortunes, but they can also overcome misfortunes. Because people have amazing potential, as long as they are determined to play it, they will be able to weather the storm. - Carnegie

68, life is a voyage. In the voyage, you must encounter the wind from all aspects, but every gust will speed up your speed. As long as you stabilize the rudder, even if it is a storm, it will not make you deviate from the course. - West Che Williams

69. If there must be suffering in this world, let it exist. But there should always be a bright future. At least leave a flash of hope to promote the higher part of mankind, with hope, and constantly struggle to alleviate this suffering. - Emerson

70. Everyone should have two lights in their hearts. One is the light of hope; the light is the light of courage. With these two lights, we are not afraid of the sinister darkness and winds of the sea. - Roland

71. The reaction to imagining difficulties is not to evade or circumvent them, but to face them, deal with them, and fight with them in an aggressive and sensible way. - Maxwell Maltz

72. Suffering can test a person's character; a very situational situation can show a very strong qi; (...) When the fate of iron boxing is critical, only the brave and wise man can be calm. - Shakespeare

73. The misty morning does not mean a hazy day. The trauma is the best thing that life gives you, because every step of the wound is marked with a step forward. -Roman Roland

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