Classic quotes

Wilde's famous saying, Wang Erwen

1. Experience is the name a person gives to his own mistakes.

2. If you waste your age, it is very sad. Because your youth can only last a little bit of time - a little bit of time.

3, if a man's love is not specific, then he and any woman will feel happy. - Wilde

4. Youth is the only thing worth having. - Wilde

5, the difficulties from the enemy can be tolerated, the success from friends is unbearable.

6. Like Dear St. Francis, I am also married to poverty, but my marriage is not successful.

7. When a person chooses his enemy, he can't be too careful.

8. People grow older and older, but they will never get better.

9. Whether an idea has value or not, it does not matter whether the person who talks about the idea is genuine.

10. Once religion is proven to be correct, it will die out. Science is the record of the demise of religion.

11. Concerning the correctness of behavior, indicating that the development of reason has stagnated.

12, ignorance is like a delicate flower: touch it, it will disappear.

13. As long as a woman looks ten years younger than her own daughter, she will be satisfied.

14. Science is the record of a dead religion.

15. The foundation of optimism is entirely fear.

16. The difference between newspapers and literature is that newspapers can't read, and literature is unread.

17. The only difference between a saint and a sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

18. For advice, all you can do is give it to others. Advice has never been prepared for yourself.

19. The only way to get rid of temptation is to succumb to it.

20. The show was quite successful, but the audience was a disaster.

21, the public is extremely tolerant, they can tolerate everything, except for genius.

22. There is only one thing in the world that is worse than being talked about, that is, no one is talking about you.

23, suspense is terrible. I hope it will continue.

24. Losing a parent can be seen as a misfortune; losing a parent looks like a carelessness.

25, love yourself is to start a romance that lasts a lifetime.

26, the face of the knife is a true friend.

27. When the good people of the United States die, they go to Paris. When the American bad guys die, they go to the United States.

28. All bad poetry comes from true feelings.

29. When I was young, I thought that money is the most important thing in life. Now that I am old, I know this is true.

30. God wants to punish us that day, and they promise our prayers.

31. When people agree with me, I always hope that I must be wrong.

32. Complimentary words never let women disarm, but can let men disarm. This is the gender difference.

33. Women in the world are much better than men. They have too many taboos.

34, women love men because of men's shortcomings; if men's shortcomings are enough, women can forgive them for anything, even their intelligence.

35. Women represent material victory over reason, just as men represent reason and overcome morality.

36. Young people want to have faith, but they don't. Old people don't want to have faith, but they can't.

37. A cynic is a person who knows the price of everything but does not know their value.

38. The dreamer can only find his own way in the moonlight. His punishment is the first to see the dawn.

39. Being sincere is dangerous, too sincere is absolutely fatal.

40. For us to forgive, it is repentance rather than pastor.

41. Conscience will make everyone an egoist.

42. God is strange. They not only punish us with our evils, but also use our inner goodness, kindness, compassion, and love to destroy us.

43. Women are in love with their ears, and if you guys will have love, they will use their eyes to fall in love.

44. If you waste your age, it is very sad. Because your youth can only last a little bit of time - a little bit of time.

45. You know more than you think, but less than you want to know.

46. ​​A poet can tolerate anything except printing errors.

47. All women will become like their mothers. This is a woman’s tragedy. But no man becomes like their father, this is a man's tragedy.

48. Always forgive your enemies. Nothing is more annoying than this.

49. The dreamer can only find his own way in the moonlight. His punishment is the first to see the dawn.

50. Thoughts are produced in the shadows, and the sun is sorrowful.

51. Music makes people feel very romantic, at least people feel uneasy, and now both are one thing.

52. No woman should be very accurate about her age. This seems a bit tricky.

53. Conscience and jealousy are actually one thing.

54. Damn, sir, marriage is your duty, you can't always be happy.

55. Don't give advice to women; never give a woman anything she can't wear at night.

56. Education is a respectable thing, but always keep in mind that there is nothing worth to know to teach.

57. The most despicable behavior grows like a poisonous weed in the air of the prison.

58. Love begins with deceiving oneself, ending with deceiving others, so-called romance.

59. What great artists look at is never the true face of the world. Once he sees through, he is no longer an artist.

60. Women represent material victory over reason, just as men represent reason and overcome morality.

61. Fashion ugliness is completely intolerable, so that we must change its style every month.

62. How can a woman expect to get happiness from a man if he insists on treating her as a completely normal person.

63. I am not young enough to understand everything.

64, I am so smart, sometimes I don't even know what I am talking about.

65, I can resist everything except temptation.

66. I have a major finding - if you consume enough alcohol, you will have a variety of intoxicating effects.

67. I like to talk to a wall. Only it in the world will not refute me.

68, I like acting. Compared with life, acting is more real.

69, I often exercise. Just yesterday I was eating breakfast in bed.

70. I think God overestimated his ability when he created man.

71. I was proofreading my own poem all morning. I removed a comma. I added it again in the afternoon.

72, ignorance is like a delicate flower: touch it, it will disappear.

73. There are only two kinds of tragedies in the world. One is that one does not get what he wants, the other is that he gets it.

74. This is a very sad thing - there is almost no useless information today.

75, beauty is better than good, good is better than ugly.

76. All major human problems have one thing in common: there is no way to solve them without humor and madness.

77. The loser only loses intelligence.

78. All saints have a past, and all sinners have a future.

79, life is king, but most are dying in exile.

80. A person should never believe in a woman who speaks her true age. If she said it all, then she would say anything.

81, please don't shoot the pianist, he has tried his best.

82. The United States is the only society that has entered the decadence directly from barbarism and has not passed through the stage of civilization.

83. To avoid controversy, arguments are always vulgar and often convincing.

84. As long as a woman looks ten years younger than her own daughter, she will be satisfied.

85. Poor painters always appreciate each other's work.

86. The so-called experience is the label that people put on their mistakes.

87. What is the main reason for divorce? marry.

88, I can resist everything except temptation.

89. There are two tragedies in life. The first is that you can't get what you want, and the second is what you want.

90. Living in the gutter, there is still the right to look up at the stars.

91. Every saint has an ulterior past, and every sinner has a white and innocent future.

92. Love yourself is the beginning of lifelong romance.

93. We are all in the gutter, but there are still people looking up at the stars.

94. For myself, I must forgive you. A person can't keep a poisonous snake in his chest forever; he can't get up at night, planting thorns in the garden of the soul.

95, children who have been hot and still love fire.

96. We all live in the gutter, but some of them are still looking up at the stars.

97. There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what you want, the other is getting what you want.

98. Being sincere is dangerous, too sincere is absolutely fatal.

99, the heart is used to break.

100. Life is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist, nothing more.

101. If the gods want to punish me, etc., I must first let me wait for my wish.

102. Everyone is a king, but most of them die in exile.

103. I like men who have a future and women who have a past.

104, I don't want to make a living, I want to live.

105. A person can always treat someone he doesn't care about.

106. There can be no friendship between men and women, and some are just love and hate.

107. The reason why this world is sad and deep, the only explanation is because of some kind of love.

108. Being alive is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist, nothing more.

109. The ordinary mountain flowers are withered, and will be opened again, but our youth will never return.

110. Becoming a work of art is the purpose of life.

111. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

112. No one is rich enough to redeem his past.

113. Only two people are the most attractive, one is an omniscient person, and the other is a person who knows nothing about it.

114, hate is blind, love is also true.

115, the truth is rarely pure, and it is never simple.

116. Only superficial talents will not take people by appearance.

117. Be yourself, because everyone else has done it.

118, you do not know how to shame, accept without gratitude.

119. The true perfection of man is not what he has, but what he is.

120. What is the main reason for divorce? marry.

121. The essence of romance is uncertainty.

122. When a person is depressed, he will especially like to watch the sunset.

123. Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

124. There is only one thing in the world that is worse than being talked about, that is, it is not discussed.

125, life is not complicated, the complexity is our own. Life is simple, pure is correct.

126. What the great artists have seen is never the true face of the world. Once he sees through, he is no longer an artist.

127. If many things are not afraid of others, we will throw them away.

128, beauty is the only thing that is not hurt by time.

129. The public is surprisingly tolerant. They can forgive everything except geniuses.

130. People want to regain their youth, and it is enough to repeat the stupid things that have been done in the past.

131, the elderly believe in everything, middle-aged people doubt everything, young people understand everything.

132. Be yourself, because everyone else has done it.

133. Forgive your enemies forever. Nothing can make them more angry than this.

134. Fools have created the world, and wise men have to live in them.

135. Living a life you want is not selfish, asking others to live according to their own wishes.

136. I like to talk to myself because it saves time and no one will argue with me.

137. Please give me your heart and be with me. This world is too cruel, I am a little scared.

138. The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to temptation. I can resist everything - except for temptation.

139. Fashion is usually a form of ugliness, so that people can't bear to modify it every six months.

140. The difference between a play and a lifetime is only a little longer.

141. We teach people how to remember, but never teach them how to grow.

142, life is a stupid thing to chase another stupid thing, and love is two stupid things to chase after.

143. Once you really need love, you will find that it is waiting for you.

144. Narcissism is the beginning of a romantic life.

145. Small sadness and small love have a long life, and great love and great sorrow are destroyed by their own richness and intensity.

146. It is simply a stupid idea to distinguish human beings from good and evil. Because human beings are either attractive or boring, they can only be one of them.

147. Thirty-five is a very attractive age; the London social circle is full of women who have been thirty-five years old for years, and they are free to pick and choose.

148, the wallpaper is getting more and more broken, and I am getting older. There is always one that must disappear first. - On the day of the month, at the left bank hotel, his last words.

149. We often only appreciate nature and rarely consider living with nature.

150, poetry is the natural burst of strong emotions, the source of which is the impression of quiet recollection.

151. When I was young, I thought that money was everything. Now I know that it is true.

152. I think that all beautiful people are spoiled, and this is the secret they can attract others.

153. Everything must be attributed to one's own nature to know, and it is useless to tell a person what he does not feel or understand.

154. We who can't stand the same problem as us.

155. If a man's love is not specific, he will be happy with any woman.

156. But I also believe that in Genesis, God created a world for each of us who are separated and separated, and in that world—our inner world—one should seek to survive.

157. Anywhere, as long as you love it, it is your world.

158. Only the senses can save the soul, just as only the soul can save the senses.

159. There is only one thing in the world that is worse than being talked about, that is, no one is talking about you.

160, even if it is normal, as long as you hide it, it is interesting.

161. The only cute thing about the past is that it has passed.

162. Most people with outstanding talents are in danger.

163, women remarried because they hate their ex-husband. The man is again because he loves his ex-wife. Women try their luck, but men take the luck to take risks.

164. In fact, people who are thin, know more about the truth of love.

165. I love him because he is like what love should be.

166. The strength of feelings is that we will lose our way, and the strength of science is that it is unmoving.

167. If a person does not think for himself, then he has never thought about it.

168, youth is the only thing worth having.

169. Hate is thought to be an "eternal emptiness" in thought, and emotionally a form of "functional atrophy" that kills everything except itself.

170, beautiful things have been negligent, to forgive him indiscriminately, ugly things have been negligent, regardless of the conscience of heaven and earth despise him.

171. When love reaches the end, the weak ones cry, and the savvy ones immediately find another one, and the smart one has already prepared one.

172. I don't want to expose my soul to make those curious folks linger.

173. The essence of romance is that it is full of possibilities.

174. The tragedy of the elderly is not in the aging of his body, but in his heart is still young.

175. Today is such an era. I see too much and have no time to appreciate. I write too much and have no time to think.

176, but what I should most condemn is that I allow you to bring me a complete moral fall. The foundation of character is willpower, and my willpower is completely governed by your willpower.

177. Frankly speaking, your own words are not only a moral responsibility, but also a comforting thing.

178. It is ridiculous to divide people into good and bad. People are either fascinating or boring.

179. As for your dreams, don't think about them anymore. The burden of the present world is too heavy, not a person can afford it, and the troubles of the world are too great, not a heart to suffer.

180. The foundation of character is the willpower.

181, compliments will not make a woman float, but often make men mourn.

182. I put the pearl of my soul into the glass and walked on the path of pleasure on the notes of the flute.

183. Everyone makes a mistake and claims to be an experience.

184. Experience is the name a person gives to his own mistakes.

185. Most people find that what they have never regretted is just their mistake, but it is too late to find out.

186. Compassion for a friend's suffering can be done by anyone, but sympathy for a friend's success requires a very good quality.

187. I know that you don't deserve my love, but love can't be bought and sold in the market. The balance of the trader has no use for it. The joy of love, just like the joy of thought, lies in the existence of it. The purpose of love is love, no more and no less.

188. I sat on the ruins of the good life I had once, and I was almost devastated by pain. I am overwhelmed by fear, and I am so upset by pain, but I will not hate you. Every day I said to myself: "Today I have to keep my love in my heart, otherwise how can I live this day?"

189. Don't try to remedy hopeless mistakes. Don't waste your life on stupid, vulgar things. These things are the pathological goals and false ideals of our time. Go to your wonderful life, don't waste anything.

190, please tell me the praise of this restaurant chef, this is the world's worst sandwich, and, I ordered the watercress sandwich, I am not trying to clip a vegetable field in the bread.

191. Your mistake is not that you know little about life, but you know too much. You have left the exquisite flowers, pure light, and the joy of innocent hope in the dawn of childhood. You have swiftly ran through the romance and entered the reality. You are beginning to be fascinated by the gutter and the things that grow inside.

192. When you have youth, you must feel it. Don't throw your golden age, don't listen to boring things, don't try to keep hopeless failures, don't give your life to ignorance, mediocrity and vulgarity. These are the morbid goals of our time, the false ideals. Alive! Live your precious inner life. Don't miss anything.

193. The real tragedy in life has not happened to be artistic. Their ruthless violence has hurt us. Their absolute fragmentation has hurt us. They hurt us, as the world is rough and corrupts us.

194. Heaven and hell are on each of us.

195. Fashion is an unbearable ugly thing, so we have to change it every six months. - Fashion ugliness is completely intolerable, so that we must change its style every month.

196, the fly is also your brother. Don't hurt it. The wild birds that fly in the forest have their own freedom. Don't grab them for fun. God created snake lizards and moles, each of which has a value of existence. Who are you, can you bring pain to the world of God?

197. Adam is nothing but a mortal. This explains everything.

198. Most people are people who belong to others. Their thoughts are the views of others, their lives are an imitation, and their passion is a citation.

199. The fatal mistake people make in their lives is not because of human irrationality - the irrational moment may be the best moment of the person - but because people are logical, there is a great relationship between them. different.

200. People with cultural upbringing can find beautiful meanings in good things. This is because there are hopes in these beautiful things.

201, don't be downcast, even if you lose everything, tomorrow is still in your hands.

202, every life is a king, and most people die in exile.

203. Beauty is a gift. In fact, beauty surpasses talent because it does not need to be explained.

204. What I am telling you is all the sins you have not had the courage to commit.

205. Behind every pleasing thing, there is always a sad hidden feeling. Even the most inconspicuous little flowers are open, and the world has to experience pain.

206. If I like someone who likes it, I will not tell their name anyway. It’s like handing over part of them.

207. Conscience and timidity are actually one thing. Conscience is nothing but a timid name.

208. The only beauty of marriage is that both sides absolutely need to rely on lying to live.

209, the evil is too shallow.

210, unfortunately, I spent a lifetime on you.

211, you are my enemy: an enemy that has never been seen before. I give my life to you to meet the lowest and most despicable feelings of your kindness: hate, vanity and greed, and you waste my life without hesitation. In less than three years, you have completely destroyed me from any angle.

212. Art is the true passion in my life; art is love, comparing her with other forms of love, just like comparing the red wine with the water of the marshes or the mysterious mirror of the moon to the fireflies on the swamp. .

213. We are all in the gutter, but there are still people looking up at the stars.

214. The only thing in the world that is worse than being talked about is that no one is talking about it.

215. If a woman can't make her fault look very cute, then she is just a woman.

216. Don't throw your inch of time, don't listen to boring words, don't try to remedy hopeless mistakes, don't kill your life in ignorance, mediocrity and wretchedness. These things are the pathological targets of our time and False ideals. Let's live! A wonderful life that belongs to you! Don't waste any bit.

217. It is impossible for people who have nothing to do with good intentions.

218. A non-hazardous idea is not worth calling an idea.

219. Society exists only with a spiritual concept, and the real world is only an individual.

220. There is no right without obligation and no rights.

221. The senses are the same as the fire, which can destroy people and purify people.

222. Everything about life is related to sex, except sex itself. Because sex is about power.

223, the book does not matter moral or immoral. The book is written well or written badly. That's it.

224. Evil is a lie made by kind people to explain the special charm of others.

225, I can resist everything except temptation.

226, beauty is better than good, good is better than ugly.

227. I imagine that all charming people are loved, this is the secret of their attraction.

228. Don't be discouraged, even if you lose everything, you still have the future.

229. I feel that I have given my whole soul to a person, but this is treated as a flower on the button, treated as an ornament to satisfy vanity, only for the summer day.

230. Although it is an unscientific empty talk to make a better person, to become a more profound person is the privilege of those who have suffered. I think I am getting deeper.

231. There is no motivation in your life. You only have to read. Motivation is the goal of reason.

232, where the sensible expression is outcropping, beauty, the real beauty is there.

233. I make friends with beautiful people, and people with the same name know each other and do the opposite with the mind-minded people.

234. Because life is beautiful, it must be a tragedy in the end.

235. A person should never believe in a woman who speaks her true age. If she said it all, then she would say anything.

236, the beautiful body is for pleasure, the beautiful soul is for pain.

237. The person you hate is your father, and your father hates you, so your hate will not be noble or beautiful because of your letter. If it can explain something, it can only indicate that it is a kind of heredity.

238. The mystery of life exists in art. Excerpted from: Life Little Language Daquan

239. Selfishness is not a person living according to his own wishes, but asking others to live according to his wishes.

240, we live in the gutter, but still some people look up at the stars.

241. I like people better than principles, and I like people who have no principles to be better than anything in this world.

242, a person's own mind, and the feelings of his friends - this is the most attractive thing in life.

243. Once a person has love, he will always start to deceive himself and end up deceiving others. This is what the world calls Romance.

244. There can be no friendship between men and women, and some are just love and hate.

245, laughing is a good start for making friends, if a smile is better.

246, life is a stupid thing to chase another stupid thing, and love is two stupid things to chase after.

247. For advice, all you can do is give it to others. Advice has never been prepared for yourself.

248. Always forgive your enemies. Nothing is more annoying than this.

249. The advantage of emotion is that we lead us astray, and the advantage of science is that it is not emotional.

250, true love is when you leave, you can fall in love with others.

251. The tragedy of the old age is not that one person is already aging, but that he is still young.

252, be yourself, thinking that someone else has done it.

253. It involves the sweetness that has become sour and the sour that may become happy.

254, the real fool, the fools that the gods used to make fun or make fun of are those who have no self-knowledge.

255. People who only love once in a lifetime are superficial. They call it loyalty, but I call it habitual laziness or lack of imagination. The loyalty of emotional life is just like the immutability of intellectual life, which simply acknowledges failure.

256. Some works are very patience and have not been understood for a long time because they give answers to questions that have not yet been raised. These problems only appeared long after the answer appeared.

257. Marriage is an imaginary victory over reason, and remarriage is the hope to overcome the experience.

258, music makes people feel very romantic, at least people feel uneasy, and now both are one thing.

259. Love yourself is the beginning of a romantic life.

260. Experience is the name a person takes for the mistake he made.

261. What I am telling you is all the sins you have not had the courage to commit.

262. Love is nourished by imagination, which makes us more intelligent than we know, better than ourselves, and nobler than the original; this allows us to see life as a whole; as long as this is the only way We can understand others in a realistic and ideal relationship. Only by exquisite and exquisite thoughts can you support your love. But no matter what, it is fed up with hate.

263. It is not too many people to tell you that you can't see, that is, you can't see people because you paint too much. The former situation is very annoying, the latter one is even worse.

264, love is a boring thing, its use is less than half of the logic, because it can not prove anything, it always tells people something that will not be, and always teach people to believe that some are not real Things, in short, it is totally unrealistic, and in any time in our time, we have to talk about reality, I am still going back to rationality, or to study metaphysics!

265. Remember that the fool in the eyes of God is very different from the fool in the eyes of the human. A rich musicality of the art form or the developing ideological mood in the innovation, the gorgeous or vowelized Greek of the Latin poetry, the Tuscan carvings or the Elizabethan songs The person who knows may still be filled with the sweetest wisdom. The true fools, such as those whom God has mocked and destroyed, are those who do not know themselves.

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