Classic quotes

Zen language, the sentence of life, classic life Zen

1. A sorrow and a joy are all fires, one glory and one glory are all eyes, quietly see through the cool things, never dreaming of people.

2, the body is Bodhi tree, the heart is the mirror table. Always diligently wipe, do not make dust!

3. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas only bless those who are willing to help themselves.

4, wide-ranging, is not to hurt anyone.

5, has not become a Buddha, first goodwill.

6, practice must be patient, be willing to be indifferent, willing to be lonely.

7, the doctor is difficult to endure the life of the people, the Buddha is difficult to cross the sentient beings.

8, not so much that others make you suffer, it is better to say that their cultivation is not enough.

9. There is no sacredness, that is, buddha, and illusion is empty.

10. Believe in yourself, all the way to the scenery, the beauty of life, is here.

11, good heart, everything is good; heart is beautiful, everything is beautiful.

12, the four seasons of life, alternating heat and cold, quietly appreciate the sadness and joy of life, laugh and see up and down.

13. I hope that the interpersonal relationship is good, we must enlarge the mind, accept more people, and be more tolerant.

14, the Buddha said: There are eight sufferings in life: life, old, sick, dead, love to leave, grievances for a long time, can not be allowed, can not let go.

15. As long as your mentality changes, the environment will change. There is no absolute good or bad in the world.

16. The Buddha said: "The life of a person is only between breaths." Life is so short, so you should cherish it and think about what the true meaning of life is.

17. The reason why people are suffering is to pursue the wrong things. If you don't bother yourself, others won't bother you, because your heart can't let go of those infinite desires.

18, with a selfless love, you have everything.

19, the Buddha said: the net heart and keep the ambition, can be the way, such as grinding the mirror, the dirt to save, the desire to break, and destiny.

20. It is accidental, and walking is inevitable. So you have to let it be if things stay still and stay still to let it be.

21, the law can not be law, can not be law and law. When the current payment is impossible, the law and the law have been law. Let all those who are happy and happy will make everything happy.

22, the heart is the biggest liar, others can lie to you, but it will lie to you for a lifetime.

23, the Buddha said: one flower and one world, one grass and one heaven, one leaf as one comes, one sand and one bliss, one side of a pure land, a smile and a dusty edge, a thought and a clean.

24. Practice is the idea of ​​correcting one's own mistakes.

25, do not forgive all beings, do not forgive all beings, is suffering yourself.

26, if the heart is simple, life is simple; if the heart is complicated, life is full of pain.

27, the four seasons of life, alternating heat and cold, quietly appreciate the sadness and joy of life, laugh and see up and down.

28, Qingzhu cast in turbid water, turbid water had to be clear. The Buddha number is placed in chaos, and the Buddha has to be chaotic.

29, don't be far from your close relatives because of a small dispute, and don't forget the great grace of others because of little resentment.

30. Being brave enough to accept criticism from others can just adjust your own shortcomings.

31. Thank God for what I have, thank God for what I don't have.

32. Anyone who can stand for others in the perspective of others is compassionate.

33. Learning Buddha is not a kind of sustenance for death, but it is living and surpassing at the moment.

34. The Buddha never forced others to do things he did not like. The Buddha only told the sentient beings, what is good? What is evil? Good or evil still has to choose by yourself, and life still has to master it by itself.

35. The so-called lay-off is to remove your separation, your heart, your heart, your heart.

36. A person who often looks at other people's shortcomings is not good enough because he does not have time to review himself.

37. Those who understand the eternal truth will not mourn and weep for any life, because it is inevitable that they will die.

38. If everything goes with him, it is a free person in the world.

39. Is it right every day, not listening to nature, whether it is every day, not listening or not, right and wrong, what do you do?

40. The real giving is to let go of your troubles, worries, differences and perseverance.

41. If you really love him, then you must tolerate some of his shortcomings.

42. I hope that you often say to yourself that you have heard of Dharma. I am the happiest person. Apart from this happiness, there is nothing else.

43. If the cause and effect have not owed us anything, please don't complain.

44. To overcome the fear of death, you must accept the idea that all people in the world will die.

45. All patients, doctors are the most difficult to treat, all sentient beings, self-righteous people are the most difficult to cross.

46. ​​A cockroach, eating the best grass, will not become a good horse. Practice with perseverance and separation, and further progress will not become a Buddha.

47. When you cultivate your heart, you should take your heart as your heart. The past, the past, can not be remembered; now, now, the heart, can follow; the future, the future, why bother.

48. Happiness is not a lot of gains, but less complaints. People are not demanding, and they don’t complain when they are in trouble. Only those who are good at controlling their emotions and mentality can get calm and feel the happiness.

49. Many contradictions between people come from arrogance; they all feel that they are better than others, more knowledgeable than others, more correct than others, so they despise each other and contradictions gradually arise.

50. Life has ruined life. This way, I learned to accept it.

51. The Buddha said: Forgetting does not mean that it never exists. Everything comes from choice, not deliberate. It's better to let go, the more you put down, the more you feel.

52. The aura of being alive is to be soft and soft, and there is heaven and earth in the chest. Be tenacious, stubborn and unyielding. Be proud and brave.

53. Others are always right, I am always wrong, so I have no troubles.

54. You don't have to argue with cause and effect. The cause and effect will never be wrong. You don't have to argue with fate. Destiny is the fairest judge.

55, you have your view of life, I have my view of life, I do not interfere with you. If I was able to, then I would reform you. If not, then I resign to fate.

56. Learn to lower your mentality and level down, look at your own shortcomings, look at the advantages of others, and make your arrogant heart become modest and respectful, so that your environment will naturally be harmonious.

57. When you cultivate your heart, you should take the clean heart as your foundation. The past, the past, can not be remembered; now, now, the heart, can follow; the future, the future, why bother.

58. If you complain about getting used to it, the mind is like a shackle, not a moment of relief. Only by putting down your complaints can you realize the freedom and happiness of life.

59, born as a person, alive, live a grace, style, style. These are all appearances, and the temperament is connotation, texture, and fundamental.

60. People, as long as they have a smile, can live openly and optimistically; people, as long as they keep smiling, can have a permanent pass on the long road of life.

61. A dream is a happy thought. If you think about it, you will be happy. It stands there with attachment. It is a landmark of life and represents vitality and upwardness.

62. Don't often feel that you are unfortunate. There are more people in the world than we are suffering.

63, stupid people, always want others to understand him. wise people try hard to understand themselve.

64, the living spirit is the head of the chest, independent winter, facing the heavy snow, and the heroic pride that is still moving, is the heat of the summer, thunderstorms, sitting in the study, the face does not change color, the copy of the book is quiet and quiet .

65. All patients, doctors are the most difficult to treat, all sentient beings, self-righteous people are the most difficult to cross.

66. If you are clear about yourself, others say that you are not right, you must also repent of people, and practice is to repair these. You can endure anything and progress. It is obviously you are right, you have to ask others for remorse, that is, practice.

67, the accompaniment is not over and over, because of the circumstance, but to listen to the fate of human beings. Excerpt from:

68, silent care and blessing others, it is an invisible giving.

69. Causal has not owed us anything, so please don't complain.

70. Learning Buddha is a confession to one's own conscience, not to others.

71. Practice in good times and never become a Buddha.

72. There is no sacredness, that is, buddha nature.

73. Four seasons of life, alternating heat and cold, meditation on the sadness and joy of life, laughing and seeing up and down.

74. The auspiciousness of living is to be soft and soft, and there is heaven and earth in the chest. Be tenacious, stubborn and unyielding. Be proud and brave.

75, others are always right, I am always wrong, this is no trouble.

76. Don't often feel that you are unfortunate. There are more people in the world than we are suffering.

77, stupid people, always want others to understand him. wise people try hard to understand themselve.

78. When you hold something in your hand, you can only own it. If you are willing to let go, you will have the opportunity to choose something else. If a person's heart is obsessed with his own ideas and refuses to let go, then his wisdom can only reach a certain level.

79. You are hard to see simple things, you will be very painful.

80. Hatred can never resolve hatred. Only compassion can resolve hatred. This is eternal reason.

81. It is better to confess your life than to complain. For the fact that you cannot change, you have no better way than to accept your life.

82. Don't bring your own troubles because of the suspicion of all beings. Don't suffer from yourself because of the ignorance of all beings.

83, others say that we are not good, do not need to be angry, sad. Say that we are not happy, this is not good, good or bad, depends on whether you will use it?

84. Don't often feel that you are unfortunate, there are more people in the world than we are suffering.

85. A day in vain, doing nothing, just like committing theft.

86, the four seasons of life, alternating heat and cold, quietly appreciate the sadness and joy of life, laugh and see up and down.

87. Life has ruined life. This way, I learned to accept it.

88. I hope that you often say to yourself that you have heard of Dharma. I am the happiest person. Apart from this happiness, there is nothing else.

89. Right and wrong, gains and losses, to the final result, can be assessed.

90, you do not have to argue with cause and effect, causality will never be wrong. You don't have to argue with it, it is the fairest judge.

91, you have your view of life, I have my view of life, I do not interfere with you. If I was able to, then I would reform you. If not, then I resign to fate.

92. You want to master eternal, then you must control the present.

93, stupid people, always want others to understand him. A wise person knows himself.

94, others are always right, I am always wrong, this is no trouble.

95. It is accidental, and walking is inevitable. So you have to let it be if things stay still and stay still to let it be.

96, Qingzhu cast in turbid water, turbid water had to be clear. The Buddha number is placed in chaos, and the Buddha has to be chaotic.

97. The law cannot be used, and it is impossible to practice law. When the current payment is impossible, the law and the law have been law. Let all those who are happy and happy will make everything happy.

98, Moon Shadow Song Tao contains a taste of fun, floral birds through the Zen machine.

99, Ren Tian Fu reported not long-term, bitter sea 茫茫 Mo stay.

100. Practice in good times and never become a Buddha.

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