Classic quotes

Buddhist classic Zen language, the spiritual Zen language of life

Learning Buddha is not a kind of sustenance for death, but it is living and surpassing now.

Practice is the idea of ​​correcting one's own mistakes.

Learn the Buddha's first concept and never look at the faults of all beings. You see the faults of all beings, you will always pollute yourself, you can't practice.

Time will always pass, let time flow away your troubles!

There is no tears in the big sadness, no words, no laughter.

Money is also bitter, no money and bitterness; leisure is bitter, busy and bitter, who in the world does not suffer? The more you can't stand it, the more you feel painful. Why not hone your hardships?

Everything is empty and empty, and there is no beginning.

As long as you face reality, you can surpass reality.

Conscience is the most impartial judge of every person. You deceive others, but you can never deceive your own conscience.

Those who do not know how to love themselves are incapable of loving others.

It’s like Buddha’s nature, it’s not a genre, it’s troublesome, it’s not like it, it’s a good thing.

Learning Buddha is learning to be a human being.

Sometimes we have to calmly ask ourselves, what are we pursuing? what do we live for?

Thank God for what I have, thank God I don't have it.

Anyone who can stand for others in the perspective of others is compassionate.

The so-called lay-off is to remove your separation, righteousness, disappointment, and attachment.

Do not be aggressive in speaking, don't have lethality, don't boast that you can, don't raise people's evils, and naturally turn your enemies into friends.

A person who often looks at other people's shortcomings is not good enough because he does not have time to review himself.

To overcome the fear of death, you must accept the idea that all the people in the world will die.

Don't always be dissatisfied with others, you must always review yourself. Dissatisfied people are suffering yourself.

It takes only one sentence to destroy a person, but it takes thousands of words to cultivate a person. Please ask for more.

The person who creates the opportunity is the brave, and the person who waits for the opportunity is the fool.

Every kind of wound is a kind of maturity.

Don't be too sure about your opinion, so you will regret it less.

The heart is full of jealousy, the person who is not confessed in his heart, and who is not correct in words can not be regarded as a person with correct facial features. The truth is only hidden in plainness and tastelessness.

People who can conceive for others are never lonely.

If you see the faults and right and wrong of all beings every day, you must hurry to repent. This is spiritual practice.

People with deep karma are watching the faults and shortcomings of others from day to night. Those who truly practice will never look at the faults and shortcomings of others.

When you know the confusion, it is not pitiful. When you don't know the confusion, it is the most pitiful.

The arrogant people are saved, and the inferior people are not saved.

You should not be directly dissatisfied with others. You should review yourself directly. Dissatisfied people are suffering yourself.

It is vain to cut evil, and you should not be too inferior to yourself. Cutting good law is also illusory, and you should not be too arrogant about yourself.

When you are upset, you have to tell yourself that this is a fake, what are you upset about?

When you haven't studied Buddha, you don't see anything. When you study Buddha, you have to look at everything very smoothly.

You have to accommodate those who have different opinions from you, so that the days are better. If you want to change him, you will be very painful. Learn how to tolerate him. You have to learn how to accommodate him.

To admit your greatness is to identify your own ignorance.

The Buddha never forced others to do what he did not. The Buddha only told the sentient beings, what is good? What is evil? Good or evil still has to choose by yourself, and life still has to master it by itself.

Don't stay away from your close relatives because of small disputes, and don't forget the great grace of others because of little resentment. Being brave enough to accept criticism from others can just adjust your own shortcomings.

Is it right every day, not listening to nature, whether it is every day, not listening or there is, right and wrong, what do you do? The real giving is to let go of your troubles, worries, differences and attachments.

If an individual cannot forgive others from the heart, he will never feel at ease. Those who are filled with their own opinions and thoughts will never hear the voices of others.

Destruction is just a matter of words, but it takes thousands of words to cultivate an individual.

When you advise others, if you don't care about other people's self-esteem, then good words are useless.

Don't be mixed with arrogance in your wisdom. Don't make your modest heart lack wisdom.

Taboo others, will not add any benefits to yourself. Taboo others, it is impossible to reduce the achievements of others.

How many people will leave the world, they will say the same sentence, the world is helpless and desolate!

The person who creates the opportunity is the brave. People who wait opportunity is stupid.

Can say no, not true wisdom.

Use your heart to listen to what others are saying, and don't rush to express your own opinions.

Why do you want to put poison in the same bottle? In the same way, why are you full of troubles?

This world is only sleek and not perfect.

Living alive is a blessing, it should be. When I cried, I didn't have shoes to wear, I found someone without feet. If you pay more attention to others, you will have less effort to reflect on yourself. Do you understand?

Don't always look so big, I ask you, after 100 years, that is yours.

The evil mouth will never come from our mouth, no matter how bad and how bad he is. The more you scold him, your heart is polluted, you have to think, he is your good knowledge.

You don't often feel that you are very convinced. You should think about it. He is already very good to me. This is the practice of practice.

Others can violate the cause and effect, others can harm us, hit us, and ruin us. But we can't hate others because of this, why? We must have a complete nature and a clean heart.

The clear pearl was cast in the muddy water, and the turbid water had to be cleared. The Buddha number is placed in chaos, and the Buddha has to be chaotic.

Learn to lower your mentality and level down, look at your own shortcomings, look at the advantages of others, and make your arrogant heart become modest and respectful, so that your environment will naturally be harmonious.

Want to know the world's swordsmen robbery, but listen to the night of the Tumen. Don't blame yourself for being sick, disasters, and see how many people are living under your knife?

Hate others are a big loss to themselves.

Everyone has life, but not everyone knows life, even life. For those who do not understand life, life is a punishment for him.

When you cultivate your heart, you should take your heart as your heart. The past, the past, can not be remembered; now, now, the heart, can follow; the future, the future, why bother.

Happiness is not a lot of gains, but less complaints. People are not demanding, and they don’t complain when they are in trouble. Only those who are good at controlling their emotions and mentality can get calm and feel the happiness.

If the heart is simple, life is simple; if the heart is complicated, life is full of pain.

You can have love, but don't cling, because separation is inevitable.

Don't waste your life in a place where you will regret it.

When do you let go, when will you have no troubles?

People who think they have it are actually owned.

The reason for feelings is that you can get free when you let go of your feelings.

It’s not that you have to go through it, because you’re doing it, but you’re listening to your destiny.

Don't be too sure about your opinion, so you will regret it less. When you are honest with yourself, no one in the world can deceive you.

It is shameful to use people who harm others to cover up their shortcomings.

Silent care and blessing to others, it is an invisible giving.

The Buddha never forced others to do what he did not. The Buddha only told the sentient beings, what is good? What is evil? Good or evil still has to choose by yourself, and life still has to master it by itself.

The so-called lay-off is to remove your heart and mind. Excerpt from:

Do not be aggressive in speaking, don't have lethality, don't boast that you can, don't raise people's evils, and naturally turn your enemies into friends. A person who often looks at other people's shortcomings is not good enough because he does not have time to review himself.

Is it right every day, not listening to nature, whether it is every day, not listening or there is, right and wrong, what do you do?

The real giving is to let go of your troubles and worries.

When you cultivate your heart, you should take your heart as your heart. The past, the past, can not be remembered; now, now, the heart, can follow; the future, the future, why bother.

Happiness is not a lot of gains, but less complaints. People are not demanding, and they don’t complain when they are in trouble. Only those who are good at controlling their emotions and mentality can get calm and feel the happiness.

All patients, doctors are the most difficult to treat, all sentient beings, self-righteous people are the most difficult to cross.

A cockroach, eating the best grass, will not be a good horse. Practice with perseverance and separation, and further progress will not become a Buddha.

Those who understand the eternal truth will not mourn and weep for any life, because it is inevitable to be born away from si. Although you hate individuals, you can find out the advantages and benefits of him. If you have such a cultivated person, the world is really too little.

If you can follow him, it is a free person in the world.

Time will always pass, let time flow away your troubles!

People in the world are responsible for the law. The person who practices is responsible for the cause and effect.

When you are poor, then you use the body to give, such as sweeping the water and carrying things, this is also a kind of giving.

The heart is full of jealousy, the person who is not confessed in his heart, and who is not correct in words is not a person who is justified.

Do not be aggressive in speaking, don't have lethality, don't boast that you can, don't raise people's evils, and naturally turn your enemies into friends.

Honestly face your inner contradictions and stains, don't deceive yourself.

Causal has not owed us anything, so please don't complain.

To tell a lie, to make up ten lie to make up for it, why bother?

The wise man looks forward; the wise man looks backwards; the wise man is the one who overcomes others; the wise man is the one who overcomes himself.

To be alive, you must have a sense of tolerance. This is not only a conservation, but also a sign. In dealing with people, the first element that people look at is tolerance. Practice life, show your living spirit, and make life more meaningful.

Labeling the dreams of life, those ordinary days are sublimated, the plain time is dyed with gorgeous colors, and the stone is golden, which is the case.

Open your heart and treat others with tolerance. You will have the world. Remember, don't be profitable, be happy, smile and see life. You are the happiest person.

Complaining is like lifting a rock and licking your own feet. It is unhelpful for others, and it is unfavorable for others.

Learn to lower your mind and level yourself, look at your own shortcomings, look at the strengths of others, and make your arrogant heart humble and respectful, so that your environment will naturally be harmonious.

Many contradictions between people come from arrogance; they all feel that they are better than others, more knowledgeable than others, more correct than others, so they despise each other and contradictions gradually arise.

If you complain about getting used to it, your mind is like a shackle, and you don't have a moment to be free. Only by putting down your complaints can you realize the freedom and happiness of life.

Born to be alive, alive, lively, style, style. These are all appearances, and the temperament is connotation, texture, and fundamental.

People, as long as they have a smile, can live openly and optimistically; people, as long as they keep smiling, can have a permanent pass on the long road of life.

Dreams are a happy thought, and when you think about it, you are happy. It stands there with attachments. It is a landmark of life and represents vitality and upwardness.

The aura of living is to be soft and soft, and there is heaven and earth in the chest. Be tenacious, stubborn and unyielding. Be proud and brave.

The auspiciousness of living is the head of the chest, the independent winter, facing the heavy snow, and the heroic pride that is still moving, is the heat of the summer, the thunderstorms, sitting in the study, the face does not change color, the copy of the book is leisurely and quiet.

How can I be happy? Just give up the grievances, abandon the false disguise, give up the desire for money, and give up the spy on power. You will find that happiness comes with you, knowing how to give up and gain happiness!

When faced with two choices, the coin flipping will always work, not because it always gives the right answer, but in the second you throw it in the air, you suddenly know what you want it to be!

There are always endless roads in the world, and there are rivers that can't be passed. This is the real existence in the journey of life. The road that can't be completed is just enough, and the river that can't pass can turn around in time, and it is also a kind of wisdom.

Use your feet to measure the earth, use your eyes to enjoy the beauty, embrace the nature with your body, wash your mind with sweat, use your love to sublimate your feelings, sing and beautify your life, beat your self with your will, and realize your life with wisdom.

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