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I learned to be strong

In a blink of an eye, one semester is over. During the semester, I have experienced a lot of things and learned things, but my biggest gain is that there is something more valuable besides learning - strong.

Before the half-time exam, I had a series of things that bothered me, fighting cold with my parents, quarreling with my friends, and not uniting with my classmates... A series of troubles made me not good at class, I didn’t eat well, I didn’t sleep well, all day long. Stubborn, so I chose to escape, chose to hide in the inconspicuous corner and cry silently.

After a while, those things stopped and stopped. This is, I realized that the way to escape and solve problems, choose to face, learn to be strong, and can do everything. Sure enough, I will solve the problem one by one in the near future. I thought this was strong, I thought I was strong, but the facts proved that my idea was wrong.

After the half-term exam, I received a phone call that made me sad. I told me that my father-in-law, who is like my loved one, passed away. After hearing the message, I was completely shocked. I don’t believe this is a fact. I really hope. The phone call was wrong, and I was hiding in the bed. I hope that when I wake up, everything will be restored. I chose to escape...

That night, I tasted the taste of insomnia. I tried hard to persuade, inspire, and told that I want to be strong and face reality. The rainbow after the storm will be more beautiful and more dazzling...

God, I bravely came to the father-in-law’s mourning hall. I smiled and met my father-in-law’s relatives. I smiled and laughed. However, I can still see the reddish eyes and the tears that didn’t hold back from the corners of my eyes. Over.

Finished the fragrance,

So beautiful... I saw the figure of the father-in-law passing by me, drifting to heaven, so beautiful... the legacy, but how do I feel that my father-in-law is also smiling at me? I think this time

Sixth grade: Rao Jianghong

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