Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

a famous saying of hard work

1. The tree is not repaired, the length is not straight; people do not learn, no knowledge.

2. Knowledge will always overcome ignorance

3. Knowledge is as precious as human blood. When a person lacks blood, his body will be weak; if a person lacks knowledge, his mind will be exhausted. - Gao Shiqi

4. Knowledge is like the spring water under the sandstone, the more the deep spring water is cleared.

5. The stars make the sky so beautiful; knowledge makes people grow up.

6. Knowledge has no bottom, no sea of ​​learning

7. Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking, and thinking. I just rely on this method to become a scientist. --Einstein

8. There is doubt in learning, while small doubts are small, and big doubts are big.

9. Jade is not awkward, not a device; people do not learn, do not know - "Book of Rites"

10. Books are ships that cross the sea in time.

11. Books are the world's nutrition.

12. There is no book in life, it seems that there is no sunshine; wisdom has no books, just like birds have no wings.

13. I rushed to the book, like a hungry man on a loaf of bread.

14. There are three readings, that is, the heart is coming, the eyes are coming, the mouth is coming - Zhu Xi

15. Standing on the basis of establishing a school, studying in a school-based study - Ouyang Xiu

16. The bird wants to fly high and flutters first, and the person seeks to read the book first - Li Kuchan

17. I am familiar with the 300 poems of the Tang Dynasty, and I will not be able to make poems.

18. The book is read a hundred times, and its righteousness

19. Old books don't get tired of reading back, familiar with the thoughts and self-knowledge - Su Shi

20. Reading a hundred times, its righteousness and self-seeing - "Three Kingdoms"

21. The method of reading, step by step and gradual, familiar and thoughtful - Zhu Xi

22. Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles - Liu Wei

23. Read a book and make a thousand strokes. - Tang Du Fu

24. Reading, reading, unknown and doubtful; secondly, there is gradually doubt; the middle is doubtful. After this time, the doubts gradually disappeared, and even the integration, there is no doubt, the beginning is learning. - Zhu Xi

25. Read a book and add one wisdom.

26. If you don’t eat, you’re hungry.

27. The bee picks a hundred flowers to make sweet, and the people read the books to explain the truth.

28. The sword does not wear to rust; people do not learn to fall behind.

29. Lush seedlings need water; growing teenagers need to learn.

30. Don't move forward, don't know the way; don't study hard, don't understand the truth.

31. Days and days, not afraid of thousands of miles; always learn, not afraid of thousands of volumes. Practice more and more, stay alone if you don't practice.

32. Learning is like a hurry, not a slow step.

33. Learn everywhere.

34. Mind and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask - Confucius

35. Don't chew on eating, don't know what to eat.

36. If you don’t think about it, then you don’t think about it.

37. Those who know are not as good as those who are good, those who are good are not as good as those who are happy - Confucius

38. The book is also a medicine, and the good reading can be a doctor's fool - Liu Xiang

39. The word "study" needs to be taken apart, learning is learning, asking is asking

40. Ask the canal to be clear, to be a living head to live water - Zhu Xi

41. A book is like a ship that leads us from a narrow place to an infinitely vast ocean of life.

42. Do not learn to know, do not ask for self-awareness, act in ancient and modern times, and there is nothing. -- Wang Chong

43. One hundred schools must first be determined.

44. Bao Jianfeng smashed out, plum blossoms came from bitter cold.

45. If people’s activities are not inspired by ideals, they will become empty and small. -- Chernyshevsky

46. ​​Why do you have to sleep more than five times, the most unhelpful one is afraid of one day exposure to the cold.

47. Determined to be true and considerate, reading must be hard work - Qian Yuan

48. Non-study is not talented, and there is no way to learn - Zhuge Liang

49. People are small in the mountains, and people enter the mountains to know the mountains.

50. The ant colony is small and collapses.

51. When the river reaches the sea, when will it return to the west? If the young and the strong do not work hard, the boss will be sad.

52. One inch of time is one inch of gold, and it is difficult to buy an inch of inch.

53. There is a problem in life, that is, how to make an inch of time equal to one inch of life.

54. It’s not going to come back in the prime of life, it’s hard to be in the morning. Timely and self-satisfied, the years are not waiting for people. --Tao Yuanming

55. Mo is idle, white head, empty and sad. --Yue Fei

56. Do you love life? Then don't waste time, because time is the material that makes up life. --Franklin

57. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Laozi

58. Whoever wants to know much, sleeps less.

59. The miser said that money is the root of life, and that diligent people see time as life.

60. Time is the most precious asset.

61. The trap is fine, and the reading is young.

62. Grasping one today is like two tomorrows.

63. In the early morning, I don’t have to worry about one day, and when I am young, I don’t study hard, and I’m misunderstood.

64. People who wait for time are people who waste time.

65. There are more lazy people in the mouth tomorrow.

66. There is no morning in the day, and time is no longer coming.

67. Time flies, please let me wait

68. There is a long time between today and tomorrow; when you are still in spirit, learn to do things quickly. --Goethe

69. If you need time, you have to make it yourself.

70. Genius is the ability to work endlessly and diligently. --Carlisle

71. Being smart and diligent, genius lies in accumulation. --Hua Luogeng

72. The determining factor for genius should be diligence. -- Guo Moruo

73. Genius is nothing more than a long-lasting patience, work hard!

74. Genius is 99% of sweat and 1% inspiration. -- Edison

75. Inspiration is nothing but a reward for "hard work." - Repin

76. One point of cultivation, one point of harvest; to harvest well, must be cultivated well

77. Dissatisfaction is the upward wheel. --Lu Xun

78. Life is in diligence, no matter what. --Zhang Heng

79. The industry is diligent and diligent, and it is ruined and destroyed. --Han Yu

80. Shushan has a road to work, and there is no end to the sea.

81. One day of hard work, you can get a good night's sleep; you will have a good night's sleep. -- Da Vinci

82. The human brain is the same as the limbs. --Mao Yisheng

83. Tang Yanzheng's "Encourage Learning": Three more lights and five chickens, it is the time when men read. The black hair did not know how to work hard, and the white head regretted reading late.

84. The flower of success, people often stunned the brightness of its appearance, but at the beginning, its buds were soaked in the tears of struggle, full of blood rain of sacrifice. --Bing Xin

85. There is no difficulty in the world, as long as Kenden climbs

86. Talent is the crystallization of blood and sweat. Talent is a blade, and hard work is a sharpening stone.

87. Only those who are trying to climb the summit can step on the summit. Difficulties are people's textbooks.

88. If you learn to go against the water, you will retreat if you do not advance.

89. As long as the effort is deep, the iron shovel is ground into an embroidery needle.

90. The more the knife is sharpened, the more the brain is used.

91. Even if you climb to the highest mountain, you can only take a step on the ground.

92. Laziness, like rust, consumes more body than labor; the keys that are often used are always shiny. - Franklin

93. People who have made achievements since ancient times cannot be separated from the word "bitter".

94. Everyone has a certain ideal that determines his direction of effort and judgment. In this sense, I never regard ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of the pig pen. --Einstein

95. Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you learn to suffer first. -- Turgenev

96. Success = hard work + correct method + less talk. --Einstein

97. If you want to succeed, use perseverance as a good friend, experience as a reference, and be cautious as a brother! -- Edison

98. Sweat and harvest are loyal partners, and diligence and knowledge are the most beautiful couples.

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