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Noble quotes

1. When a person uses his work to greet the light, the light will soon shine on him. —— Feng Xuefeng ★ Everyone is good, but the world is peaceful; everyone is private, and the world is in chaos. —— Liu Wei

2. Self-interested self-interest is a barrier to success. —— Lu Kun

3. If the smoke is forgotten, the heart is unselfish and wide. —— Tao Zhu

4. Always seek to benefit others and not seek to benefit yourself. —— Xie Juezhen

5. All self-interested lives are irrational, animal life. -- Leo Tolstoy

6. Human reason smashes superstition, and human feelings will destroy self-interest. —— Heine

7. Selflessness is a rare morality because it is unprofitable from it. —— Brecht

8. The gentleman is in Yuyi, and the villain is Yuli. —— Kongqiu

9. The old man is squatting, and his ambition is a thousand miles; - Cao Cao

10. Those who have made great achievements in the ancient times must not only have the talents of the world, but also have the steadfastness of perseverance. -- Su Shi

11. Life is a great person, and death is also a ghost. So far, Xiang Yu is not willing to cross Jiangdong. —— Li Qingzhao

12. The heart is not old, and you can still be a ghost when you die. —— Lu You

13. We judge people's activities for the purpose of people. The purpose is great, and the activity can be said to be great. —— Chekhov

14. Being unsatisfied and indecisive is a sad mind. —— Bacon

15. The ideal of life is for an ideal life. —— Zhang Wentian

16. Love the motherland, this is the purest, most sensitive, noblest, strongest, gentlest, most affectionate, most gentle, and most harsh feelings. A person who truly loves the motherland is a real person in every respect. —— Suhomlinski

17. Patriotism, like other moral sensations and beliefs, tends to be noble, so that he can more and more understand and love truly beautiful things, experience happiness from the perception of beautiful things, and use every method to make Beautiful things are reflected in the action. - Kailov: "Education"

18. People, as long as they have a belief, have a pursuit, what can be tolerated, and what environment can adapt. —— Ding Ling

19. The ideal person must not only be satisfied in the satisfaction of material needs, but also in the satisfaction of spiritual interests. —— Hegel

20. Only the kind of love that the evangelist loves in a noble way is beautiful, and it is worthy of praise. —— Plato: The Literary Dialogue

21. A person’s activities, if not inspired by noble thoughts, are unhelpful and small. —— Chernyshevsky

22. Not confined to poverty, not worthy of wealth. —— Tao Yuanming

23. Rich and untidy, the man is here. —— Cheng Hao

24. Poor, clean and simple life is where our revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties! —— Fang Zhimin

25. Keep aspirations. —— Zhuge Liang

26. Ambition is the beginning of a noble behavior. - Moglich

27. Even a person who does not have a noble friend is not worth living. ——[Ancient Greece] De Mokrit: "The Remnant of Works"

28. Self-respect is the quality associated with major things. A self-respecting person has great value, so it is a kind person. It is difficult to be a true self-respecting person. He must be noble and kind. ?? He is reserved for the nobles, and for the ordinary people. ——[Ancient Greece] Aristotle: "Nicago Marco Ethics"

29. Fresh and powerfulism is inherently exclusive in nature. Tolerate the enemy's beliefs from the beginning, it is impossible to have action, it seems weak, and it has no effect. Dugal patriotism and other moral feelings and beliefs make people tend to be noble - Kailov

30. A person's ability is small, but as long as there is this spirit, it is a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who is out of the low-level taste, and a person who benefits the people. - Mao Zedong

31. Money can be a virtue or a virtue. If we all help those who need help with a kind heart. Then we will find that there are many things in the world that are much more noble and precious than money. - Anonymous

32. All real work is sacred; as long as it is true two-handed labor, all work is somewhat sacred. Labor is as vast as the earth, and its peak directly reaches the kingdom of heaven. Khan on the forehead, until the sweat of the brain, the sweat of the soul; all the calculations of Kepler, the meditation of Newton, all science, all oral epics, all the "heroism" and "the spirit of the martyrdom" that are implemented This kind of sweat comes from - until all people call it the sacred "sweat of blood and sweat"! Ah, brother, if this is not worthy of worship, hey, then it is even more regrettable for "worship". Because this is the highest thing found so far in the world. [UK] Carlisle: "Past and Present"

33. Reading - For a cultured person, it is a noble enjoyment; I cherish books, it is a love that I love. - [Russia] Gorky: "Reading a disturbing book"

34. The so-called reading is to read books that are truly valuable in good faith. This is a noble pastime. ——[United States] Thoreau: Walden Reading

35. For the noble goal, I will pay for the price. -Roman Roland on life

36. Anyone who has no sincere and sincere respect for the truth can never talk about conscience, cannot talk about lofty life, and cannot talk about nobleness. - Roman Loren on Truth

37. The heroes we call are not those who win by thought or strength. The heroes I call them are only those who have noble virtues. -Roman Roland on morality

38. Without a courtesy, one can see the lack of education on the outside. The correct education is to make the appearance of courteous and noble education at the same time. - Goethe

39. Love the motherland, this is the purest, most sensitive, noblest, strongest, gentlest, most ruthless, most gentle, and most harsh feelings. A person who truly loves the motherland is a real person in every respect [Soviet] Suhomlinski: "Letter to the Son"

40. Because of the difference in talent and education, people have a high degree of ambition, a high-minded person who wants to be a noble cause, and a low-minded person who wants to do low-level things. Everyone’s ambitions have a certain direction in general, which is affirmative. However, what is discussed here is that if you have great ambitions, you may not be able to become a big business. If you are a big business, you may not expect future success from childhood. Even if you have determined your ambitions in general, his intentions and careers are always changing. Advance and retreat, change in advance and retreat is endless. Because of the occasional opportunity, there are also great achievements, and I hope that scholars should not misunderstand this. [Japan] Fukuzawa Yuki: "Summary of Civilization"

41. To spread the sun into the hearts of others, you must have sunshine in your heart. --France

42. The temperament is too illusory, and Dan’s heart is as old as ever. He did not report to the country and stayed as a loyal soul. ——Ming·Yang Jisheng

43. The heroic career has not been paid. - Water Margin, China Inspirational Network

44. Loyalty and integrity, not worn forever. ——Ming·Feng Menglong

45. I am good at raising my awe. - Mencius

46. ​​Who can raise the air to the world, spit out it into a rainbow. - Song Song Song

47. If you want to do your best, you should first seek for a good time. - Song Lu You

48. The road is footed out, and history is written by people. Every movement of a person is writing his own history. —— Ji Hongchang

49. The spring silkworms go to the dead silk, and the people will not stop. It is necessary to work hard to survive and to be a good young person. —— Wu Yuzhang

50. A person's life may burn or decay, I can't decay, I am willing to burn! - Ostrovsky

51. If you want to love your own value, you have to create value for the world. —— Goethe

52. Relying on the reputation of others is a sad life. - Euvinaris

53. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. -- Leo Tolstoy

54. Life is only emptiness and plainness in the eyes of ordinary people. —— Chernyshevsky

55. The value of a person should depend on what he contributes and not what he gets. —— Einstein

56. Only by dedicating themselves to society can one find out the meaning of a short and risky life. —— Einstein

57. Do you love all beings, don't love life? Love the extremes of life, and then love the group. —— Autumn 瑾

58. People who are full of joy and struggle spirit will always have joy and welcome the thunder and the sun. —— Huxley

59. Hope is attached to existence, there is existence, there is hope, there is hope, it is light. —— Lu Xun

60. We are people with lofty ideals and people with noble sentiments. Our spiritual life is very rich. Ideal, sentiment, spiritual life, these three are closely linked together. If we can solve these three problems well, then we will not be bound by material, we will create a new world with rich material and spiritual life. ——[China] Tao Zhu: “Ideal, sentiment, spiritual life”

61. Like the noblest virtues and the most ferocious dogs, the greatest hatred is silent. ——[United States] Richter: "Venus"

62. Only love with a noble goal is noble and praiseworthy. ——[Ancient Greece] Plato: "Drinking"

63. The most powerful and personal of the most painful is the pain of love. —— Engels

64. Despite the fact that it was so confusing and audible, the parties to the agreement were very clear. Their vows are not noble, and such vows are like owls or bats. - Zweig

65. Morality should be noble; when you are alive, you should be frank, behave, and be polite. - Montesquieu

66. If we choose the profession that works best for human welfare, then the burden cannot overwhelm us because it is a sacrifice for everyone; what we feel at that time is not poor, limited, selfish pleasure. Our happiness will belong to millions of people, our cause will be silent, but the eternal existence will continue to exist, and in the face of our ashes, noble people will shed tears. ——Marx famous words

67. If a gentleman does not take advantage of his righteousness, then he will be shameful and sorrowful! - Confucius

68. Loyalty is the path to honor. ——Zola

69. The people are humiliated by the loss of the form, and the gentleman is humiliated by the loss of justice. - "The corpse"

70. It is more important than Taishan to die for the benefit of the people. - Mao Zedong

71. The victorious people fight, the greed and the humiliation. - Lin Biao

72. Honor is like a firefly. It looks gleaming at a distance. It looks neither hot nor bright. - John Webster

73. If you want to be the happiest person, this is because of the nature of its own kindness, and its friends are like one. One friend is bound to be one of his wishes. Those who are eager to get must be obtained, otherwise they will become imperfections. Therefore, those who yearn for happiness need high-quality friends. [Ancient Greece] Aristotle: "Ethics"

74. Relying on the reputation of others is a sad one. - Euvinaris

75. The reputation of immortality, unique in virtue. ——Pidrak

76. Stick to your doctrine, and doctrine is more important than life; prefer life to disappear, as long as the reputation can survive. ——裴多菲

77. To be a righteous person, one must combine the nobleness of the soul with the wisdom of the spirit. - Aier repair

78. The reputation of immortality, unique in virtue. ——Pidrak

79. Persist in your doctrine, doctrine is more important than life; prefer life to disappear, as long as the reputation can survive. ——裴多菲

80. Loyal and respectable, unbeatable. - Ellery

81. A person has a lofty great ideal and must have a noble sentiment. Without noble sentiments, the lofty and great ideals cannot be achieved. - Tao Zhu

82. The more people with low status, the more ethical the conduct is, or else it is self-deprecating. - Turgenev

83. Reading a good book is to talk to many noble people. - Goethe

84. In misfortune, useful friends are even more necessary; in luck, noble friends are even more necessary. In the unfortunate, finding friends is necessary; in luck, finding friends is noble. - Aristotle

85. Goodness is commendable, noble and commendable. - Aristotle

86. Serious people imitate the actions of noble people, and frivolous people imitate the actions of despicable people. ——Aristotle China Inspirational Network

87. As long as a person ishave in a noble manner, he will be forgiven regardless of his ignorance. --- Balzac

88. Love is not just a feeling, it is also an art. A noble soul is painful for love, and it is always a good show. In the spiritual realm, true love can produce constant miracles. --- Balzac

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