Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Nightingale's famous sayings

1. Careful care can really avoid the prevalence of the disease.

2. Constantly talking about hope is a disaster for people.

3. People really want to see "outside the window"

4. People don't like to talk about themselves. He prefers to talk about the outside world.

5. God is kind, and for the sake of human consideration, he said a lot of absurd comfort words.

6. I would like to take an oath before God and the public. May I be pure and loyal to my life. Don't take harm or unhelpful things. Do not take or take harmful drugs. When we do our utmost to increase the level of our profession, all personal matters and all household chores that are known and heard during the service should be kept secret, and we will act with loyalty to help the doctors, and concentrate on paying attention to the happiness of the caregiver.

7. Nurses must have compassion and a pair of hands that are willing to work.

8. Looking for an excuse? My success is attributed to: I never make excuses, and I never accept excuses.

9. Life wants to be safe, when there are five things: one cleans the air; two clarifies the drinking water; three streams and ditches; four sweeps the house; five full of daylight.

10. Being a nurse is because of God's call, because man is the most precious and can take care of people to make him recover. It is a sacred job.

11. I am dead, please bury me in the parents' side. Remember, don't hold any lively funeral, just two people for funeral. do you know?

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