
After the cow

Put the horn on the hoe: Four are not like flies flying into the bull's eye: looking for tired flies to the burdock scratching it: no help to eat the hook of the cow fight: in the heart of the gully in the gully: eat the cow wearing the nose on both sides: let The man took the big car behind the squatting calf: the disabled poisoned the mouse as a cow: the lost yak yak rabbit: I don’t know which big one escaped the tiger, and ran into the bison: a fierce horse: It doesn't matter that the mad cow is drilling into the dead end: it's not good to turn back and put it on the burdock: It's a pity that the mouse is horny: the more drilled, the tighter the black day, the catching the cow: the red-headed fly, the yak, the yak: the smell of carrot yak: follow Running shoes on the cow dung: the bottom of the stinky yellow cattle fight: dead top yellow cattle plowing the ground: strong and slowly make the yellow cattle take the mouse: strong enough not to call the cow to sit on the bench: can not do nine cattle climb: each one of the nine cattle and one hair: insignificant Tigers rush to the cattle group: the willingness to get the old sows to fight with the cattle: the old face came to the old sow and the cow fight: the life is to smash the old cow is not afraid of the wolf bite: the old cows eat the grass: the two sides sweep the old tendon: difficult old Cattle pulling cart: burying the head and drying the old cow pulling the plow: The heart is weak, the old cow pulls the car: slowly and the old cow is dead: anyone kills the old cow and chasing the rabbit: there is no way to make the old cow go the old road: the old bull walks: no trouble, the old bull drills the dog hole: difficult to pass the mouse drill Into the horns: the more the old buffalo pulls the car: the old man will not sneak a few cows: a generation of bad old man stealing pigs stealing cattle: one is more than a fierce child stealing pigs stealing cattle: one The generations of the older generation of smashing the cattle and ploughing the fields: each line is the scorpion, pulling the slashing the cattle and ploughing the fields: the stalks of the stalks are placed on the oxen's mouth: the hull ants catch the oxen and have a sharp point: they think they are on the mountain and sell the cows to sell the scorpion back to a dumb : There is nothing to say that there is no bridle buffalo: everywhere to spread the mouth to avoid the child as a cow: messed up the cow on the back of the saddle: chaos set the flea on the nose of the cow: self-important

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