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Grasp the opportunity

1. Destiny is an incredible thing. Although people have their own aspirations, they often encounter many difficulties in realizing their ideals. Instead, they will lead themselves to the opposite path of interest and succeed in one fell swoop. I think I am like this. - Matsushita Yukisuke

2. The average person always waits for an opportunity to fall from the sky, and does not want to work hard to create this opportunity. When a person dreams of how to earn 50,000 pounds, a hundred people simply dream of 50,000 pounds and fall in front of them. - Milne

3. What is truly accomplished in the world is often not the first-rate wise man, but the second-rate clever and second-class stupid person. Too smart, I will look at everything, refuse to do stupid things, spend time, and hopeless. - Anonymous

4. If no one appreciates it, the crow's voice will be the same as the skylark; if the nightingale sings in the noise of the flocks during the day, people will never think it is more beautiful than singing. How many things can achieve a perfect state because of the favorable environment, and win a proper appreciation! - Shakespeare

5. Life is a second development opportunity for each of us to stand out through new efforts and new attitudes. People should not limit themselves and stick to it. For the second opportunity, what is needed is the ability to recognize and act decisively in time. May everyone be a lucky one in life. - Anonymous

6. Don't think that the opportunity is like a guest coming to your house. He knocks at the door in front of you and waits for you to open the door to greet it. On the contrary, the opportunity is an unpredictable living baby, invisible, silent. Interest, if you don't have to work hard, try to find it, you may never encounter it. - Anonymous

7. The opportunity to catch the hair of the forehead first, and after you don’t catch it, you must catch the bald head; or at least it will give you the bottle, if you don’t take it, it will put the bottle The round body is for you, and that is hard to catch. At the beginning of the beginning, make good use of the opportunity, no more than this wisdom. - Bacon

8. I have found that what most people demand from life is the opportunity to have a choice, which is more important than anything else. The worst life may be a life without choice, a life without hope for new things, and a life of a dead end. On the contrary, the most enjoyable life is the life with the most opportunities. - Campbell

9. Sometimes a person is hit by a terrible blow to bad luck, whether it is from the public or an individual, it may be a good thing. The ruthless god of destiny hits a bundle of harvested crops, only the stalks are smashed, but the grain is nothing to feel, it is still on the field, no concern whether it is going to the mill or not Into the furrow. - Goethe

10. We can only know part of it for events that actually affect the future of our lives and our final destination. There are countless big things—if they are called big things—and almost happened to us. However, it was passed by us and did not produce any practical results. There is not even any light or shadow that reverses our hearts, making us aware of their proximity. - Hawthorne

11. The Ming Dynasty changes with time, and the knower works according to the matter. ——桓宽

12. The only provable cause and effect in the world; how much effort you will have to make. - Anonymous

13. The opportunity is only once, once you lose it, you will never get it again. - Bai Langning

14. Waiting for an opportunity is a very clumsy act. - Anonymous

15. When you come and don't lose, you can't miss it. --Su Shi

16. People can't create opportunities, but he can seize the opportunities that have already emerged. - Shelley

17. Breaking through the iron shoes is innocent, and it takes no effort. ——Schneider

18. If the opportunity does not come, create it yourself. - Deceive Myers

19. Pay attention to any moments that can be profitable. When the opportunity comes, you will lose your arms and regret for the rest of your life. - Anonymous

20. I want to do what day, the day is the auspicious day. - Anonymous

21. The amount of opportunity should be seized. - Anonymous

22. Optimists see opportunities in every disaster, and pessimism sees disaster from every opportunity. - Anonymous

23. The person who knows the time is Junjie, and the first one is not Mingzhe. ——Cheng Yunsheng

24. If the blessings come, I will not enjoy it. - Cervantes

25. Have good knowledge, good skills, and the best luck. - Anonymous

26. When you can't take it, you will regret it later. ——Schneider

27. Look for your own opportunities. - Pitacus

28. Action depends on the timing, and the ship is going to rise. - Anonymous

29. Everyone can of course be reluctant, but limited to what he understands. - Goethe

30. If you shed tears because you lost the sun, you will also lose the stars. - Tagore

31. Those who do not wait for the opportunity to give gifts are conquering their destiny. - Arnold

32. The mediocrity complains that his situation is not good, and the great man works hard to transform the environment. - Anonymous

33. Your own destiny should be created by yourself, and hypocrisy and bad things should be absolutely excluded. - Chekhov

34. I can't choose the best. It is the best choice for me. - Tagore

35. Opportunity is the best moment in the flow of time. - Anonymous

36. Those who want to wait for a good opportunity are waiting for the moonlight to become silver. - Ross Joort

37. In life, there were always some fragments that were not important at the time, but in fact they touched the overall situation. - Sacre

38. Lightning will never fall twice in the same place. - Anonymous

39. If someone misses an opportunity, it is not that the opportunity has not come, but because the opportunity has come, no one has reached out and grabbed it. - Anonymous

40. A wise person always seizes the opportunity to turn it into a better future. - Toll Fuller

41. The gentleman's possession is in the body, waiting for the moment. - Anonymous

42. Those who are good at capturing opportunities are Junjie. - Goethe

43. The opportunity is not lost, and time is no longer coming. ——Zhang Jiuling

44. Life is rich in opportunities and changes. When people are most proud, there is the greatest misfortune. - Aristotle

45. If the flower is in full bloom, it is best to pick it first. Be careful not to look at the scenery again. Otherwise, it will fade away and fall into the dust. - Shakespeare

46. ​​The weak are lost opportunities, the strong are making opportunities, there is no time, this is the best confession of the weak. - Anonymous

47. Whoever has a timid moment, may have let go of the lucky bait that fortunately extended to him in this moment. - Dumas

48. Stupid actions can make people trapped in poverty; actions that match the timing can make people rich. - Clark

49. Opportunities will not come to the door; only people will look for opportunities. - Dickens

50. What is the use of opportunities for people who cannot use it? Just as the wind is only motivated by the people who can use it. - Simon

51. It is your own business to ruin the opportunity and blame others. - Anonymous

52. In marriage matters, opportunities and destinies are often inconspicuous and unpredictable. - Austin

53. The secret of success in life is to seize it when a good opportunity comes. - Disraeli

54. The most difficult person in life is no choice. - Moore

55. Opportunities will not only create thieves, but also create great people. - Anonymous

56. When you move, you are quiet from time to time. - Anonymous

57. Life does not depend on luck, but on the technique of playing chess. - Anonymous

58. If you give a loophole, you will be evil. - Anonymous

59. Only the fools wait for opportunities, while the wise men create opportunities. - Bacon

60. When luck smiles at you, hug her. - Anonymous

61. There are many people in the world who are successful, and must be because he will do more than you, but only because he dares to do more than you. - Bacon

62. Whenever the world comes together, the hero is not free. - Luo Yin

63. Lucky will come every month, but if you are not ready to meet it, you may lose it. - Anonymous

64. Only some of the great advantages of talent can't make a hero, but also have a good luck. - La Rochevko

65. No matter what a person does, losing the right time and the right time will be completely lost. - Plato

66. It’s hard to be good, and when you have a good time in life, don’t go to the old dreams. - Anonymous

67. Opportunities are undisciplined. - Hugo

68. Numerous changes in personnel are bred in the embryos of time. - Shakespeare

69. What the flying birds will always catch. - Anonymous

70. Many people have wasted their entire life waiting for opportunities that meet their wishes. - Nietzsche

71. As long as everything is done and pursued, the person will grasp the wheel of the aircraft. - Emerson

72. There are always moments when people are in danger. - Hugo

73. Everything is eternal, and only a limited number of people can come across it. - Pischel

74. Opportunity is the nickname of God. - Sangfu

75. Lucky timing is like trading on the market, and as long as you delay it, it will drop the price. - Bacon

76. Sometimes a door is closed, but the rest of the door is open. - Cervantes

77. Opportunities can be useless if there is a lack of careful preparation in advance. - Tocqueville

78. Adversity is the first path to truth. - Byron

79. Opportunities are important, but hard work is the key; not hard work, no more opportunities. - Anonymous

80. Life has passed very quickly, and an opportunity never appears twice. - Anonymous

81. There are so many things happening purely because of opportunities. We don’t even dare to expect in advance! - Terentius

82. Because of the excessive prudence, people will pay less attention to the timing and will miss the opportunity. - Rousseau

83. When riding the wind, it is time to awn. - Cervantes

84. A man seeks what he needs, travels all over the world, returns home and finds it. - Moore

85. A wise man creates more opportunities than he has. - Bacon

86. A person who has a good calculation will not regret it if he does not proceed quickly. - Dante

87. Opportunities only pay attention to those who know how to pursue her; there are definitely more opportunities for people to abandon. - Anonymous

88. Only the commanding commander on the battlefield can win. - Anonymous

89. Pay attention to any favorable moments, and the opportunity is lost! Goethe

90. If people do something with one heart and one mind, they will always encounter chances. - Balzac

91. Don't plan the future based on the past. - Burke

92. Do not think that the opportunity will knock on the door for the second time. - Sangfu

93. When the opportunity comes, it is as short as lightning, and it depends on your use without thinking. - Balzac

94. The most important thing in life is knowing when to seize opportunities, and secondly knowing when to give up. - Disraeli

95. Progress means that the goal is constantly moving forward, the stage is constantly being updated, and its vision is always changing. - Hugo

96. People should look at the opportunity like a thousand-eyed god before starting to do things, and seize the opportunity like a thousand hands when doing it. - Bacon

97. Luck is a mirror that breaks when it shines the brightest. ——Montaigne

98. A smart person creates more opportunities than he finds. - Bacon

99. When opportunities come to us, we must seize them in time and use them. This is a great art of life. - Jensen

100. Opportunity only favors those who have prepared minds. - Pasteur

101. A person must create opportunities for himself, just as he often finds it. - Bacon

102. Angels visit us, but we only know when they leave. - Anonymous

103. Opportunities are in the midst of a lot of complex factors, and occasionally make up a gap that is good for you. - Anonymous

104. No winner believes in opportunities. - Nietzsche

105. People who are always unable to meet the opportunity will eventually be lucky. - Seneca

106. Only when you are buried, can you be in the first place, eager to get ahead, and you won’t really get anything but your own troubles. - Shakespeare

107. Everyone who is good at waiting will arrive in time. - Balzac

108. Luck usually takes care of thoughtful people. - Nobel

109. Those who know how to circle and detour are often the first to climb the mountain. - Anonymous

110. If you can't grasp the opportunity, you have to live forever and nothing can be done. - Shakespeare

111. The history of discovery shows that opportunity plays an important role, but on the other hand, even in those discoveries that succeed because of opportunities, opportunities only play a part. - Beveridge

112. Luck is as round as a ball, so naturally, it does not always fall on the head of the most kind and noblest person. - Beethoven

113. We met like a seagull and met with the waves, and approached. The seagulls flew away, the waves rolled away, and we were separated. - Tagore

114. Regardless of how people boast of their great actions, they are often the product of opportunity, not the result of a great intention. - La Roche Fuco

115. Beware, young helmsman, don't let your cable loose, don't let your anchor shake, don't drift away until you don't notice it. - Rousseau

116. What is the use of time for those who do not take advantage of the opportunity? An unattained egg is washed away by waste of time. - Elliott

117. Gamblers who devote their lives to gambling, when they dare to act, have full confidence in their own strength and believe that bold adventures are the only form. - Zweig

118. If human beings cannot take advantage of opportunities, opportunities will flow into the vast sea with the waves of time, and become eggs that will not hatch. - George Elliott

119. Opportunities seem to be very tempting. In fact, there are many unreachable and beautiful things that are deceptive scorpions. The best chance is right beside you. - John Brouss

120. Most of the lucky people develop the habit of considering the problem from the worst outcomes, beware of accidental attacks, practice this principle every day, and act strictly according to this. - Marcos Gunther

121. If a person is nervous and speaks to the West, he will hesitate and delay things. The result of the fallacy is that people are sad and pitiful. - Shakespeare

122. Those who run fast may not win, those who fight hard may not win, those who do not have wisdom may not have food, and those who do not necessarily have wealth, and may not be pleased with dexterity. Whatever comes to everyone is the opportunity at that time. ——-佚名

123. Once we have attracted enough attention in the world to play a role in it, we suddenly roll like a ball and never stop again. ——Heine

124. When the danger is approaching, it is better to be good at seizing the opportunity to attack it than to hesitate to dodge it. Because the result of hesitation is precisely missed the opportunity to overcome it. - Bacon

125. If someone misses an opportunity, it is not that the opportunity does not come, but because the waiter does not see the opportunity, and when the opportunity comes, he does not grasp it. -Roman Roland

126. Life is not a spontaneous self-development, but a long-term opportunity. Events and decisions, these opportunities, events and decisions are determined by our will at the time they are realized. - Cohen

127. Since life, all life with all the fun, opened up in front of me, why bother to fight and work in this narrow, occluded cupboard? - Lev Tolstoy

128. It’s one thing to talk about theory calmly, putting ideas into practice – especially when it’s time to act decisively – is one more thing. -Roman Roland

129. The only destination we have in this world is to live well, to show ourselves, to live to those who love ourselves, and to live to those who despise themselves. - Anonymous

130. If you want to get that opportunity in your life, you must plant it, and it is best to plant more because you have not yet known which seed will germinate. - Campbell

131. Who is the top of the line; who can be lucky, so no matter which line, as long as I become a top, I will be lucky, the opportunity will naturally come, and when the opportunity comes, I will be able to sail smoothly. - Rousseau

132. A successful career, and don't think that the god of "destiny" brings you. The god of "destiny" does not have this power itself, but is dominated by the god of "discrimination." - John Dolden

133. The brightest festive flames are probably ignited by accidental sparks. From time to time, the fragrant flowers on the road of life naturally grow from the seeds that fall by chance. - Samuel Jensen

134. Gu Yu said well, the opportunity for the elderly to give you the hair first, when you did not catch and then regret, but only touched its bald. Or it will give you a bottleneck that you can catch. If you don't catch it in time, you can get the bottle that you can't catch. - Bacon

135. [British] Bacon lost the East, and received the mulberry, what is lost is not necessarily your loss. Many facts prove that you can be blessed by misfortunes, just to see if you have the strength to bear the pain of a moment. - Anonymous

136. When opportunities are presented, if you can grasp them firmly, you can win 100% of the successes that can overcome the incidents and find opportunities for yourself. - Carnegie

137. Being good at identifying and grasping opportunities is extremely important. In all major undertakings, people must look at the opportunity like a thousand-eyed god before they start doing things, and seize the opportunity like a thousand hands when they are doing it. - Bacon

138. If a person is interested in everything, he can use his eyes to see what is being given to him on the journey of life, time and opportunity, and never miss what he can do, in his short life. How many adventures will be captured. - Lawrence

139. You are interested in everything, so whenever you put it into practice, you feel that there is boundless life, and you never miss an opportunity. Although in a short life, you can experience a lot of meaningful attempts. - Anonymous

140. A person is more important because he sees another way of life. After only half an hour of consideration, he is willing to abandon his life and career. This requires a strong personality. If you take this step, you will never regret it. That requires more personality. - Maugham

141. The problem with most of us is that when the opportunity comes to us, we are blinding our eyes, and few people are able to pursue their own opportunities. Even when they stumble, they cannot see it. - Carnegie

142. No matter how many good words you know, no matter how good you are, when the opportunity comes down, if you don't use it concretely, there will be no progress. If you have a good idea and don't contribute, life will not improve. - William James

143. When a person falls into such a situation: he believes that certain things will happen, because he does not want them to happen, and the things he hopes to happen will never happen. This situation is called "self-destruction." . ——Schopenhauer

144. Disasters - This thing reminds us most often and unambiguously that things in life are not all in accordance with our own arrangements. There are two kinds: their own bad luck, and the luck of others. - Bills

145. Everyone has a good fortune, only to see if he can accept it; but if he does not pay attention in time, or stubbornly throws away the opportunity, then it is not the chance or fate to play with him, but only to blame himself. Lazy and absurd; I think people like this have to complain about themselves. - Chaucer

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